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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. If your Thai national you can drive around all day with a loaded gun but as a foreigner you get sent to prison better be careful I don’t walk out with an empty cartridge case the next time I visit the local shooting range
  2. I’ve rented cars using my Thai drivers license never a problem now that I am over 70 I haven't bothered renewing my U.K. licence as it has to be by way of a medical certificate every 3 years my current driver license has still got 4 years to run I can drive on it in another country for up to one year
  3. Most of the shops have closed what they should of done was to build a huge complex with apartments above the shops as for the car park what a waste I was there two weeks ago the place has become a ghost town when it first opened it was a really nice place but the actual shopping complex has become a disaster maybe the owners need to attract business by reducing the rents yes the night market seems to be recovering but I wonder how much customers are spending or are they just out for an evening stroll .
  4. Yes I have just purchased a repossessed vehicle 3 months old 250,000 baht less than the original purchase price it’s a hybrid in red plate condition no need to buy a new car just look around there are bargains to be had
  5. The Thais are very good at currency manipulation one day and it’s not that far off it’s going to bite them in the rear end
  6. If it was the other way round the Thai would be demanding a million baht don’t accept his apology he di.d run away he drove away knowing full well what he had done
  7. 10 million is a lot of money the adjoining land looks like it’s water logged if it had a million baht worth of good fish species in there it would be worth considering it looks as if it’s been dug out would be interesting to know what means is used to keep the pond full
  8. I agree with your remark I’m 71 years young we have an eating place by me that is open 24 / 7 sometimes if I cannot sleep I go there could be 2,3,4 or 5 in the morning and very occasionally I might fancy a beer or glass of wine with my chicken omelette what’s wrong with that they could reduce accidents by making sure that there is a proper driving test and that those driving have the correct license for that particular vehicle there are many Thais who don’t hold a license and there are many who even fail the simple tick box test
  9. These clowns are out of touch with todays society you can drink 24/7 in your home and go out and kill someone a few years back I was knocked off my bike at 8 in the morning by a <deleted> up Thai who lost control fortunately I could se it coming and although he clipped me had I not had such a notion of what was to happen I would of been in the temple the guy was on his way to work
  10. There fleeing the Russian regime knowing that they are going to be called up for military service to fight in Putins illegal war against Ukraine
  11. I don’t do any type of drug but this particular plant has helps 100 of 1,000s who suffer with certain illnesses as well as that millions have been invested by Thais in opening shops and purchasing stock is the government going to compensate these poor souls for investments lost if they decide to declare that they have reversed there decisions . This government has become the laughing stock for constantly ending up with egg on there faces . It’s a pity they can’t spend more time trying to stop the amount of people killed and injured on the roads
  12. Could you send it to me as well I would appreciate your assistance ????????
  13. If your wealthy that’s all well and good but for the normal Thai they are in debt up to their eyeballs
  14. There are more important issues to sort out first like stop manipulating the Thai Baht !
  15. First I don’t do any form of drugs unless coffee and alcohol fall into that category nor do I condem those who do it the ones I do condemn those who are dealers in hard drugs . Here on the islands there is now a weed shop on every corner in the last few months it has exploded a lot of Thais have placed big money on setting up business and have purchased buds at top prices and at the flick of a switch the Thai government decide they made yet another bad decision and or have already changed the rules so where does that lead us to in my humble opinion a great opportunity for the local police to go around demanding brown envelopes to ignore what’s going on it already happen in all the local lady bars Last week the law to allow foreigners to purchase freehold land this week it’s a change of law to put many Thais out of business by introducing stupid laws before they have been throughly looked into “ Amazing Thailand “
  16. What a load of BS the baht remains the same the $ has weakened very misleading headline
  17. Immigration are only interested that you have 800 k in your bank end of if you haven't got the required amount then they will knock you back
  18. I use wise all the time as all my income come from my home country you will have no problem for getting your letter of funds from abroad from your Thai bank anyway IO is not interested in where the money came from all they want to see is that you have 800+ k in your Thai bank
  19. Theses idiots have ended up with a lot of egg on their faces they try to run before they have learned to walk . Only an idiot of a foreigner would invest huge amounts of money by buying government bonds in order to buy and own 1,600 square metre of land millionaires and billionaires don’t invest in the likes of a county like Thailand there are far better countries that offer far better deals to attract investors
  20. Don’t know about saving face this is scrambled egg all over there faces what an absolute farcical situation these clowns have put upon themselves ????????????????????????????????????
  21. There all running away from the madman Putin in case they get called up to go fight an illegal war as it’s not an invasion it’s a war 300 Russia. Soldiers killed in one day with not an officer to be found amongst them they are lambs to the slaughter
  22. Corruption in Thailand is an open door policy they show the world there is no need to do dodgy deals under the table just have big brown envelopes piled high on the desk for all to see
  23. But it’s okay for all the elitist Thais to go buy land and properties around the world normal hard working Thais can only dream about winning the lottery . The U.K. should repossess all the Thai owned land and properties
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