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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. The reason the Thais do not allow Farang to own land or majority company or have a fare immigration rules is because they cannot play on a level playing field. In general they do not think out of the box like in the west. As such they must make rules that will hinder foreigners from being Equal . If that was ever to happen they would loose out very fast and this is fact.

    Consider if all the foreign investment was to dry up There would be very serious problems here and the current problems would pale by comparison The current Coup leaders have a great opportunity here with Real reform. This means reform from the bottom up and that includes reforming Immigration as well.

    Thailand needs to be very aware of the needs of people that come here for many reasons, But as it stands the system is silly and draconian . This is 2014 Thailand needs to catch up the the rest of the world with all aspects of society here in Thailand

    I hope you are not bored with my rand but its easy to criticize and hard to suggest reforms. This is one area that needs real reform. In every aspect from a working Visa to Retirement to Education visas as well as all the other visas too.

    But as with most things that are in dire need of repair Thais tend to not do what is the good thing for every one

  2. I have had a business with 10 Thai workers and you will be hard pressed to find someone with intuitive. That is not a word Thais understand, They are not shown how to think out of the box. Not like westerners. And you can expect a revolving door. 3 to 6 months maybe 9 months if your luck One way to help is hold pack one month pay. Pay in arrears We did and it helped or clearly hold back some pay for they final payment one month after they leave. Ther other would be a bonus system based on time worked but then it is not paid in one lump sum It is paid in 2 parts one in the middle and one around February or so. The next is to have a good bonus of Food. Once a month have a food day. Your office orders in good food for lunch Take a consensus as to what they want. One reason they come and go is the social system . Most know that no matter how old they are they can always go home if they want to, Lots just work 6 0 9 month get some money and go back to the province You have to look for this

    There are other things you can do but this will surly help some We used it and it works

  3. Hey your prostrate is not enlarged by what you thing There is a rare worn here in Thailand that crawls up the urethra and wraps itself around the prostate gland. Makes the prostrate swell really bad

    Its called the ubba yanba throttle worm Just drink bear like the rest of the blokes and it should kill the worm

    cheesy.gif Just having a piss at you Hope you smiled make your day brighter Good luck with it

  4. I don't care what the reason is it is disgusting. I am of course reasoning that this is a multiple time thing not just a one time thing which is wrong also.

    I wonder how many husbands are physically abused by their wife's. It does happen but no where near as much as the wife abuse.

    I accept the customs of the country and do not try to change them but if I catch a husband doing it I will defiantly change his custom.

    I was a battered husband, all 4 of my wives used to go crazy once a month. I have the scars to prove it. My 3rd wife and business partner in the UK used to beat me up and then call the police and accuse me of striking her, which was untrue. She was only 5ft tall but a kung <deleted> champion. She once knocked out a shoplifter who was stealing from our shop and threatened her with a knife, with one kick to the jaw. The truth is many Thai Women are more than a match for their husbands when it comes to domestic violence.

    A friend who was an actor in a UK police series told the script writer about our situation and they wrote an episode on domestic violence with an English Husband and Thai Wife.

    My former wife pulled that stunt as well She was hitting me and threw a Pineapple at my head then came at me with a knife. I grabbed her arm and forced her to drop the knife by twisting her arm. Then I went out of the house Period That was the extent of it. I arrived back at the house 3 hours later to waiting police. They said I had to leave I was abusing her

    Bull she was abusing me . She was a little lady but a very good lair. I would never hit a woman for Any reason PERIOD

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