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Everything posted by NotEinstein

  1. Politics is only about winners? I thought the whole point was to have debate so as to arrive at 'the best' way forward.....
  2. Yes, I've been able to use an iPhone 6 up until now - Line and Whatsapp won't work from November, although the UK HMRC app stopped working a couple of years ago due to unable to upgrade IoS. However I've just bought a ZTE A55 for 2,900 baht (actually got 25% shopee coins, so really 2,200) that does everything I need and more for a tenth of the price of an iPhone.
  3. Lol - I bought a new phone for less than that. I have actually changed a couple of glued screens - that's what the hairdryer is for!
  4. I replaced the battery, along with the screen, in my iPhone6 5 years ago with items I bought on Lazada and it is still fine. Unfortunately, due to the inability to upgrade IoS, I will no longer be able to use Whatsapp and Line from November, so no more Apples for me.
  5. These work well: https://shopee.co.th/COD-สวิทซ์ลูกลอยไฟฟ้า-ลูกลอย-ลูกลอยไฟฟ้า-Float-switch-ใช้ได้ทั้ง-220V-12V-24V-48V-i.824307005.22745999362
  6. I use MyTello for calling my ITphobic parents and UK govt. musak-fests, if the freephone numbers don't work on Skype.
  7. Why are westerners so obsessed with democracy/capitalism/science? If every region of the world had the same ideas, beliefs and understanding of life etc. would it be a better, or boring world?
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 54 seconds  
  9. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 49 seconds  
  10. Just in case anyone else is in the NI top-up black hole, once you have your Future Pensions forecast, you can pay any missing years without needing the dreaded 18 digit code if non-UK-resident. The information is on the website, but not obvious. I managed to pay mine today. https://www.gov.uk/pay-voluntary-class-3-national-insurance/make-an-online-or-telephone-bank-transfer
  11. A friend has a house just available for rent - 2 bedrooms one with air-con, near the river, about 20 minutes south of the city - 4,000 pm
  12. A pregnant cat chose our garden to give birth in. I was brought up with dogs but my wife has been anti-pets. The mother had obviously be dumped as she in good with people. Now the 3 remaining kittens are 7 weeks old and it looks as though she is pregnant again...... Anybody want some cats?
  13. https://shopee.co.th/Diatomaceous-Earth-(Filter-Aid-Type-A)-1-Kg.-ดินเบา-สีขาวพิเศษ-(ผงกรอง)-ขนาด-1-กิโลกรัม-110256-i.804789002.23354833815 https://shopee.co.th/ซิลิโคนกันกลิ่น-กันแมลง-ในท่อ-ใช้งานได้ยาวนาน-i.391868721.9619356762
  14. That would be nice, but surely she could have just told me that.......
  15. But they asked for my Thai bank details, they now knowing 'where I live'...... And I no longer have a policy with them.....
  16. In May I received a letter from Pru, part of M&G plc, requesting me to fill out a 'confirmation of details' form, which I duly did. I assume they got my address from HMRC via my NI number. Yesterday I received another letter requesting me to send a recent bank statement so that they can "proceed further". As with HMRC, I ended up phoning them 3 times, each time being on hold for 15 minutes and then speaking to someone that, while being very courteous and helpful, couldn't get access to my details - the last one arranging a call-back, which happened this afternoon. Once clearing identification, I asked why they wanted my bank details (the policies I had with them were transferred 10 years ago). I then asked for a transfer balance, I was put on hold, then not given a value, she was very evasive, and then could no longer hear me, although I could hear her. Are they now so incompetent that they may be paying out on old policies?
  17. Probably indicates that a different kind of 'surgery' is required, if the brain thinking it would be a good idea can't be made to see how shallow the idea is.......
  18. I didn't say it was difficult - my point was that there is the risk of single point of failure that would be down to you to fix - crossy has had issues for example. With luck maybe you will not encounter any problems, but we all know about the business models of organisations manufacturing such products - cut corners as much as possible to maximize profit. The days of companies being run with technical professionalism being prime is long gone - think Boeing.......
  19. While the cost increases may make solar investment more attractive, the most important aspect tends to get over-looked - risk. Owning solar at the moment reminds me of what is was like when cars were first available - the owner had to know how it worked so as to be able to repair it, or have a servant for it. Adding batteries to the equation only makes it worse. I suppose, at some point, enterprising individuals will start selling service contracts to maintain solar installs.
  20. In my computer engineer days in the 80's I was called to a city stock broker to repair a non-starting CDC 9766 300MB exchangeable disk drive which used a large motor to spin the pack - I put my fingers on the start capacitor and started to 'white out' until I fell away - had some nice burn marks on two finger tips as a souvenir!
  21. Short-termism in the extreme - do you remember the 'new car tax discount' scheme to boost flagging car sales - everybody that could bought a car, and then the market collapsed to lower than before, obviously..... Now if they could make it a 10K payment per month - different story.......... Thaksinomics to save the day......
  22. Last year about 6 weeks before extension deadline, I went to Bangkok Bank to get the statement and letter, and wanted to get a new ATM card too (it got eaten by an ATM years ago). I was told to come back after extending - not long enough now. The same thing happened at the government office for "pink card" - come back after extending.
  23. I've never seen any ads on my desktop - change your browser.......
  24. Yeah, that seems to be the default for many posters on AN - attack any comment for grammar etc. as some sort of twisted entertainment. I guess this is the legacy of social media.
  25. Believe what you want to believe. Wife's niece went to the main police station in the city and reported what happened this afternoon - this evening the police contacted her sending a photo of the guy to get confirmation they have him, they tracked him on cctv.
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