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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. Boom Radio is a fantastic U.K. radio station if you haven't heard of it give it a try what they don’t do is play the rubbish that we see coming out on the likes of Radio one
  2. I presume your more than happy as things have been with the outgoing PM who will now cling to power if you gave a good enough reason why you don’t want to see Pita as PM rather than just saying you don’t want to see Pita as PM you might have an argument but you fail to give a reason why I for one was looking forward to seeing a progressive party coming into power rather watching the old guard stuck in there old ways controlling the people .
  3. Now begins the stitch up how convenient that this happens when the current PM announces his retirement from politics . I can see riots on the streets of Bangkok if Pita is stopped from becoming the PM . A sad day for democracy
  4. It’s going to be a very interesting next 10 days it will either be a peaceful transition or all hell is going to break loose
  5. Amazing Thailand ! nothing amazes me anymore with regards to such announcements there are 1,000s of overstayers first stop should be Phuket around the Russian area
  6. Yes a dead man walking with zero authority
  7. I’ve been here20 years why should I ignore Thai politcs
  8. I would hate to think that the MFP are going to end up being totally stitched up by a bunch of unelected ministers appointed by the Army
  9. I would have thought that meetings such as this should be postponed until the new government is in place as a temporary government I would of thought important issue like this would of been put on the back burner to allow the new PM of the MFP to make the decisions. Hopefully MFP will take up office in Government sooner rather than later !!!!
  10. I just completed a transfer a few minutes ago had none of that took all of two minutes to complete the transfer maybe you need to contact Wisedirect they normally reply within the hour
  11. I had the original two vaccines with no issues then I was offered the boost which I gladly accepted only problem was that my immune system has gone one way and that is downhill I now suffer from tiredness and catch a virus
  12. I’ve had a good 18 happy years here purchased and sold property in that time so much so I was able to build my beach home. Yes it’s high stakes but when I came here I was prepared to lose the capitol I had brought over I knew and fully understood the consequences and risks I was undertaking there is absolutely no way could I ever had such a property in Europe . If I lost it tomorrow I would shed a tear but I wouldn’t be destitute and I would take with me 18 wonderful years of living in Thailand my next destination would be the Philippines where my U.K. pension would no longer be frozen and would give me an extra 2,000 baht a week . Life’s a gamble some you win some you lose but as my dad taught me never keep,all your eggs in the same basket !!!!
  13. I read that as early this morning but I had no issues over my electric being out as stated unless they mean Thursday night but as it’s from 00.00 than would be the 16th and not the 15th
  14. Suratthani is a big province it would be helpful to know the actual area or island that they were apprehended on . I would t be surprised if there were a large number of Russians on overstay due to the conflict that is taking place looks like the crypto currency guy will be getting free bed and breakfast for a while as the saying goes do the crime do the time !
  15. If we are honest enough I would imagine a lot of us including myself have been scammed and I’m not just including Thailand it happens all over the world even from those who we thought were friends .
  16. Fired several shots at close range but failed to kill him must of been an amateur. I had a run in with a Russian last week I’m 72 he was about 30 they are at the opinion they run the place !
  17. The EC are dragging there backside over this issue in the hope everything will go away and the old government can be reinstated back into power in August . In democratic countries the new party would of been already serving in Government but here a month later and nothing has changed and that’s the way the old guard want it to remain , a people’s vote of change has fallen on deaf ears it’s being totally ignored and I can only see it ending up with troops on the streets holding a flower in one hand and a rifle in the other hand the old guard will manipulate this election in there favour I don’t believe for once that the EC are independent as made out to be I hope I’m wrong ☹️☹️
  18. When your dead your dead but the vultures come out of the darkness and rape you of everything you worked hard for all your life thankfully none of us are here to watch them after all we are dead
  19. Everything will be done to stop MFP from becoming a coalition government this is going to go on for months on end
  20. What’s that well known saying “Liar Liar Pants On Fire”
  21. They must all be doing one in there trousers in my humble opinion I cannot see this happening the guy who has been in power will remain in power the senate will make sure of that
  22. Regretfully I cannot see Move Forward moving forward to many of the old brigade won’t allow it to happen nothing will change it will be the same PM that has been running the show since he took office
  23. Where are they all living in the boonies oh I forgot I’ve got one living next door to me
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