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Everything posted by JimmyJ

  1. False. There is only a 30 day non-renewable Tourist Visa offered by Vietnam. No 45 nor 60 day Visas exist.
  2. Stop the presses! New headline...
  3. "SayHi Translate" "An Amazon Company" This one???
  4. I was in Da Nang, the 3rd (more or less) largest city. There are 3 major private hospitals there: Family; Hoan My; Vinmec. They all have an International Department. I used all 3. My experience was that they are on a par with Bangkok Chiang Mai and Ram. As far as not speaking English, in general it was not a problem but even if they told me "Yes, the Doctor speaks English" I would ask for a Translator/Nurse Helper to be there. But it was rare if the translator in Vietnam was actually needed, and several times they took off once it was clear that the Dr. and I could communicate in English. As you mention, I recall one older Dr. in Vietnam where a translator was fully necessary, perhaps 2, perhaps one younger Dr. But the translators took care of that issue. In CM, the 2 people at the International desk take care of translating if needed, and at Bangkok CM I don't know. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever insisted on having an English speaking translator at the 2 CM Hospitals. In Da Nang, Family had at least 4 Nurses/Nurse Helpers with very good English and I would always make sure I could get one to come with me just in case. (They had an American GP working there for awhile). At Hoan My I found one when I first went there and would always have her come with me. Vinmec had 2, both had excellent English. I had 1 accompany me most of the time, but I don't think it was ever necessary. Vinmec was a bit more expensive than the other 2 and newer, more like Bangkok CM here vs. Ram. I don't think I ever asked for a translator in CM so English is more of an issue at the Vietnam hospitals but it was always overcome without it creating much of a problem. As far as Vietnam not being set up for medical tourism, I don't know exactly what you mean so can't agree or disagree.
  5. Private hospital in Vietnam: CBC; PT (Prothrombin Time): Heart Lung X-ray; ECG; Colorectoscopy with general anesthesia without biopsy; Endoscopy without biopsy; 5 medications; Follow up consultation. Total cost - Just under $300 USD. They took one sample and gave me the option which I opted for to test it: Just under $50 USD.
  6. Which clinic is that? Do you recall the dental surgeon's name?
  7. The above post got a "7fecta" emoticon response - Each emoticon used in response. Should there be a special prize when this occurs? If so, what?
  8. Vietnam is being totally incompetent for not promoting the country for medicql tourism. I think my Endoscopy/Colonoscopy was a few hundred at a good private hospital - will check and post again. (I'm assuming it's a lot more here - maybe not?).
  9. I am using iHerb for this. Using their Search for "Vegan unscented (or "nonscented") soap", a decent number of choices.
  10. I found a solution that works for me in the second to last post. Has the brand you mention in your OP.
  11. Saw the 2 "N95 masks" my local drugstore is selling, one for 15 B and one was more - maybe 65B, but had an air valve which I'd rather avoid. I bought a 15B one to try it on to see if I am wrong, but judging by its appearance it is an ordinary mask. I'll get a 65B one tomorrow to try that. Has anyone found a source for real N95's, locally or if necessary on Lazada?
  12. ~~~~~~
  13. WinnieTheKhwai - "That list by IQAir/ AirVisual that you're looking at is an interesting infographic, but you do need to understand what it is. People who misunderstand it can actually end up harming themselves making wrong decisions. They'd think hey, Pai is not in the Top 10, let's go there. Which would be a mistake, to put it mildly." Can you explain?
  14. Have you used them since Darren died?
  15. The police have no problem with his being a loan shark? Bangkok One News calls him that , never using the word "alleged" and calling the woman "his debtor", as if being a loanshark is a legally permitted occupation.
  16. Banks in the USA offering up to 4.55% on standard Savings accounts (Withdraw anytime, no penalty), federally insured for 250k. (Rates can change at anytime).
  17. What are you investing in to get 10%?
  18. A Russian and an American get on a plane in Moscow and get to talking. The Russian says he works for the Kremlin and he's on his way to go learn.American propaganda techniques. "What American propaganda techniques?" says the American. "Exactly" the Russian.replies. I see this constantly in these Ukrainian threads. Clueless.
  19. Dogs have also been trained to detect bedbug odor.
  20. Likewise. Such as keeping $$$ in more than 1 bank.
  21. If you are one of the few who survives briefly after Armegeddon, you can try to comfort yourself by repeating that to yourself as a mantra. "The human race has ended it's existence. This was 100% Putin's fault".
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