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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. I have not read any of the replies, or in fact the original post.

    But, I will take a guess, it's aimed at slagging off Thai women, and making old Farang men look good ?

    You should be ashamed of yourself, and ThaiVisa should really take stock of the posts here, don't worry about the hits, morally, you suck.

    If I degenerated western women in the same way Thai women are put through the wringer day after day on ThaiVisa, I would be banned, yet, it seems it's OK on ThaiVisa, as long as it's Thai that gets the slagging off.

    If I was the Information Minister, you'd all be arrested and put on the next plane out of here.

    Now we all understand when someone chooses divorce; imagine waking up to this type of person every morning?smile.png Good morning dear…..alai waa!!!smile.png

    I'm in Thailand, where are you ?

  2. I have not read any of the replies, or in fact the original post.

    But, I will take a guess, it's aimed at slagging off Thai women, and making old Farang men look good ?

    You should be ashamed of yourself, and ThaiVisa should really take stock of the posts here, don't worry about the hits, morally, you suck.

    If I denegrated western women in the same way Thai women are put through the wringer day after day on ThaiVisa, I would be banned, yet, it seems it's OK on ThaiVisa, as long as it's Thai that gets the slagging off.

    If I was the Information Minister, you'd all be arrested and put on the next plane out of here.

    This website makes Thailand and Thai people seem terrible.

    • Like 1
  3. I thought you was a guy that had been to Thailand a bit, met a girl who was rich , and then was spouting off everyday about her ( Imaginary ), .

    Don't tell me you was a guy that knows the ins and outs of the bar scene....................you're missus, she was aiming high..........go back to Aus, that's if your not there already, pathetic.

    And you met your wife where, her dream was to meet a Farang who travelled Thousands of Kms to take advantage of financially vulnerable women, she done great, she really triumphed !

    I married a Sex Tourist.

    I doubt she'll put that on her CV, then again, I doubt she'll tell the truth about many things.

    This will get deleted, because it affects so many Thai Visa members.

  4. Many (most) women love sex for just fun or as a sport once they've permission, it's social taboos holding them back. But I agree it's more rare for them to allow it to take over their whole life.

    How many women under 30 move to a different country for sex? I've never even heard of one. A lot of young men here have moved to Thailand because of sex (or a reasonable facsimile). If the men in the West are so handsome why don't Thai ladies move to the West to butterfly?

    In agreement with my point - few women orient their whole life around their sex organs.

    And of course much easier for girls to get laid when they want to, no need for them to have to travel for it.

    True , I have never met a female, no matter how ugly, that was travelling thousands of miles to pay for sex, but males, well let's just say, they do.

    All except ThaiVisa members that is.

  5. Just do what I do when Thai people speak to me.

    Look at them blankly, lift up a leg and fart.

    Soon puts an end to Thai people bothering you.

    No, you look at them blankly and <deleted> yourself , cos you ain't got a clue what they are talking about, cos you can't speak or understand Thai, and like the majority of Farangs you are scared to death of them.

  6. wasting your time because Thais don't care at all. They have the primitive belief that by keeping foreigners out of control that this will benefit them (the common people) but they only need to look at the state of their country, their crippling infrastructure, lack of rules, transparency, thousands killed each year by lacklustre attitudes at all levels. You got money to invest? buy a property in your own country and live off the rent in Thailand.

    These rules however only benefit the numerous billionaires who recently made the Forbes rich list as they keep 100% market share in the hands of the elite and by using nationalism and combined with low education this trend will continue. Keep them poor, uneducated, don't question the elite and all will continue as it is today.

    You don't sound particularly bright. On top of that, you've got a serious chip on your shoulder. Ok, so you've got no money, got no prospects, and your ex-hooker wife doesn't respect you. Is this how you're going to get back at the Thais? Don't think you're going to get anywhere.

    He seems a bit brighter than you, because he didn't mention any of the points you accuse him from.

    So why do these poor downtrodden people stay in Thailand, why don't they find somewhere new, If I was unhappy here, I'd be out of here in a heartbeat, It's the million dollar question, WHY DO YOU STAY ?

    • Like 1
  7. Land prices are Crazy in Thailand, in Wong Amat, North Pattaya a 5 Rai plot has just been sold for .......wait for it....200 Million Baht, they're going to erect a 52 storey Condo on the land !

    The condos will start at 175,000 per square metre, they must know something I don't !!! blink.png

    they must know something I don't !!!

    Sure they do. They know the real price they paid and what they gonna build and sell at what price, instead of the rumors you heard from the guy on the barstool next to you.

    One things for sure, you know nothing, I happen to have a condo right opposite that land that has just been sold, it's not rumours, it's fact, and its a fact they paid 200 Million for 5 Rai, and a fact they are building a 52 storey condo, Mustique WongAmat Beach.

    I wish it was barstool crap, it's gonna be built right in front of my condo.

    Wanna question that, PM me, come round and see for yourself. ( assuming you live here that is )

    True these are reports from locals, and they could be stretching the truth, I am not sure, but unfortunately that condo is going to be built, they have started to drill test holes for the foundations ;(

  8. Had 3 iPads, iPhones and an iPad Mini in the household, never had a charging problem.

    It could be that you are being sold copy cables or chargers, as Narkeddiver said above, on a laptop USB you will get the 'not charging warning', but it will still be charging, but at a very slow rate.

    Try your iPhone ( If you have one ) with the same chargers, see if they work ok.

    I bought a cable from a market that crapped out after a few weeks, but I thought I was saving money by getting a long cable cheap, wrong, in the end I bought Apple original cable in Tokyo.

    My Mrs once had a 1st generation Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, the charger on that stopped working and it cost around 1200 Baht for a new one. ( In Thailand )

    Just put my iPad 3 in my USB 3 port on my laptop, still get the no charging, iPhone , no problem.

  9. you live here,,,,,,

    sound a bit like surviving to me,

    and im not being funny,

    i still go to work, im on a mucky oil refinery at the moment, im not back home till 10th may,

    i saw my mate retire to soon without enough money,

    that wont happen to me,


    I live cheap by personal choice.

    I didn't have a failed marriage and didn't desert my family in the UK to set up camp in a breeze block shack with my new rice farmer wife on a sor bor kor block in Nakon Nowhere.

    The fact that I made the right choices allows me not to work here in Thailand.

    The fact that I continue to try to spend my dollars wisely means that I don't have to work as a rig pig, only seeing my wife and new born loog krueng child every other month and leaving my wife with the responsibility to raise my child alone and to tend to my ridiculous pig farm.

    Now...still happy you had a cheap shot at me.

    Ouch !

  10. I have to agree with the parochial mind set of Thais. Look at the protest that just finished. They said they want Democracy but wanted to stop people from voting in the last election

    If they don't like the results they start to protest rather than suck it up and wait 4 years like other democracies do.

    This is the mentality of the Thais and it will not change . As said before No education on international affairs They want to keep the masses stupid

    This is the problem.

    If they went with both eyes open this would be the richest Asian country in the world ahead of Hong Kong and Singapore but they are squandering it .

    Yet Farangs still flock here to live.

    Of course you could always move to Hong Kong, Singapore or Tokyo. smile.png

    So true. There are farangs in Thailand complaining that Thailand should be like HK, or Singapore, or Japan. Well why don't they just freakin move there and not have to keep preaching this crappola!

    Because they can't afford it, and they would be lonely.

    • Like 2
  11. Never take a tuk-tuk anywhere, scum of the earth and twice at least what a cab would cost.

    You fool, thousands take tuk tuk;s every day with no problem, who are you to judge them ?

    The likelihood of a Farang making a false claim on his insurance from a bogus incident is much more likely in my experience.

  12. Which part that I was wrong????

    I'm too old and I'm not a gentleman.

    What is the lesson learn here?

    Don't believe anything your read, and only half of what you see?

    I would certainly agree with that........smile.png

    All of of my post is genuine, honest and truthful.

    As are mine. wink.png

  13. The Thai specific brand of xenophobie requires that foreigners are not allowed to own land, become a Thai Citizen (irrevocable), have permanent (irreevocable) residency status, vote, run for electoral office, practice law, or hold any position of administrative authority. Yeah, yeah, there are possible technical exceptions to this, but using "irrevocable" means that there are very few.

    Foreigners are therefore reminded that they are here at the whim of the Thai government, can be expelled without notice, and can never gain the rights and priveleges afforded a Thai National by being required to visa runs, 90 day reporting, annual extension renewals etc.

    I'm not complaining about the situation, just stating that the visa and residency laws (and dozens of other laws restricting foreign involvement) simply reflect their feelings of historical independence, sovereignty, and xenophobia.

    Thank heavens we are free to leave whenever we want to.

    • Like 1
  14. Which part that I was wrong????

    I'm too old and I'm not a gentleman.

    What is the lesson learn here?

    Don't believe anything your read, and only half of what you see?

    I would certainly agree with that........smile.png

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