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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. Not if the TV doesn't recognise the USB stick, which was the whole point of this post.
  2. The Friends Of Eddie Coyle 1973. Starring Robert Mitchum. Gritty crime movie. Available PB.
  3. Before the Devil Knows You're Dead 2007. Great crime thriller with Ethan Hawke and Philip Seymour Hoffman, directed by Sydney Lumet. Available PB.
  4. I was thinking of getting a cooling fan for it, similar to what I had for my laptop.
  5. No, you read correctly.
  6. Is the question because you wish someone had told you?
  7. Maneerat Visa and Tour, Soi Post Office.
  8. The only difference I can see in those specs is mg-30s, mg-20s and mg-10s, which are all related to the Air Mouse. Are they the specs you mean?
  9. If you don't mind waiting a month to see him.
  10. I'm not following the difference in what you call pure Android an TV Android.
  11. Never noticed if you actually stated what Android box you use.
  12. OK thanks for all the helpful info guys, will report in once I've made my purchase.
  13. I appreciate all your input, but if I'm becoming annoying I won't be offended if you choose to ignore me.
  14. What's the difference in the 3 you listed? I see what appears to be the same model for as little as 1300 baht. Call me a procrastinator but I enjoy learning as much as I can about the item I'm buying. One of the reasons I like the HK1 is that it has the Nova media player installed, which is what I use on both TV's. This app shows the covers of all the movies on the flash drive as well as attaching subs very quickly and easily. It's the best app I've found, better than VLC IMO.
  15. Are those hubs powered by mains power? The ones I see on Lazada have a USB connection. Plus, once you plug your USB drive into the hub, how does that connect to the TV? I take it you have to supply your own charger because none I have seen on Lazada have a power connection. I see one like this... https://www.lazada.co.th/products/vhoic-usb-77-ac-usb-usb-20-i4312166702-s17162365178.html?clickTrackInfo=query%3Apowered%2Busb%2Bhub%2Bwith%2Bcharger%3Bnid%3A4312166702%3Bsrc%3ALazadaMainSrp%3Brn%3A9298e8d9dbdf6e78be3fe8cca5600151%3Bregion%3Ath%3Bsku%3A4312166702_TH%3Bprice%3A169%3Bclient%3Adesktop%3Bsupplier_id%3A1000412652%3Basc_category_id%3A14376%3Bitem_id%3A4312166702%3Bsku_id%3A17162365178%3Bshop_id%3A638689&fastshipping=0&freeshipping=0&fs_ab=2&fuse_fs=1&lang=en&location=Overseas&price=169&priceCompare=&ratingscore=0&request_id=9298e8d9dbdf6e78be3fe8cca5600151&review=&sale=0&search=1&source=search&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.24a31a2bNDMHxQ&stock=1
  16. Still looking at various models, but this one seems like it might be OK.
  17. And yet I have a WD My Passport 500gb that plays fine on both the Panasonic and Sony TV's.
  18. Some flash drives work and others don't, no matter what the format. Just bought a 2tb WD Elements external HD and the TV won't recognise it even when I tried changing the format.
  19. If I can download from a torrent site like PB directly to an Android box, that would be good.
  20. The TV is in the bedroom so it will have to connect wirelessly, same as the Android TV.
  21. Because I'm having a bit of a problem with the new Panasonic Android TV recognising some of the USB drives. Is an Android media player like an Amlogic capable of downloading movies from a torrent site like PB?
  22. Something that I can download all my movies, TV etc and watch on the big screen rather than streaming or downloading to a USB, but I won't need to use it like my desktop for searches etc. Oh, and it has to be bluetooth because it won't be connected to a modem.
  23. Pardon my ignorance, but am wondering if there is anything like a small computer box that can be hooked up to a TV and operated with a remote?
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