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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. In Thai society woman are not as important as men and as for a child. It has to do with the law. In western countries there is clear law about child support In Thailand there is little if non to force someone to pay. This is a sad affair but this is the way it is . More to do with laws or lack of laws. And a lot of Thia men ( sorry guys you know who you are) just dont care about their kids when they exit a marriage. Most just move onto the next woman get her pregnant and then do it again.

    This is one of the reasons many Thai woman prefer Western Men .

    This is a great problem in Thai society and needs to be addresses but I suspect because men run the country not much will be done

  2. I half to chime in here. It was a tragedy that the farmers where not paid under the last government. This is the direct fault of the party who set up this ridiculous scheme in the beginning . Do what other countries do in the future. Just direct subsidies to farmers to grow or not grow rice Its that simple. If there is over production pay them not to produce. This is the most successful way of managing the situation. This will encorage farmers to produce other crops as well

    Stop with these hair brained schemes of buying rice at inflated prices. This is rife with corruption . I am Farang and I take my hat off to the Coup Leader for doing the right thing and making sure the farmers all got paid

    They are the backbone of Thailand and fill the stomachs of the nation We should all be proud of any farmer and the work they do. This one time I will say it HALE TO THE CHIEF you did a very good thing looking after the farmers and my gut tells me you will do many other great things for the country and the Thai people . This is your opportunity to go into the history books in a positive manner.

    My guess is if you keep this up a door will open for you to run for Prime Minister in the Future. I wish you the best I believe your heart is in the right place

  3. Good the the Current Regime cracked down on Taxt Drivers. Now take it a step futhre PLEASE crack down on the Taxi drivers that refuse to use meters at shopping and high traffic areas such as Paragon other similar venues. After the stores close there are literely hundreds of drivers trolling for non meters fairs

    Illegal and totally unfair to Thais and Tourists This is corruption and corruption that people visiting Thailand see Not good for tourists or Thais. You may say its only a few hundred baht So when is any corruption Good Never

    They have a license and a meter they should live by it

    • Like 1
  4. The Coup leaders need to get tough on the Taxi drives in commercial shopping areas. After the stories close and there are tons of people looking to get a taxi a huge about of drivers not only refuse to pick up some people but refuse to use the metre They tell people they have fixed rates of 100 pr 200 or 300 baht and no meter.

    This is horrendous. Go to MBK or Paragon and try to get a metered taxi it is next to impossible but there are tons of taxis trolling for people. This is a true shame since so many tourists are taken advantage of and then to back to their native country with bad stories of Thai Taxis This is not an image I am sure the Thai people want

    The Coup leaders are doing a good Job but they need to crack down on these rough drivers once and for all. This is for the Thai people and visitors as well Its that simple. Once solution would be creating a taxi stands in the area and not allow taxis to pick up people trolling, If they are caught trolling they are fined This would resolve the situation very fast.

  5. Yes but things have changed The Junta has taken over and started to reform everything Including immigration

    I have been told now that anyone overstaying is thrown in Jail and must appear before a judge withing 36 hours. If you do not have a lawyer at the time they then hold you over for another 30 days in jail till you can find one. So far no one has been given bail

    This is the reform that so many have been looking for

    cheesy.gif Now did i get the old pump working more. Bet I did but just pulling your leg Nothing has changed Just pay the overstay fee of 500 and go home

    • Like 1
  6. Obviously this is not deportation.... It is extradition.

    Completely different.

    This is a very dumb statement "Obviously this is not extradition it is deportation Get is strait BUB

    The Thais don't want extradition in these cases Its too involved and involves the courts. This way they don't have to spend much money.

    The have revoked their visa's and are deporting then back to their native countries. This way no court action.

    Read what the story says not what your brain thinks

  7. I have a Toyota VIos that is now 6 years Old aside from replacing a Battery and Belt It drives like a new car. I suspect with minor repairs over time It will last at least another 10 or 15 years.

    Next Year get new tires

    Cars in general will last 10 or more years. The car industry understands this. This is why banks will lend against a car for a period of up to 7 years

    • Like 2
  8. This is the mentality of Suthip. Shoot below the knees Any moron knows if you shoot at someone regardless of where you want to bullets to go they are going to shoot back. Daaaaaa

    I don't blame the solders for shooting I blame Suthip for giving the orders knowing it would escalate the conflict . Just lock him up its that simple

    • Like 2
  9. This is so funny and they are not dealing with the true problems with driving here. What I find incredible is there is no test for the eyes per sae . What I mean is if you do or do not need to wear glasses when driving

    No test for that just color, depth and color peripheral vision No test for how well you can see without glasses. I would assume if they tested for this accidents in the kingdom would drop.

    How the hell can you drive if you need glasses but don t wear them. This is just plain stupidity nothing else.

    Get rid of the peripheral vision test and test for true vision .And I know someone will argue well there are Thais that cannot read. Ok I accept that Set up a method for them to have eye tests as well with common symbols . And force Thais to use child restraint seats. This will reduce injuries it it is done.

    This message is for the Minister of Transportation here in Thailand . If anyone can translate this and forward it on to this minister maybe they will understand it better

  10. I bought an table top oven IT had a warranty of 1 year It expired in 10 moths and the company that makes it here did not have any spare parts. I am going to sent it back to the mfg with all the dirt in it with a nasty letter and tell them to shove it where the sun does not shine

    Terrible Thai Company

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