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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. Congraduations General Job well done Now will you please take the taxi drivers to task for trying to rip Thai and tourist passengers off . The Taxi drives come in droves after the stores close after 10 pm in the shopping district of Bangkok around Paragon and a lot and I mean a lot of drivers are looking for flat rate fares and are refuse to pick up anyone that is not willing to pay and ask for a meter. This is not only bad for tourism its bad for everyone This is real corruption It is time to crack down on this in all of the country

    Hold the taxi drivers to task for trying to game the system If they do this time and time again take away their license to drive a cab. This is one of many things wrong

    You have cleaned up the airport PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE General Clean up the rest and take the taxi drivers to task on this one

  2. The money will come from areas that the government no longer has to fund such as the stupid one Tablet one child scheme and other such schemes the government used to buy votes with. Not even the USA and GB who are financial powers buy their students computers.

    • Like 1
  3. This is corporate irresponsibility and price gouging. I have a credit limit of 3000 baht and had no idea I was being charged huge amounts for roaming but I racked up a huge bill of 8.000 baht just for logging onto a web site for less than an hour. This is outrageous and I have since refused to pay the bill. I told the Dtac to stuff it and would not pay. Let them take me to court and if the court says I half to pay then I will and never use Dtac again but I have a feeling Dtac will not do so.

    This truly is a crime

  4. This is a shocker. I have been a life long Republican . Voted along party lines and I actually disliked Hillary but you know she is incredible with Foreign policy and has a strong undertstanding of budgetary limitations and what needs to be done. We have had a black president a catholic president It is time to have a female president. I am for Hillary.

    She can and will do a better job than anyone else I see in the landscape. This time I am going to vote democrat and Hillary.

    She is very very smart and understands the issues. Knows Washington and I feel with bridge the gap with politicians

    • Like 1
  5. He will be the first of many many people to face justice for their part in

    the rice scam. I never thought this day would come, I am happy beyond words.

    Prayuth has done more for this country in one month than the " leaders"

    have done in twenty years .But I guess when all your time is spent in

    figuring out new ways to loot money from the government, must not be

    a lot of time left over in help improve the lives of the common people...

    Next up ??? The big fish, Yingluck.... Too bad Thaksin is beyond

    the reach of the Thai courts, as I believe he is the one that set the

    whole scam up.

    Guild by association is a crime. WOW ? I do not have much love for Yingluck or her brother but how can you hang someone before there is a court hearing. I am sure glad blokes like you are not on my jury.

  6. They should wipe the bill and put in place a system where the consumer is protected,

    Fair enough the boy done the wrong thing but he's only 12 and now you've got a mother who is most likely on computer savvy and a farmer slugged with a bill which is nearly impossible for her to pay.

    He is only 12?

    If everyone customers came and pretend innocent, what is AIS (or DTAC or True) going to do?

    Give all a free ride.

    The boy knowingly tried to hack the system, which is a crime by itself.

    Should he be charged for that cyber crime?

    You are insensitive This is a 12 your old kid. that has no idea and the app company should pay much closer attention Who in their right mind spends 200,000 in micro payments for anything on the Internet. The Phone company can in fact charge the app company back and all is not harmed That is in the initial agreement when they contract So get off you so called Moral Hi Horse

    • Like 1
  7. One good area would be allowing entrepreneurs. Lift restrictions on start ups of foreigners working in a corporation. Start with a requirement of one Thai for one foreigner and then then after the first year of existence then add another to the 2nd year then the 3rd year 3 and the 4th year 4. Some will argue that some businesses with grow faster than 4 years. True so scale it.

    based on cash flow. The larger the cash flow the faster you must higher Thais till the 4th Thai is on the books

    The backbone, the very foundation of a growth market is small business not big business, This will without question spur major growth and foreign investment as foreigners will be more willing to invest and grow.

    I doubt my suggestion will gain wheels but times have changed and rules and regulations have to change with the times not sit on the books for a millenuim

    • Like 1
  8. This is a good step to restrict people with health Issues but I re iterate If you were glasses and need them for driving then make a corrective eye vision test for all and drop the stupid test for color blindness It makes no sense

    Even if you are colored blind you know to reds and greens it will not affect your driving and make it more dangeious. No other country in the world tests for this . And the test for peripheral vision is OK but why the colors No reason . These tests are a hold over from a by gone time

    Modernize the eye tests You upgraded the written test now do EYES

  9. Suggestion

    Strengthen your legs with a tread mill Don't run just walk sharply for 30 minutes this will not only strenghthen your muscles but make you feel better over all After doing this for a bout10 days then start to jog more You will find your legs not tiring so easily

  10. I found a very very reliable repair place Air con and plumping This sort of thing I call or email the problem to them and with a they say they will be their they are . And on top of that stand behind their work as well. I had a real problem with an air con they came back 3 times and finally fixed it . Was a short in the wiring .And did not charge for the 2 times extra they came

    I will use them all the time Very reliable

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