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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. I should be okay as the UK has a tax agreement with Thailand otherwise I may have to relocate to s’more accommodating country
  2. Yes you are correct as we witnessed that with the recent return of a criminal who was holed up in some Arab country
  3. How many millions ! 300 mil ? Please enlighten us !
  4. This is how to make easy money you only have to write a bad review and you get sued
  5. Is that why I ended up with a sore throat last week problem was I couldn’t resist burying my head into her freshly cut lawn
  6. Yet we long time residents who have supported the economy in both good and bad times get nothing except grief when we go to immigration it’s time this 90 day reporting was kicked out of the door no need for it if you have a one year visa
  7. How about the defunct car ferry from Koh Phangan to Samui that alone must have an effect on the local economy.As there is no longer a car ferry I’ve had to resort to online shopping via Lazada the last time I was in Samui was two years ago but with no warning the daily car ferry was stopped and has not been reinstated WHY !
  8. It states that the Russians wife was in attendance so why would he make sexual advances unless he had other ideas !
  9. Sadly in this case one punch can be fatal he will now have to face the consequences of his actions it sounds like to much consumption of alcohol was the main factor RIP to the deceased
  10. Security firms don’t hire mercenaries they hire ex military personnel I’m ex military and yes there are a lot of us living in the kingdom and living a peaceful life !
  11. It said he had been helpful to authorities in Samui I wonder what helpful means I need to sort my grass out !!!
  12. Reading this he would of been 22 years old when he arrived in Thailand and yet he is or was a mercenary would be interesting to know where he trained in fire arms and tactics most Mercenaries are ex military personnel. Can only think he has some good friends high up to avoid having his visa revoked
  13. I’m sure the owner would of paid for 1st class insurance if not I have zero sympathy
  14. No thanks lying in some warehouse for years with rats running all over the place doing there business all over the sacks I’ll give it a miss
  15. A couple of months in the detention centre will do him a world of good before banning him from Thailand
  16. I’m confused the headlines read Phangan but then it states the arrests were in Koh Samui.
  17. Be nice if we could get the car ferry from Koh Phangan to Koh Samui which was stopped about two years ago
  18. I’m 73 years young been into water sports all my life I have a paddle board /kayak and a powerful jet ski no matter what I go out on I always wear a life jacket I have to assume that as he drowned he was not wearing one also with jet ski you wear a wrist band attached to the ignition which would immediately cut the engine if you came off the craft and yes all jet skis must by law be registered with the marine police sadly this regulation requirement seems to be ignored by a lot of jet ski owners
  19. RIP to the deceased I have a jet ski they are safe if you know what you are doing , it mentions he drowned I have to assume he was not wearing a buoyancy aid which is a must he would also have had a wrist band attachment that cuts out the engine should you fall off I hope the family find out exactly what happened RIP
  20. A young activist died last week whilst being held in a detention centre after she was refused bail yet here we have a former government minister who was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment and did not spend a single night behind bars WHY ?
  21. What’s he doing out at that time most people are in bed fast asleep one thing I’ve learned having lived here for many years is never argue with Thais they hate to lose face and sticking a knife in someone’s body is not an issue especially when they’ve been sipping the cheap thai whiskey all day
  22. I wish them well but many people come to Thailand wearing tinted glasses after spending a couple of weeks on holiday . No free hospitals no free schooling no free benefits , constant immigration issues the list is never ending I hope that a year or two down the road were not reading about them returning back to the UK as the streets weren’t paved with gold . They’ve been mugged into giving there story I really hope it doesn’t ball go belly up like others have found
  23. The PM is not running the country he is only a pro I to a billionaire who was supposedly on his deathbed a couple of months ago but made a miraculous recovery in the police hospital , what a pity those same doctors could prevent that young lady who was in detention awaiting trial who apparently had a massive heart attack and died last week while in detention May she now be at peace
  24. No individual who has committed a crime should be allowed in government and I include every government around the world .
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