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Everything posted by Bandersnatch

  1. Preparing to have your free EV WallBox installed. BYD’s WallBox installation team has already contacted my wife about the install and they had some questions for her about the meter size, location of the installation and the nearest breaker box. I am pleased BYD use a different install team to MG as the installation was a nightmare. They insisted to use their own breakers, which I said were not designed for the breaker box and represented a safety risk. This is the breaker box after their installation - I have removed most of the remains of the fried gecko that had pushed it’s way into the gap. Before BYD’s visit I changed the breakers to Siemens and freed up a space for the new wall box.
  2. I have posted a new topic in the Thailand Motor Discussion about V2L.
  3. My new EV has bi-directional charging. I already have solar and home batteries, but the EV is another source of power keeping me off-grid. The first video is my current setup and the second video explains the different types of bi-directional charging and how to connect an EV to a home solar system.
  4. As OP this was in my original post some 4,000 posts ago. I posted this as I knew that the haters would be out in force to hijack this discussion as they have done for so many others. They clearly don’t want anyone to buy an Electric Car and will spread disinformation, loony theories and pathetic lies to achieve their objective. Most are incapable of constructing a coherent argument and due to a lack of formal education have no comprehension of the scientific method. Most of what they post is uniformed opinions and hearsay. Feeding the troll only encourages them. It is best to ignore them or suffer the fate described best by Mark Twain. I also like the one about playing chess with a pigeon.
  5. @MrChart did I miss the October figures? Just watched a video quoting EV sales for 2023 estimated to be 8.7% Thought I saw we had already reached over 10% of total vehicle sales.
  6. Yes light pressure all the way around and click. Getting underneath it getting it off is the problem. I got a YouTube comment. - didn’t look that hard, he didn’t see the struggle off camera to get it started
  7. This exchange on my Hot Seal video was interesting
  8. Wouldn’t the aircon have also have cooled the windscreen and that was considerably hotter. This is my MG HS PHEV with Hi Kool ceramic film: BYD Seal Roof not coated: BYD Seal windscreen uncoated MG HS PHEV with Hi Kool ceramic film and foil coated foam: Conclusion: BYD Seal’s uncoated windscreen is the same temp as the film coated MG MG with with foil coated foam and film is the same temp as the BYD Seal’s glass roof
  9. As you said yourself "I don't have an EV" meaning you don't think the way EV owners think. You don't understand how EVs work. "if everyone waited until later to charge wont those be higher demand hours and wont the electric companies charge accordingly" EVs represent a tiny proportion of countries energy usage, but they want EV owners to charge at night so power like Wind doesn't need to switched off and they don't need to switch on Gas Peaker early evening.
  10. I charge my EVs from the solar on my house. One of my EVs has bi-directional charging so it’s basically a battery on wheels. I haven’t drawn any power from PEA since September 2022. Go on with your “criticism and anti EV stance based on Knowledge , Science and engineering”
  11. You are going to have to explain how I could have done a more proper job of listing "Questions covered in the article" than "simply copied and pasted" maybe I could have changed a few questions to ones that weren't covered by the article?
  12. I was telling you because you posted "IMO most people would want to plug in and start charging as soon as they get home from work which would place an additional load to peak electric consumption time" I was explaining why your comment was wrong - don't get upset about it
  13. You make a valid point - I give everyone a chance or two to see if they are capable of engaging in a discussion, but once I recognize their only aim is to throw stones they get added to my ignore list so that I don't waste their time or mine.
  14. Not if it was much cheaper to wait a few hours - Just program the car once to charge the same time every day when electricity is cheaper
  15. I don't but it's a comment that is regularly heard in EV discussions (insert country name of your choice)
  16. I hear that a lot, but I haven't seen EV owners swarming petrol head discussions - maybe you have and can post links. I have certainly seen many many anti EV comments on EV discussions that lack basic science understanding. Maybe if you've had to explain Grid Balancing and load shifting to someone who doesn't understand TOU Tariffs for the 5th time that week you can come across as patronizing. In which case apologies.
  17. That's why I didn't post it here but started a new discussion 🙄
  18. Did you read @TimeMachine original post? No just jump into a discussion half way through and reply without any context He said "Batteries don't last in Thai weather." He was claiming that batteries in Thailand would die in 5 years. Thailand is not the only hot country in the world with EVs unfortunately they have only been sold in any number here for 4 years, so we had to look at examples elsewhere.
  19. I have posted a new topic in the Thailand Motor Discussion “Factchecking 21 misleading myths about electric vehicles“
  20. Views on EVs seem to be polarized along political lines. Views seem to depend on which echo chamber you spend your time in. One thing is certain however and that is discussions about EVs on the Thailand Motor Forum seem to generate a lot of interest, both for and against. For those of us who own EVs in Thailand it can be frustrating having to fact check the same things all the time, so I am posting this link to facilitate the debates https://www.carbonbrief.org/factcheck-21-misleading-myths-about-electric-vehicles/ Questions covered in the article: ‘An EV has to travel 50,000+ miles to break even’ ‘VW’s e-Golf becomes more environmentally friendly only after 77,000 miles’ The ‘electric Volvo C40 needs to be driven around 68,400 miles to cut carbon’ ‘Electric vehicles have little or no CO2 advantage over the car you already drive’ ‘Climate change is accelerating because of the ban on combustion-engines’ ‘Old bangers are the green motorist’s choice’ ‘EVs simply displace carbon emissions from roads to distant power stations’ ‘Electric cars are not green machines’ ‘Electric vehicles alone can’t solve climate change’ ‘EVs are [low-mileage] runabouts…[that] take a long time to pay off their carbon debt’ ‘Synthetic petrol could displace electric vehicles’ ‘Hydrogen cars are more sustainable than EVs’ ‘Sales of electric vehicles appear to be slowing’ ‘Electric cars could soon be more expensive to drive than their petrol equivalents’ ‘There are insufficient raw materials…for all vehicles to be EVs’ The lifetime of EV batteries is ‘horribly uncertain’ ‘Electric vehicles can explode – petrol ones only do it in movies’ ‘Under Biden’s electric vehicle mandate, 40% of US auto jobs will disappear’ ‘Electric car revolution at crisis point’ due to ‘charging point shortage’ ‘Britain’s creaking power grid cannot cope with charging electric cars’ ‘How your super heavy EV produces MORE pollution than petrol and diesel cars’
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