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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. But won't tourists arriving be covered for insurance by the proposed 300THB scheme?
  2. I can't help you on US mobile plans, but what I did to have a UK number for the same reasons (banking) was found a cheap-ish, basic UK plan, and set it up so that payment is automatically taken from my UK bank account each month. I then set it so that calls and texts will also go to my Thai phone (both are iPhones). so I can still receive calls from people that call me on my UK number. Turned off data roaming and basically leave the phone turned off unless I need it for banking or any other services such as Wise that require 2FA. When I need to do any online banking, money transfers, or check any UK services that require 2FA, I turn it on to receive the codes. Works well for me. HTH
  3. Thaksin Ngokpilai, Otherwise known as Captain Pugwash. From a UK children's TV series allegedly starring Master Bates and Seaman Stains
  4. I can't imagine three year olds using many Thai tourist facilities. 300 baht doesn't sound much, but that is an extra THB1200 for a family with two children. A bit stingy setting the limit at two years old. Someone is obviously feeling the pinch.
  5. Just finished watching four seasons of a TV series called "The Outpost". A fantasy series. "The Outpost follows Talon, the lone survivor of a race called Blackbloods. Years after her entire village was destroyed by a gang of brutal mercenaries, Talon travels to a lawless fortress on the edge of the civilized world, as she tracks the killers of her family.
  6. After paying out big money for a BMW he probably felt put out that someone had the audacity to try and overtake him in a measly ambulance. I see it on my scooter sometimes. Pass a red plate Merc or BMW or other expensive brand and they get all aggressive as if it a scooter has no right to overtake them.
  7. If it's important, I wouldn't chance it, and would buy the stamps.. Probably only cost about 40 baht to send a letter.
  8. Do these rules apply to Thais re-entering Thailand after vacation abroad? Funnily enough I received a letter yesterday from Covid insurer that I used last year, saying that they will be cancelling my insurance on expiry next month. There will be no possibility of renewal. 1. Passengers who have not been vaccinated or are not fully vaccinated can have an RT-PCR test within 72 hours before departure and will be able to enter the country without any additional Covid-19 testing as well as fully vaccinated passengers. If these passengers do not have RT-PCR test results, they will be quarantined as ordered by quarantine officials and are required to conduct RT-PCR testing on day 4 or day 5 of the quarantine. 2. All passengers must have health insurance coverage against Covid-19 or a letter of guarantee of full coverage for Covid-19 treatment worth at least 10,000 USD coverage throughout their stay in Thailand.
  9. So the driver and company rep promise to take full responsibility? The driver has already been charged. Does that mean they will plead guilty?
  10. Was going to say, I hope that he reincarnates as a cockroach. But sounds like he already is one. Sick ****
  11. I didn't want to take her, but mum insisted so we went to Nathon the first time. They gave her a pulse oximeter, a thermometer, some paracetamol and a course of Favirapir? (four or five tablets each morning and night.) Had to pay. Can't remember how much. She had a real bad case of hives about three weeks later. Never happened before. Can't help thinking the drugs might have been the trigger. Just self quarantined for the second infection.
  12. Hewre are two options: Amazon https://www.amazon.com/s?k=usb+security+key+fido+certified&adgrpid=80384173654&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7uTbhoSq9wIVP5hmAh3vggPgEAAYAiAAEgJcuvD_BwE&hvadid=585479345000&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9073362&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=18275908038745165555&hvtargid=kwd-1279553497851&hydadcr=21688_13333425&tag=hydglogoo-20&ref=pd_sl_8409c67fq6_b Or Lazada.co.th https://www.lazada.co.th/products/fido2-security-key-folding-design-thetis-universal-two-factor-authentication-usb-type-a-for-multi-layered-protection-hotp-in-windowslinuxmac-osgmailfacebookdropboxsalesforcegithub-i3358120875-s12459233950.html?search=1&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.34945a702HykxW Might take a week or two from Amazon More on Lazada: https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/usb-security-key/
  13. Thai Navy just jealous of Immigration and their BMW's. If they can have German, so can we. ???? "Smart Submarine." But joking aside, I suppose buying the sub from China will limit their engine options as other countries who could have supplied such engines will have the same reluctance of allowing Chinese access to their military hardware. Even such hardware as a special diesel engine.
  14. Surely they would need to undergo some sort of application and vetting system to stay in Turkey. It can't be that easy for a family to just turn up and decide to stay. Unless they are on a holiday using the 10 mill.
  15. Not asymptomatic. She is unvaccinated. Only 9 y.o. 1st case around first week of Feb. almost 40 degree temp and fever for one night. Next morning felt brand new, but tested positive all week. 2nd case. Symptoms (sneezing and slight cough) appeared Wednesday night, but felt OK. Woke up Thursday feeling rough. Sore throat and cough, hoarse voice. Listless all day. Worsened as the day progressed with evening temp of 40. 2. Temperature dropped next day and started improving. Much improved today (Saturday). She told me the second time felt much worse than the first. I would have thought that she would have some immunity that would lessen any effects. But maybe a different strain this time. I first showed symptoms last Saturday (triple vacc'd). Felt normal again by yesterday (Friday), but still testing positive today.
  16. GF's 9 year old daughter is now on her second infection in ten weeks. Most likely caught it from me at home. It's everywhere here in Samui now.
  17. Well the poor security guard probably needed that money much more than the cat owner, so it's not a bad thing.
  18. Why does an electric fence have to be so powerful as to kill the elephant? Why can't it just have enough power to deter?

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