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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. If the libel laws were so tough in Thailand, this site would have been closed down long ago.

    Go to the Thailand News forum, read about what is written about Politicians, how in general Thailand and Thai people are put down at every opportunity.

    No, the libel laws can't be very strict.

  2. Not often I post, but, this paradise is really going down the road to destruction. Before you say it, ... Yep time to leave. Sorry Thailand you can't even respect your own people, it's gonna be hard for a Falang to stay here..My question is where to go to retire? With the need for safety and a few sexy pole dancers..

    Monaco, Tokyo ?

  3. In the United States the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 17,941 people died in 2006 in alcohol-related collisions, representing 40% of total traffic deaths in the US. NHTSA states 275,000 were injured in alcohol-related accidents in 2003.[1] The Bureau of Justice Statistics estimated that in 1996 local law enforcement agencies made 1,467,300 arrests nationwide for driving under the influence of alcohol, 1 out of every 10 arrests for all crimes in the U.S., compared to 1.9 million such arrests during the peak year in 1983, accounting for 1 out of every 80 licensed drivers in the U.S.[2][3]

    Why can't the Thai's be more like us ? Hang on a minute...................they are

  4. I've heard it's good out that way, but just keep yourself to yourself, only mix with people you know, a mate of mine lives out there, he told me there is a farang police volunteer that will turn you in given the chance, and everyone hates him.

    He is helping the most corrupt institution in Thailand, why would he do that ? You tell me.

    Keep yourself to yourself, trust nobody, have a good time.

  5. Money in the bank, house nearly paid off, a pension, 56 and fit, now is the time to do it, retire and enjoy life.

    I have a friend aged 50 who has done well for himself, assets of over $100 million in property, and an income of over $25,000 a month, and a big luxury house,

    But still drives a 7 year old Merc, and hasn't been on holiday for 8 years, he starts work in the office at 6am and sometimes is still there at 10pm, he is now a slave

    to the money, when is enough money enough?

    I have told him many times take a break, go on holiday spend some money, better still sell some of your assets and retire, travel the world and enjoy your life,

    but I know he never will.

    I would say this is a very good time for him to retire, before the long hours take their toll, and all that amassing of a fortune end up having been for nothing!


    somebody who has assets worth $100 million which yield only 0.3% per annum needs to work hard whistling.gif

    Sorry forgot to add the 25k per month is his salary for running the family Taxi company and Tyre and Exhaust center, he has never told me

    what is his income from his property investments..

    eeerrr, Naam is our resident Millionaire, do not even dream about being in the same league, kow chai bor ?

  6. I've lived in Bangkok off-and-on for 30 years. I've had an apartment near the river for 2 yrs now and I really enjoy living here.

    I've been to Pattaya a number of times, I even lived in Jomtien for 8 months in 2010. I have mixed feelings about the place. The sex scene doesn't bother me - you're free to take it or leave it. The sea breezes are nice, and the food is good.

    But, in all these years, I've never been afraid for my safety in Bangkok (except maybe crossing the street.) Twice in Pattaya - through no fault of my own - I've found myself in dangerous situations. (And I spend a lot more time in Bangkok.) One time I would have been robbed if a drunken cop hadn't saved the day.

    So, is Pattaya really dangerous, or were my experiences atypical?

    Pattaya is not dangerous.

  7. iancnx, let's be crystal clear here:

    40 years ago would be 1973, and I believe that there WERE Thai prostitutes servicing Farang customers in Pattaya in 1973.

    Jeez, there were prostitutes in every major city in the UK and USA servicing losers in 1973 too, why do people make such a big thing about Asia, when the same thing happens in the west ?

    You wanna see some serious <deleted>, , Tokyo is the place to go, no good for the struggling pensioner, but if you have a few quid, there is nowhere better. There is nothing you can get in Thailand that you cant get in Japan, it just costs more is all.

    And of course in Japan you have plenty of Farang girls from USA, UK, AUS, NZ, SWE, FRA, ITA, SPA,CAN, etc etc,

    • Like 1
  8. Look , you all live here, well, some of you do, ok, not many of you do, alright, most of you don't live in Thailand, so really, what do you know ?

    So easy to diss Thai people, you don't live here cos it's such a bad place, right ?

    Seems like on ThaiVisa, it's a competition to see who can slag off Thai people the most, most posters don't live in Thailand and don't know <deleted>, there are a few posters I respect on ThaiVisa, only a few, Neeranam, Guesthouse etc etc, guys like that, anyway, I gotta go now, bye.

  9. This topic has been discussed on numerous occasions.

    Only about 300,291 times.

    ... as has the question to the age of the posters here on Thai Visa ... though it didn't stop you asking earlier this year ... age-of-posters

    We may get a little weary of repeated subjects ... but newbie's don't know what's been discussed before and heaven forbid ... you might read a new comment or opinion.

    Sure, when some asks 'Where is the best place to get a dental implant in Bangkok' ... and the following week, someone asks the exact same question... I'll refer the previous OP.

    But this sort of question is more opinion based and I have enjoyed reading the replies, especially those by GuestHouse.

    Each to their own I guess ... rolleyes.gif


    You have over 8000 posts, I bow to your experience .

    • Like 1
  10. Pathetic responses.

    Why do Farangs on ThaiVisa think that an Asian criminal is less of a criminal than a Farang criminal ?

    You lot have to try to ridicule them more because they are Asian, it says more about you than it says about them.

    And of course, you'd all have plenty to say to their faces wouldn't you ? wink.png

    HaHa,too funny,sticking up for a criminal because they are Asian.Your Asian tinted specs need changing.HaHaHa.

    So, you would speak up, not here, in real life, away from anonymous city ?

    Yeah, of course you would. biggrin.png

  11. That's what happens when you have a 3rd world country without laws that protect people. Construction workers are expendable because they work for the rich Thais. Nothing new in Thailand about poor people getting killed, if your government doesn't give a dam_n then your days are numbered.

    Thailand is not a 3rd world country! not underdeveloped as some say before. and surely the people at the top aren't like say counties like surinam or congo. the fact that half the population is underdeveloped is something else. The government is not entirly to blame for this though, (although i think very poorly of the government here) Here they have the money, the brains at top level and the possibilities unlike real 3rd world counties. they are just not using it to the fullest and for the people . ( at least thats what i think, My wife often states that the U.S.A is not that much different from Thailand and they claim to be the top of the world.)

    In the US, Drunk driving will land you in jail, cost you a $5,000 fine, and cost you your license for 6 months to a year. Second offense, one year in jail and $10,000 fine and loss of license for 5 years. Killing someone while drunk driving is manslaughter - a crime.

    In the United States the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 17,941 people died in 2006 in alcohol-related collisions, representing 40% of total traffic deaths in the US. NHTSA states 275,000 were injured in alcohol-related accidents in 2003.[1] The Bureau of Justice Statistics estimated that in 1996 local law enforcement agencies made 1,467,300 arrests nationwide for driving under the influence of alcohol, 1 out of every 10 arrests for all crimes in the U.S., compared to 1.9 million such arrests during the peak year in 1983, accounting for 1 out of every 80 licensed drivers in the U.S.[2][3]

    When will those Americans learn ? smile.png

  12. ...

    The new cars is just a thing of priority.. UK people could afford it too if they spend as little on housing as the Thais do. Thais don't mind living in a shack as long as they got a new car. Its a status symbol, also getting credit here is easier and loads of Thais are in debt. I have followed the accounts on the first car and the doubling of non payment ect. Its not all as good as it looks.

    However there are still people who do manage their finances good and can go abroad.

    You got that right. A lot of middle-class Thai's descending into further debt and paying for their overseas trips with credit cards... because they can.

    Witness the amount of repossessions of new cars from 'first-time' buyers that didn't work out that sales tax rebate does not diminish the financial commitment to a 3 to 5 year car note.

    It is not that they are unfazed by the recession, they just don't have a bloody clue.

    Unlike Farangs who manage their money fantastically and never have debts or use credit cards.

    Why can't these Thais be more like us ? :)

  13. Firstly RIP to those who needlessly lost their lives....

    I cant help reflect on this and ask what the focus of the BIB actually is... there were about 10 BIB this morning on Rama IV near sukhumvit stopping motorbikes/ scooters who were up on the pavement... surely police could be better deployed .

    If you were walking on the pavement, you would wonder why the 10 BIB were NOT focusing on the motorcycles/ scooters who were up on the pavement, no ?

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