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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. Simple thing is, Farangs want to come to Thailand, the English are miserable in their own country, the Russians freeze for half the year, the beer is cheap and you can be an ugly bastard and still get laid.

    I have a Condo in Wong Amat, the building around here has been incredible the last few years, but still it goes on, someone must be buying don't you think ?

    Or do ThaiVisa members know best ?

  2. I'm sure if Farangs were in charge the rains would stop.....blink.png

    Cos in Farang countries we never have flooding do we, cos we Farangs know better, yeah right...

    Nope everywhere floods, especially when build on flood plains. However not that many countries have PM saying won't happen when it already is.

    Our politicians always get it right and never ever try to calm the population down, hooray for Farang politicians, boo for the Thais that do exactly the same thing. w00t.gif

    Thank Christ we are free to leave Thailand whenever we like, unlike the vast majority of Thai people who have no choice.

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  3. iOS 7 on my 4s and iPad no problem, persuaded the wife to update her iPhone 5 and Mini, the Mini, no problem......but...

    The iPhone 5 got stuck in recovery mode, and when I connect it to iTunes it gives one option, restore, thing is, it wont restore, keep getting error messages and the phone goes back into recovery mode, she's taking it to Tukcom today, maybe the Phone guys there can get it going. Worked fine on iOS 6 !!!

    Me, I like the new OS.

  4. Most bike clubs here in Thailand do a large amount of charity work bringing much needed money for children's charities. So stop being an arse/troll.

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

    I think he is referring to the Nomads, Hells Angels etc. Unfortunately, when on thinks of MC Clubs, only the criminal gangs come to mind. In Phuket they operate with a free hand. There is absolutely no excuse to allow foreign members of seriously violent MC gangs into Thailand. I doubt anyone cares much about legitimate motorcycle riders who get together for socializing.

    ThaiVisa members against Biker Gangs, zimmer frames at dawn.

    • Like 1
  5. I had a chap jump in front of me at an ATM with a big smile on his face. I pressed 'cancel' and threw his card away. I take no prisoners at Au Bon Pain either.

    You guys who clicked "like" on this post, actually believe him?

    Or just like the idea of throwing away someone's credit card for this petty little thing?

    Right.... it is the Thais we have problems with.............................lol

    Well sunshine let me be more specific. I was on the ground floor of the Emporium, lining up behind several people at the ATM next to the escalator. When my turn came to use the machine, a Thai boy, walked straight in front me with a big smile on his face and pushed his card into the machine. Annoyed, I reached over his shoulder and pressed the 'cancel' button and his card popped out. I flicked it across the floor towards the wall (no damage) and made my transaction. The chap oh ho'd and collected his card and I walked away. Don't believe it?? I could care less.

    Ah, now I get it, he was 7.

  6. What a C**T.

    My 12 year marriage ended because my ex wife miscarried our 3rd baby due to smoking ice.

    I hope he gets 50 years hard labour.


    Yeah, and my Father used to get drunk on alcohol and beat the shit out of me when I was 10 years old, so ?

    Oh right. Alcohol is taxed so it's legal, apart from the fact that it's the worlds most dangerous drug, but there are the morons that smoke, now these guys don't even get high, why do they do it, the mind boggles...but they still do it, they get addicted and its perfectly legal.......unbelievable....the governments of this world tell you what you are allowed to put into your body, as long as it's taxed you're good to go.

    If I invented a pill that gave you the same hit as a double whiskey, I would be put behind bars for the rest of my life, yet I, and you, can buy as much whiskey as we or I want.

    How is that right ?

    Alcohol is a huge problem all over the world, yet it's legal, why ? TAX...that's why.

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