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Posts posted by Bandersnatch

  1. 38 minutes ago, Gknrd said:

    The guy that posted the video on his solar house is another item I would like to try out from China. I have heard they are good panels. I need to do some research on the inverters and see some reviews on them.


    Not sure if you were referring to my recent video or not, but I can recomend https://aseannow.com/forum/319-alternativerenewable-energy-forum/ you will get some good advice. People share their systems and are available to answer questions

    • Thanks 1
  2. 17 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    Have you ever used an iPhone when the battery gets down to 70%? Typically, you get them changed at 80%.



    Phone batteries and EV batteries are not the same.


    I know most people posting here have no experience with either EV batteries of home solar batteries and that you are not going to believe those of us have lived with such batteries for years.  







    • Thanks 2
  3. 6 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    Getting nasty because you haven't thought it through, just trying to big note yourself. 


    Now you reply with hostility, like a child, grow up. 


    I knew there was something wrong with you when you instructed the mods on how to do their job. 



    You think that 70% is the same as 0% and you call me a child!  Did you finish kindergarten? 


    • Haha 2
  4. 1 hour ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    I struggle to understand the type of person who buys an EV, are they 'want to be's', 'showoffs' etc? 


    I have solar, so I I can charge both of my EVs from excess solar power. No power bill for the house or fuel bill for the cars. Do you "struggle to understand" that?


    I don't have to use a public charger unless I am travelling more than 600km.


    My BYD has bi-directional charging so it comes with effectively 6 Tesla PowerWalls of free backup power. Do you "struggle to understand" that?





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  5. 18 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    Vehicles with white license plates, black letters, or personal vehicles with no more than 7 seats, such as sedans, SUVs, and 4-door pickup trucks, will use the tax calculation method that depends on engine size (CC) as follows.


    - 1-600 cc / charge 0.5 baht per cc.

    - 601-1,800 cc / charge 1.5 baht per cc.

    - 1,801 cc or more / charge 4 baht per cc

    4 door Ford Ranger 2.0 bi turbo engine size 1996cc road tax should be B2,880

    if you have a 3.0 litre or 3.2 litre engine then the road tax will be more


    So why are online links suggesting you can pay up to ฿8,000?




  6. 4 hours ago, dinga said:

    Also given I was thinking at running a 300W Sub Pump, on it's own, for only 1 hour or so every 2 or 3 days

    so you probably won’t get it ever running at 100% efficiency, but sounds like that won’t be a problem for you

    as you can run it for longer and less efficiently. The only way to be sure is to try it and it will only cost you the switch and some cable.


    4 hours ago, dinga said:

    so I'm now thinking it might be easier to forget about solar and just get a 220V Jet Pump....

    Easy to work out the cost of power used.

    One factor I have discovered is submersible pumps seem to last longer as they are not in the heat all day and you don’t have a problem with ants setting up home inside. I have 4 submersible pumps and never had a single problem, can’t say the same for my surface pumps.

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