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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. That is certainly going to upset those who stole his victory what a pity that western governments failed to condemn Thailand for not accepting the people’s choice of party to govern , did any of the uncles make it in the list of 800 !
  2. Democracy is an unknown word in Thailand the election has been stolen from the rightful winners and the voters are very angry come the next election those who betrayed the people will be history
  3. At 72 years young the answer is yes my masseuse visits my home once sometimes twice a week 90 minutes to die for she’s never let me down !
  4. When I came to Thailand 18+years ago I made up my mind that money invested was money i was prepared to lose that has been always the same as none of us know where we stand as governments chop and change the rules at the click of a finger . Yes I have a beautiful beach property by way of a company if it all went belly up I would lock the place up or rent out at a very modest price and move on to the Philippines where my U.K. pension would be increased at the current rate by £30+ per week as far as I am concerned it is the value of the beach land and not the two properties that are on the land and in time when my time has come to meet my maker my two adult grandchildren Brother and Sister will inherit all my possessions both here in Thailand and the U.K. all that is needed in Thailand is that the Company account are kept up to date on a yearly basis that’s unless someone knocks on my door with an offer I cannot refuse that happened with my last Thai property .
  5. Every prisoner in the system should make a written application for a pardon if this fugitive who ran away to escape justice and has his sentence reduced then so should every other individual otherwise it’s double standards the poor get a miserable life in the Nick where the wealthy ones just throw there money at those in charge and buy there freedom
  6. It was a non starter there would of been mass demonstrations on the streets
  7. Just goes to show you money can buy anything in Thailand even your freedom from a risen sentence if you do the crime you should do the time ????????????
  8. How about putting the food in bags as she stated was the procedure but instead of taking it home go outside and give it to those homeless Thais living on the streets I was in Bangkok in February and was astonished by the amount of people sleeping on the streets my heart went out to them there was a street food seller it was midnight I purchased all her food and told her to hand it out to those in her immediate area which she did as I watched her do it there area was a 5 minute walk from Soi Cowboy
  9. All Fools Day is April 1st not September the 8th ????????????????????????????
  10. Who in there right mind would trust an unelected government these clowns are o better than the unelected government who they replaced the elected government were the MFP but these clowns sent them into opposition with the help of the unelected senators. I would rather trust my cleaning lady she has more honesty in her little finger than this lot
  11. PT are a finished force when the next GE comes along which hopefully will be sooner rather than later the only worrying thing is that the fugitive will be in control and will be dictating to the current PM who let’s face it is the fugitives stooge they will come to an agreement with the military to keep the unelected senators to try a protect there foothold in government it will then be down to the people to come out in the millions and vote for MFP otherwise nothing will change
  12. Don’t t be surprised the military are still in control that is why the Fugitive billionaire is been taking care of PT have sold there souls to the devil trouble is come the next election which will happen well before it’s due they the PT will be wiped out
  13. It appears that Thailands new motto could be “ Do the crime but not the time “ every prisoner incarcerated in Thai prisons should apply in there 1,000s for clemency leading to a pardon regardless of the crime they have committed and any prisoner of ill health should be released immediately
  14. I never discuss my wealth when people ask I tell then I am comfortable it’s pointless telling an untruth as they know I own a beautiful beach front property and drive an expensive car . I choose to live on my own but I do have a few lady friends who I like to spoil when in the mood The main thing is that at 72 I’m rich in health and that overrides any amount of money or items that I own
  15. My understanding is that a prisoner convicted of a crime has to serve a minimum term of there sentence before applying for a pardon if this is the case the fugitives application should be rejected instantly or is it a case of one rule for the mega rich and one rule for all the low life’s who are currently incarcerated in inhumane conditions . This individual is a convicted criminal he should be treated the same as any other prisoner no special conditions if he is pardoned I can only see outrage from the public who might have brothers sisters mums , dads or other relatives incarcerated maybe every prisoner should apply for clemency that would really put the government in a serious situation
  16. This coalition will gradually breakup when they see that the PT have no intention of keeping promises made , in my humble opinion and I hope I am right I can see another GE wishing the next two years
  17. No doubt 50+ big fat brown envelopes will be getting handed out to secure there freedom and have all charges dropped my understanding is it’s not illegal for a Thai to own a gun I would imagine most of those apprehended would have been children of wealthy Thais
  18. He betrayed all those voters with false promises he cheated them he doesn’t deserve to be in government he sold his soul to the devil
  19. If he thinks that then he is not fit for any position in government
  20. Sorry to say this but there are more Thai scammers than FB scammers as a foreigner most of us get scammed every day as we are overcharged if we buy local produce thankfully now there are stores on the islands where regardless of nationality we all pay the same price prior to those arriving when I went to the local fruit or fish markets I would be charged double the price . The truth of the matter is that there is so much social media that people can discuss anything from politics to corruption Thailand could be well following there very good friends China by trying to restrict all forms of social media to there citizen’s!
  21. The corrupt fugitive would never have returned unless it was a done deal the Junta needed him to keep the MFP out of government dealings have been going on well before he returned personally I think he should spend time in prison he should not receive any preferential treatment as for the sickness that to is a load of ????????
  22. How very convenient that this should happen when he has been in the country for less than 24 hours how would another prisoner been treated would they to have been airlifted by helicopter to a luxury suite in the police hospital I’m asking for a friend who is currently a guest in the Koh Samui prison
  23. Would be far better if they scrapped the 90 day reporting as it’s a total waste of time as well as paperwork .the time wasted could be used to apprehend those who abuse the visa rules by overstaying there visa status
  24. 16 BBE many thanks we will stay in opposition , but every time you want us to vote you know what the deal is more BBE
  25. Last week the fugitive was celebrating a Birthday party no health issues then he then lands in Thailand kissing the floor waving to supporters all dressed up to the nines with his Grecian black hair all nicely groomed yet with a few hours of being in prison he is whisked away in a helicopter as he is feeing poorly and now resides in his own luxury suite in the police hospital as he waits his pardon due to health related matters of course its a stitch up nothing more nothing less this was all done to keep the junta in power the fugitive is the person in control of the newly elected government he has had 17 years to plan this outcome
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