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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. 24 people, mostly from Laos, with pickup traveling from Bangkok to Ubon, according to agencies. Traveled 310km without being stopped by any police check. No wonder we have the 3rd highest road-death toll in the world. Insane.

    Must be a bummer to be poor eh ? blink.png

  2. Yes but,

    On ThaiVisa it seems that ALL Thais are targeted in the abuse, not just the guilty.

    it's like saying ALL Farangs are big fat smelly useless slobs that only come to Thailand to exploit poor women !

    OK, lets put it this way, if I was a Farang that was considering Thailand as a retirement destination and I came across ThaiVisa general Topics, and I believed everything posted was true, I would steer clear of Thailand, but I would wonder why those complaining are still there, if in fact they are there, and if they are, it can't be as bad as it's made out to be.

  3. Needing us and wanting us are two different things. They need us but they don't want us....just our dosh....so you can come and leave your wallet and then leave immediately.

    A bit like Brighton or Lake Districts or any other tourist area I guess? Maybe one reason Thais object to us farang (if they indeed do) is the way 90% of farangs bad mouth and slag off the Thais?

    Apart from the dreadful mentality of Thai drivers and MB riders, I don't think anywhere near 90% of Farangs badmouth and slag of Thais.

    Maybe he mean't ThaiVisa members, not normal Farangs? smile.png

  4. I don't think you have to replace the whole assembly just because the glass is broken, and buying parts unless you know what's wrong does not make a lot of sense.

    Yep, you can dismantle the thing and replace parts. In fact these bling shops sell replacement side mirrors with lights in so it must be easy. Go to a bling shop just to look at your problem.

    OK, when I get back I'll try the independent shops first before going to Toyota, Thanks guy's.

  5. Not that any of "us" do this, but how many people don't wash their hands before they eat? Touching money, merchandise, doors, pets, escalator rails, elevator buttons,etc. is something most of us do.

    I would imagine that some people get sick from their own hand and not due to the hygiene standards of the eatery. This goes worldwide and not just in LOS.

    Oh C'mon, ThaiVisa members, they are perfect human beings with perfect manners living their perfect lives with perfect wives.

    Makes one wonder why they are always freekin' moaning.

  6. Thanks guys, gonna check out the settings now, I do have access to a US iTunes account, and I have a dedicated network, and I will check the location setting.

    Thanks again and I'll post back the results. thumbsup.gif

  7. I bought an Apple TV yesterday as an impulse buy.

    Was surprised to see no native apps in the UI, except

    Apple Events

    ITunes Festival



    I expected a few more choices or am I missing something, I have an iPad and iPhone that I can stream content from, and can play you tube from my i Devices, but I had always assumed the Apple TV had its own You tube App and others.

    Am I missing something obvious, or are these services unavailable outside the US ?

  8. Poor lady RIP

    Drink Drivers are committing


    Manslaughter ??

    Amounts to the same thing....an innocent person loses their life......

    Surely it must be stopped at some stage.......

    But when will someone say "enough is enough" ?

    In the United States the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 17,941 people died in 2006 in alcohol-related collisions, representing 40% of total traffic deaths in the US. NHTSA states 275,000 were injured in alcohol-related accidents in 2003.[1] The Bureau of Justice Statistics estimated that in 1996 local law enforcement agencies made 1,467,300 arrests nationwide for driving under the influence of alcohol, 1 out of every 10 arrests for all crimes in the U.S., compared to 1.9 million such arrests during the peak year in 1983, accounting for 1 out of every 80 licensed drivers in the U.S.[2][3]


    When will these Thais learn !!!!

  9. How can they keep building new buildings and apartments?

    Simple answer............they build cheaply with low quality materials so that the average Thai house falls apart after 7 years and you have to tear down and build another 'disposable house'.

    Well mr jaideeguy, you obviously don't know anything about building or finance.

    Lets start with finance, some one is loaning the money and the developer will need to get a percentage sold to make it viable to start building, until they reach that point there will be no start.

    As for the actual building it takes several years of planning and gaining aprovals before the green light is given to actualy build.( im talking high rise) If your in Australia with all the red tape it can take a life time, im still waiting 18 mths for town planning approval for 3 units down on the coast.

    And my number one HATE is when I hear or read from stupid mornons who have no f""""" idea of building and use that worn out old term..."cheap materials"

    To enlighten you over time the industry changes as do the products we use some good reasons are for costs and availability of what we once used, also some of these so called cheaper options actually are better engineered for todays needs. There are many examples of these products such as roof trusses, engineered hyspan beams, MDF archs and skirts, in fact lot of manufactured board are used in high end joinery and fit out, only the style and profile and fittings vary between a million dollar house to a $150,000 house.

    Thailand once built in timber but shrinking forests and rising costs pretty much killed that, concrete construction is a European style introduced because its cheap and not necessarily the best due to heat retention but hey they don't mind.

    There is no cheap materials but if the job is not well supervised by professionals who know there game you will get poor workmanship and that my friend is the problem the world over.

    Well mr Alex...............I have been in the building business both here and abroad and see with my own eyes the results of cheap materials and poor unsupervised workmanship, cutting corners, and knocking the houses up with Burma labor that is untrained.

    My brother in law works for a mid sized steel shop that is thriving in this current boom and the shops get notice in advance when the inspector is coming to town and they simply close the shop so they are not caught with low grade steel.

    BTW.......when did you get off the plane??

    As a responsible member of society ( ThaiVisa Member ), why don't you turn the steel shop in ?

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