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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. I served with NATO Forces suggesting Thailand should be considered is an utter joke having lived in the kingdom for nearly 20 years and knowing a couple of ex army personnel it just would not work
  2. I was at Fisherman’s a month ago with my two grandkids the sea was full of sewerage big turds ,used tampons in the water maybe this lady need to get into her bathers and have a swim down there
  3. All pie in the sky Thais say all these things but they never carry them out 20 years ago they were going to build a 320 berth marina in Bangrak where is it !!!!
  4. I’m all for it if it becomes a public airport and I cannot see that happening as it’s the biggest earner for Bangkok Airways The PM would be a wiser man if he invested monies into infrastructure such as sorting out the severe water shortage when you can’t flush the toilet because the water has been turned off or you can’t get rid of the sewerage only into the sea as I witnessed several weeks ago at Fisherman village Bohhut ( Turds In the sea) then we have a major problem ! The airport is privately owned and charges rip of prices i can fly from Bangkok to India for less than Samui to BKK
  5. True he can only act as a consultant as lawyers from other countries cannot represent someone who is appearing in court in Thailand so he must have a Thai lawyer
  6. Plea deals can be made especially in Thailands a few years back a guy I knew mother made a financial charitable donation for her son to receive a lighter sentence instead of the possibility of 15 years he got 5 he’s now back home in Scotland
  7. What were they drinking to get a 1,000 baht bar bill the most I ever spent in a lady bar was 800 baht and that was beer for me and beer for several ladies who I was playing pool with over a 3 hour period
  8. They’ve been talking this nonsense for years 20 years ago they were going to build a 300 birth marina for private vessels that would bring in more income than the odd cruise ship birthing overnight It’s all pie in the sky promises like the 10,000 baht free handouts for all those 16 and over it’s all total BS this guy has made so many promises he’s lost count !
  9. Thailand is becoming the Den of Thieves Russia is full of gangsters who have now moved to the likes of Thailand since the visa issue was relaxed soon it will be fighting between Thai and Russian Mafia there will be blood on the streets money laundering has become rife god knows what will happen if the Chinese mobsters get involved the government need to do yet another flip flop and reinstate the former visa requirements
  10. Had that been a Foreigner it would of been a court appearance aheavy fine and there visa revoked yet a thai gets away with a 1,000 baht fine pity his car didn’t sink into the sand and get flooded
  11. Without doubt Seatran is by far the best and safest vehicle and passenger ferry
  12. It was lucky they were only a few ks away any further out or had it happened in the dark of the night it would of been far worse I have heard rumor of some deaths I hope they are just rumors
  13. I’ve heard it all now sitting on a step on the beach looking out to the ocean and ending up with PTSD every Tom Dick and Harry uses this as an excuse does she wake up in the middle of the night sweating profusely after having a back flash of the Swiss man kicking her I doubt it but the money chasing lawyers will be telling her what to say !
  14. The current PM wants to bring global stars to Thailand one name he mentioned was Taylor Swift would she need a WP !
  15. In the first place I would never marry a thai as I’ve seen to many friends end up with nothing there like vultures as most especially those from the North have never had money 50,000 baht would’ve like winning the lottery anyway you’ve paid it you’ve bought your wife was it a proper wedding or was it just a blessing from the monks a proper wedding would be down at the local amphur and you get a certificate I ask because one friend thought he was married but all he had was a blessing he to handed over a large sum of money and his grandmothers jewellery
  16. How did he get away without renewing his passport or was he using a fake one and how did he get away with avoiding capture for so long what was he doing in Thailand as he would not have been collecting his UK pensions and did he molest any children in the Kingdom with some luck he will not see freedom again as he’s now in his late years
  17. Would be interesting to see if the Reform party mention it in there next manifesto to make it fully legal that would certainly be a vote winner . Notice how they fail to bring up the promised 10,000 baht handout for all Thais above the age of 16 seems uncle Tony party is full of broken promises
  18. Is he still in the UK or has he returned after his Easter break . Bet there a lot of very senior officials hoping he never returns as he is one guy who will almost certainly bring down others with him they will rename him as Big Whistleblower
  19. Maybe you need to go breathe in the air in Chiangmai fora few days you won’t complain about the smell of weed and this is coming from a guy who doesn’t touch the stuff I won’t go down the alcohol route as it killed my son last year he was 45 the coroners report was seizure to chronic alcoholism
  20. How many thai people agree with you I don’t do the stuff but I know a lot of Thais in my community who do including a handful of policemen and they do it openly not behind closed doors and yes there are weed plants all over the place for all to see !
  21. He is saying what he’s been told to say from uncle Tony who we all know is running the show as the puppet master ! To do a u turn would be utter madness as 1,000s of businesses would be forced to close the economy could even collapse such is the income being generated and I haven’t even mentioned all the growers I would even suggest that should they flip flop it could cost them the next election it’s to late the horse has bolted !
  22. If it’s banned and Reform say they will reintroduce it if they win the next election it’s sure to be a vote winner for them since Uncle Tony returned from his fugitive years everything seems to being reversed and the good folk of Thailand who were all promised 10,000 baht last year are still waiting on what could be another broken promise
  23. I suppose this is on the orders of Uncle Tony yet here we have Germany making it legal once again Thailand flip flops as per normal
  24. The old guard won’t last forever there are to many elderly politicians and no matter how much wealth you have it does not buy you good health come the next Election they will almost certainly lose there voters asBob Dylan sang “The Times are a Changing”
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