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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. "Why do so many posters here slag off Thailand and Thai people, and continue to live here?"

    Because they are pathetic and miserable human beings. They are also typically dumber than dirt.

    Yes, i think you're probably right, I mean, you would have to be really stupid to live in a country you slag off all the time.

    We know Farangs aren't stupid. because they tell us they're not................... lol..............., yet they can never say why they stay in a country they don't like, the great mystery.

    • Like 1
  2. Do grown men, sing songs about young guys that kick a football around ?

    I can't understand it, you're supporting a guy that earns. maybe 200,000 - 300.000 pounds a week, do you think he would support you ?

    I see grown men who struggle to buy a season ticket, sing songs about these players as though they are Gods, really wierd

    Grow up, they don't care about you in any way shape or form, it makes me cringe when I hear grown men sing songs for these guys who wouldn't give you the time of day.

    They care about the club, lol, yeah right, of course they do.....................................

  3. Why do so many posters here slag off Thailand and Thai people, and continue to live here ?

    I got ripped off by an English guy before, it still bugs me, but I am not gonna say ALL English people are bad.

    I really believe most posters here don't live in Thailand, there is no way they can be so unhappy and remain here ...............impossible.

    • Like 2
  4. Judging by this thread, I don't think any of you have actually stayed in Thailand for any length of time.

    You're babbling on like the idiots who have been here for a 2 week holiday and profess to know all.

    Yeah yea. I'm sure I'm wrong and you are really all really experienced guys, but, it don't seem that way to me.

  5. Oh, I can get into more debt than you.........because I have a Platinum card.....LOL

    You can only get into Gold Card Debt..........

    Silver card debt isn't even worth getting into............

    As I waved my Amex diamond encrusted card, I bypassed all those silver, gold and platinum peasants, I get served first.

  6. Whilst most of us will feel very sorry for the victims I had to laugh at the Thai-ness on Facebook.

    I've lived here since 1990,so I might not know as much as a 2 week warrior, but,....................... what is Thainess ?

    I can never understand westerners coming to Thailand, then putting Thailand down as though they are some superior being, yet still choosing to stay here, it's strange, and how many of them would face a Thai man, one on one ?

    Don't give me the crap that they hunt in packs and you can never win, it's bullshit, just your too old, hey guess what I've had a fight with a Thai man, and I won, we had a drink after, and that was that, then again I wasn't a fossil when I came here and I left my prejudice behind me, really, you people are pathetic

  7. If Farangs were pulled over in Pattaya and breath tested, there wouldn't be enough room in the police station for them, but hey, lets all put the Thai's down, whilst nearly every Farang I know drinks and drives on a regular basis.

    • Like 1
  8. When they do a traffic stop in Phuket, making everyone take a urine test, they find 25% are using drugs. 25%!!!! If they were to target just the under 30 males I bet it would be 50%

    Thai drug use is out of control.

    Yeah, why can't they be more like the British.........


    • Like 1
  9. When they do a traffic stop in Phuket, making everyone take a urine test, they find 25% are using drugs. 25%!!!! If they were to target just the under 30 males I bet it would be 50%

    Thai drug use is out of control.

    I wonder how the Farangs would get on if every one of them was stopped and tested, I know all my mates would fail, every one of them.

    • Like 1
  10. This has been reported to the Ministry of Information.

    By my wife actually, she is sick and tired of Farangs bitching and whining, she is like me, if you don't like it, why stay ?

    You slag off her country and her people, all the while you choose to stay here, why ?

    You seriously reported this thread??

    Dear oh dear, wouldn't get upset about it.

    Where you a Prefect at school?

    And if he was, what are you gonna do old man ?

  11. Another suicide?????????????

    Something is definitely wrong with LOS....by far too many suicide!!!!

    .You are really foolish, something is wrong with Thailand because Farangs commit suicide here ?

    Do you know how many suicides there are in Europe every year ? check it out.

    The state that many farang get themselves into in Thailand, I'm always surprised that the Farang suicide rate is not a whole lot higher.

  12. At 38 my sister-in-law is finally completing school. This is I guess school years before further education, so the syllabus a 15 year old would follow.

    Had a look and I couldn't do it and I've got a 2:1 BSc(Hons) and other higher quals.

    It looks like the educatiin is there if a. the teachers want to teach it and b. the students want learn it.

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    My sister was an astronaut.

  13. The most illogical I have met in Thailand are old Farangs.

    They whine and whinge all the time about Thailand and Thai people, yet they stay by choice, like it's a hardship, like they are doing Thailand a Favour by being here.

    I am in the few %% that has been here a long time, and what was said to me when I first came in 1990 here still stands good for today, if you don't like it,don't stay.

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