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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. Yet the Thai police have failed to arrest the RedBull guy for killing a policeman
  2. Total BS he has zero health issues it’s all a con
  3. Are they still pursuing the REDBULL killer who mowed down one of their fellow officers .
  4. Will they be saying that after January 20 when Trump is crowned President Trump is going to hammer imports with high taxes no different to what Thailand does
  5. Why the need for the extension its just delaying tactics does she have to hide away some of Pappas baht
  6. He she has had full surgery so what is the concern, as the saying goes let sleeping dogs lie don't get involved let them both enjoy life .
  7. I have over 30 million baht of properties in Thailand, of which I pay yearly property tax. I pay UK income tax even though I left the UK 19 years ago, there is no way am I going to pay more income tax to the Thai government , if I have to I will divide my time between the Philippines and Thailand and share what wealth I have between the two countries . I am fortunate as my sister in law is from the Philippines the family will always accommodate me if need be.
  8. What about all the Thai criminals we could start off with Khun Toni who escaped justice by being holed up in the police hospital and let’s not forget the RedBull guy who killed a police officer
  9. No helmet and I bet no license to ride a scooter or motor bike these two items should be the number one priority of the owner of the rental company and if the renter cannot fulfil the requirement then he should not of been allowed to hire the machine !
  10. I've got a hybrid, not a plug-in the gasoline charges it Thailand doesn't have enough charging stations especially when it comes to the islands and a home charger takes a good 8 hours I would never ever invest in a plug-in electric vehicle in Thailand
  11. I used to until a mate passed away three years ago and the bank wouldn't release his 800k I now keep the bare minimum in the bank and use an agent for 15k per year only require a passport and up-to-date photos now renewing for the 4th time never an issue the agency has been providing the service for more than 15 years so I imagine there must be 1,000s of customers using them
  12. I am not fat I'm 73 kg and 175 cm I work out every day, but I'm bald as I have my head shaved once a week as it is too hot to have a mop on my head hope this answers your question
  13. Take a wad of money in along with your passports and you will be made very welcome the best bank is Kasikorn I moved from SCB bank toK bank so much more welcoming
  14. Getting a driver’s license using an agent is illegal I wouldn’t be broadcasting it if I were you as for the house book and ID card think i paid 300 baht some 8 years ago took about 20 minutes
  15. He should be in prison no ifs or buts he is more powerful than all the military!
  16. The Thai judiciary is not fit for purpose a very sad day for all people murdered or killed yet those responsible get away due to an antiquated law . The RedBull guy will end up walking away as a freeman in the not so distant future !
  17. Sacking the manager is somewhat harsh over his comment as for the guest if you can afford to stay in a top class hotel then you can afford 20 baht for a tooth brush . I hope your satisfied that your comment cost an individual their job !
  18. 5 million is not a large amount ! maybe not for a scouser but for your average Thai they can only dream about having 5 million in the bank or in this case hidden somewhere in the house in order to dodge paying Taxes
  19. You have to ask yourself how these police officers end up with millions of baht flash cars and jewelry when their salaries are far less than a police officer in the US or Europe !
  20. Tourists will go elsewhere ! Thailand is no longer a welcoming country after 19 years living here I’m now looking to move to another Asian country
  21. I pay 600 baht to come to my property and give me massage for one hour they come in there own transport anything additional is by private conversations between client and massage lady !
  22. Sadly nothing will happen I’m beginning to think that Toni is in one of the most influential individual's in the Kingdom who appears to be untouchable !
  23. Back in 2009 I accompanied my then accountant to the municipal buildings on Samui in order to obtain a yellow house book and pink card the conversation was in thai my accountant ushered me to the exit door and on leaving the building she informed me I could obtain the documents if I coughed up 25,000 baht I obviously refused as I knew what the actual cost was , which depending on provenance can be between 200 and 500 baht . I no longer live on Samui I have my yellow book and pink card which cost me less than 500 baht . This case could go on for the next 20 years unless a financial settlement can be reached !
  24. Who needs a wife Tinder or Thai friendly are wonderful dating apps love them and leave them when you both get bored with each other and that’s normally within a few days !
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