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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. Have been involved in two friends funerals just for the funeral 2 nights prayers , transport remains ,flowers . Picture . Clean body , gasoline , food for 40 cost on average 25,000 baht the gasoline alone was 3,000 baht and for one of the friends they ran out and called me to go buy another 30 litres that also included going back at 3 am to collect the bones and the dispersal of them I chose to place the remains in the sea went out on my kayak rather than pay for long tail which would of been another 1,500 baht if you don’t have the prayers , flowers , and food then you only have to pay for the gasoline and the guy who takes care of it all also there is all the costs for the death certificate, release of body ,translation of all paperwork that’s in the 25k as the two friends passed within 6 months of each other the cost was roughly the same
  2. They’ve invaded Koh Samui , Koh Phangan and Koh Tao they rent a few houses from Thai owners then sub let them at double the price I know a few on education visas as a way of getting around the system yet they earn money even tho there on an education visa
  3. Would be interesting to see how many are overstayers I would imagine there are a lot as many are young draft dodgers but what will happen to them when they return to there homeland no doubt a couple of years hard Labour having been classified as deserters / draft dodgers
  4. Santander recently closed my bank account with no explanation it happened after they had called me on my Thai mobile I explained I was a U.K. taxpayer they asked me about other U.K. banks I was with as well as other investments I told them it was none of there business I d been with the bank 10 years and although I had a good amount in the bank none of my pensions were paid in to it it appears Santander wants it’s customers to commit 100% to it bank and no other bank but one thing I’ve learnt is you never keep your eggs in one basket
  5. MFP must abstain do not allow PT in government in 9 months time the unelected senators will be shown the door let the current caretaker government run the show until then then once they have gone submit a vote of no confidence which will enable a new GE and MFP will win by an absolute landslide
  6. MFP must not fall into the trap like the unelected senators every member should abstain let the circus continue until the unelected senators are out of office and maybe a new GE can take place for the past 9 years we’ve been ruled by clowns what’s another nine months when these u elected senators are shown the way out
  7. Am I surprised absolutely not like everything it’s brushed under the carpet hoping it will be forgotten
  8. All this BS is getting really boring do these people in high office think that the good folk of Thailand are all idiots the last thing the military want to see is the return of the former PM no doubt plans are well and truly are ahead to ensure he never sets foot on Thai soil while they are in charge
  9. Come the next election all these treacherous parties will be wiped out and I can see the next GE taking place sooner rather than later
  10. Despots they have betrayed the people who voted for them with broken promises MVP will win the next election by a landslide the PT are finished as is the coward who hides in another country
  11. 2022 Toyota Corolla 1.8;Hybrid GR Sport 60th Anniversary Edition superb drive and super economical had it ceramic coated well worth the money
  12. When you see who his friends are that’s all you need to know about the man . I for one am gutted the MFP are not going to get a look in due to all the dirty dealing that is going on I hope the PT treacherous behaviour towards the voters comes backs to haunt them sooner rather than later
  13. The good people of Thailand have been sold down the Chao Phraya River by these traitors
  14. There is a very well known saying it goes like this ! “ You can take the girl out of the bar but you cannot take the bar out of the girl “ having been here for 18 years o have witnessed many heart broken farangs who’ve ended up going home penniless that’s the reason why I go and have a massage as there is no commitment that doesn’t stop me going to the bars as some of the girls are very good pool players !!!!!!! Having said all that I was recently up in Bangkok went to a place fir a drink only to find all these beautiful 20+ year old girls everyone stunning yes they were selling sex in order to pay for there university costs one that I spoke to was studying to be a doctor so maybe we shouldn’t think these people are uneducated bimbos .
  15. How many times have we heard the BS the only way he is coming back if he has done a deal with the military and if that’s the case his party have betrayed the people who voted for them
  16. An advertising campaign for the wealthy Chinese how much did they pay her for this social media stunt
  17. I met a Thai lady we liked each other so much that we ended up going the full hog she had told me she had a BF but he lived in Germany . We didn’t live together but she would come to my place a couple of times a week and that suited me after about 3 months I found out be pure accident that her BF was her Husband when I challenged her over it her answer was in Thailand you can be married and still take a BF / Lover so I’ve carried on she is currently in Europe staying with him ! I don’t know the answer to your question all I can say is when the cats away the mouse will play !
  18. This was the plan all along the PT are about to turn traitors on there supporters by getting into bed with the juntas parties and unelected senators I see the temperature about to explode with democracy now dead in Thailand Thaskin has no doubt done another dirty deal in order that he can return home . I expect MFP and any coalition that remain with them to vote against the PT
  19. PT are about to sell there souls to the devil the voters will never forget this if it happens . I congratulate MFP for sticking to there principles and refusing to be blackmailed. I expect to see 1,000s of orange shirts on the streets of Bangkok shortly not forgetting a lot of Bangkok resident voted for MFP . As for Mr T returning next week that is never going to happen unless a deal has been done to ensure the junta remain in power . The next couple of weeks could be dreadful for those who long for democracy watching it stolen from under there eyes I sincerely hope I am wrong but having lived in Thailand for 18 years and invested a lot of my money I cannot foresee any change for the future !
  20. The last 9 years have been an absolute disaster so another year would make it any worse as for saying the economy would suffer it has since the junta took charge yet somehow they manage to keep the Thai baht strong I can only conclude it’s called currency manipulation I for one would not be to worried to see the current caretaker government carry on until all the unelected senators are shown the door after that a vote if no confidence could take place and a new GE the good folk of Thailand could then turn out and vote for the party that has just been deprived of there win as this time there won’t be any of these unelected senators to stand in there way
  21. MFP have been well and truly stitched up they will now be on there own in opposition up against all the traitors who joined the coalition and no doubt a new bunch of senators will be nominated by the next government to ensure the MFP or what other new name they call themselves will never ever get into power
  22. You only have to look at the picture to know which ferry it is there are only two car ferries that run to Samui and Phangan from Donsak
  23. I would put my money on it being the Raja ferry the vessels are like rust buckets I to have ended up stuck on the Raja due to malfunction of the car ferry doors Which resulted me missing my hospital appointment . There has not been a car ferry from Samui for a couple of months only a passenger ferry . Years ago the Seatran would do a car ferry once a week every Wednesday if my memory is good it was superb it sailed in the morning at 7 and left Samui at 5.30 in the afternoon it was a superb service I wish they would start it up again if I want to go to Samui now I can only go via Donsak it’s a 4 hour trip each way and costs around 2,800 baht return for car and driver passengers are not included in that price . I don’t know if this is correct but someone mentioned that the Raja was under Army ownership !
  24. Isn’t there already a convicted drug dealer in the current government or am I misinformed
  25. The defunct ITV shares were held by Pitta’s father until his death which then became part of the late fathers estate as far as I am to believe the share never actually belonged to the future PM nevertheless all the vultures in power have lynched him in order to stop him being the next PM but those who own expensive watches and expensive cars very rarely get questioned over where they got them from its one rule for those who are in with the Junta and one rule to those who are opposed to the Junta
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