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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. Problem is a lot of Thais are not interested in these jobs a couple of years ago you couldn’t find a kinder garden on the island a foreigner comes along opens one up and everyone is grassing them up
  2. Nine male officers to arrest one female unbelievable
  3. Enjoying life to the full while family and friends of the activist who passed away whilst in the detention centre and was refused bail is mourned One rule for the elite and one rule for everyone else !
  4. Do the crime do the time I have zero sympathy for her!
  5. Why was she not given the same treatment afforded to Thaksin it proves that if you have immense wealth you are treated much differently sadly the Thai justice system appears to favour the wealthy
  6. Such as !!!! I remember the hunger strikes in Northern Ireland in particular Bobby Sands who today is regarded as a martyr for giving his life in protest . This lady I suspect will one day be treated in the same way I’m sure that her death will encourage more of the younger generation to demand change
  7. It makes sense to holdout until this flip flop government can make a decision as it’s pointless investing many millions only to be told that the plant has been upgraded to an illegal drug category everything was going well until a certain individual was allowed back into the country .When I look at the current situation this government is in I say bring back the old PM at least he didn’t flip flop like the current one look at the digital wallet they promised and have failed to introduce it
  8. How about all those who have heavily invested in the cannabis industry only to see Tony and his sidekick to bring it to an end any major business that invests in Thailand need there head reading even the likes of Tesco sold up at the end of the day
  9. He’s not the only one to have resigned of late should we be worried that the government are bringing in yes men and not those with principles
  10. I read it in the international news yet it’s barely made the headlines here very sad why did she not be given the same treatment as the man they call the fugitive and place her in a private room in the police hospital from what I read by the time they got her into a hospital it was to late apparently she was treated at the detention clinic May god look over her soul and give her everlasting peace RIP
  11. The digital wallet scheme I fear has been buried under all that rice yet another broken promise to the people
  12. And I bet the warehouses are full of those things with big whiskers and long tails I often see them running about in the garbage strewn on the roads so dread to think what a warehouse would be full off
  13. For a minute I thought it was the latest dance craze for the full moon party ! How do they know this was filmed in Bali !
  14. Here we come the scare mongering tactics pity they don’t compere smoking pot to drinking cheap thai whiskey or road accidents This is the type of scare mongering that we will see for the next 9 months but it’s okay to open gambling’s casinos and watch the Thais fall into mountains of debt By the way I don’t participate in any form of drug taking but it now appears Tony has given a clear order to close down all weed shops It’s only a matter of time that they make life more difficult for foreigners to live here
  15. If your going to ban it then it must be a 100% ban that means closing down all the farms and industry cultivating the plant and if not Who is going to police it
  16. Total BS it’s all a pipe dream trade and visa are two separate issues and let’s face it 80+ % of Thais could afford to spend time in Europe on the wages they earn
  17. All this back tracking since the fugitive was allowed back and let off with his prison sentence what about the 10,000 baht promised to all those 16 and over that to will be reversed. Come the next election this bunch of so called ministers will be sent to the abyss by the voting public to many old men with no idea to Move Forward to enhance the countries prosperity
  18. No comment I don’t want to put myself in a position where I could be arrested for writing an opinion !
  19. Sounds like another cover up RIP to the deceased
  20. I would imagine that he will be fined 10,000 baht that used to be the going rate a minor infringement of his work permit nothing more I suppose the headlines are a warning to others.
  21. This guy was on his deathbed two months ago the police hospital must have performed a miracle as now he’s running around visiting every man and his dog reminds me of the film the Life of Brian Jesus was crucified on Friday and on Sunday resurrected can only conclude that like a cat he has 9 lives
  22. It’s called theft I was out the other night on my own had a meal and a couple of beers asked for the bill and when it arrived I told the waitress it was undercharged she was adamant it was correct I called the headman over told him what I’d had and yes they undercharged by 100 baht had they realised the mistake later the poor waitress would have had it taken off her salary I went home and had a good sleep !
  23. He’s not the only convicted criminal in government so what difference does it make as yet I have to hear if any other party such as MoveForward have any convicted criminals it’s clear to see that crimes committed in Thailand are rewarded to higher office
  24. The local plod love having there pictures taken did it take 5 of them to apprehend the accused
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