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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. My brother earns 8k +++per month in Dubai he has a small apartment a nice car and enjoys a good lifestyle in 10 years he has been there I never hear him complain , he was in London a month ago and told me London is now more expensive than Dubai mind you he does enjoy eating in the Ivy and Gordon Ramsey’s establishments
  2. How many times have we heard this BS it’s not going to happen unless he’s done a deal with whoever the incoming government is going to be . They should concentrate more on getting the RedBull guy back I can only assume that a lot of very big fat brown envelopes are still being passed around
  3. No they move around to Samui ,Koh Phangan , Koh Tao the island are full of them I had a run in with one of them a few weeks ago they have zero respect for other peoples property
  4. They are not tourists they are escaping being drafted to fight a war in Ukraine which they will never win . It would be interesting to see how many are overstaying there visa’s I bet it’s a good 60% and there are those who are working with no work permits but immigration turns a blind eye after all Thailand cannot afford to upset Russias best friends the Chinese Regime as they need the engines for those useless submarines they purchased even thought the waters in the Kingdom are not deep enough they will spend most of the time above water moored up !
  5. In 10 months time the unelected senators will be unemployed the Thai people have already had to put up with the regime for 9 years so 10 months is nothing better for the coalition to be the opposition and oppose the minority government every time they try to pass legislation when the unelected clowns are out of office put a vote of no confidence in and call a General Election MFP will win by a mile and those who opposed the party will be lucky to win any seats in future elections
  6. If the coalition are sincere to each other they will agree to a postponement for Thursdays proposed election for a new PM until the courts meet and make a decision over the case presented to them
  7. Coming from the guy who illegally took power and changed all the rules in his favour . If it all goes belly up I can see him moving to Dubai along with all his other cronies.
  8. The 250 unelected senators will not vote him in due to them being in coalition with MF don’t be surprised if within 24 hours MFP are banned from politics by the courts the whole thing is a total stitch up the old guard refuse to accept the vote of the people
  9. Please God No No No he hates us Dirty Farangs
  10. Some of my Thai FB Friends have changed there profile pictures to the following I expect in the next day or two there will be millions more posted on different social media platforms
  11. In my humble opinion the unelected senators will not pick any of the candidates as long as they are in coalition with MF party it would be better if the coalition stuck together and allowed a minority government to take charge and once the unelected senators term ends in 10 months the coalition could place a vote of no confidence and hold new elections however PT might decide to get into bed with the military and ban MF Party if there is no PM elected next week that the people approve of I can only see mass demonstrations throughout the Kingdom for months to come
  12. Yet more BS from these dreamers ,went to see some friends who arrived a few days ago from Australia there staying on a resort that has at least 100 rooms and except for them the place is empty we sat in the restaurant for a good two hours the only other people there were the girl behind the bar the place was deserted and this complex has a beautiful beach front
  13. The coalition need to stick together if the worse comes to the worse let the caretaker government run in the short term May 2024 is only a few months away then the unelected senators are no longer and the caretaker government can be given a no vote of confidence and new elections can be held and may the best progressive party that wants change win by an overwhelming majority all the old codgers can put themselves out to grass along with there buffaloes and expensive swatches as there time is soon coming to an end .
  14. If this happens come the next election they will be wiped out MF will realign itself or even change the name and will sweep the floor over any other party one thing about Thai people is that they never forget those who have cheated on them !!!!
  15. They would have got him over something else if it wasn’t the shares you need to wake up the current regime don’t understand the word democracy another candidate will come forward and will fail until the senators have got there own way they want a poodle as the next PM
  16. It should never have come to this had this guy not manipulated the constitution so that it would always go the military’s way . Democracy is no longer in the Thai vocabulary what’s the point of having further elections under the current rules .
  17. Democracy is non existent in Thailand the voters have been cheated by an unelected committee. It’s time the rest of the world condemned Thailand for the way it’s handled the election that was held in May now we are in then middle of July and still these unelected individuals will not accept the people’s vote . A shameful day for Thailand .
  18. You can own or borrow watches worth millions of Baht and not be investigated or being a convicted drug dealer and still have a government post but inherit a few shares in a defunct company and your investigated with the possibility of spending time in prison if found guilty I suppose that’s why they advertise as “ Amazing Thailand “ !
  19. The whole situation is a total stitch up what is the point of having elections in the Kingdom when the people choice is ignored by an unelected bunch of clowns who refuse to accept change
  20. He will be a dead man walking as very few bills will go through due to the coalition opposition I am sure there is a way to bring the government down if the wrong PM is voted in meaning another GE would have to take place and I am confident that MFP would win by a staggering number of votes
  21. Clever move let’s hope it goes through what’s the point of having these unelected clowns if they cannot be bothered to vote Yay or Nay or stay at home because they can’t be bothered turning up in my view those who abstain or fail to attend should be regarded as a yes vote
  22. Pita has more intelligence in his little finger than the 200 unelected clowns whose tenure will come to an end in May 2024 maybe the coalition would be better off being in opposition and allowing a minority government take the reigns they could out vote everything brought forward bringing these cronies down so that there would have to be new elections the MFP would then win by an absolute landslide there would be no need for a coalition of parties .
  23. I expect to see a million people on the streets of Bangkok come the next vote for PM on the 19 June . To me anyone who abstains there vote should be counted as a yes vote as well as those who purposely failed to turn up for such a crucial vote . By the looks of it Thailands elite do not want change for the good they are ignoring the people’s vote which was the highest vote ever recorded in the kingdom ,a very sad day for democracy. The will of the people has been ignored by a bunch of scoundrels . I wouldn’t be surprised if like last time the demonstrators close all the major airports down that would be more problematic than street demonstrations .
  24. The names of those who abstained should be made public they are nothing short of a bunch of cowards . This was always going to be a stitch up they don’t want democracy in Thailand the military want to keep control and if the millions of voters decide to do nothing about it they will be in control for years to come . I can see huge demonstrations taking place maybe on the 19 July when the next vote takes place the only other option is to allow the current government to continue as caretakers but for the coalition to oppose all new laws this would bring them to there knees and a new election would have to be held let’s not forget these dinosaurs of unelected senators come to an end in May of next year which is only 10 months away
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