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Everything posted by bokningar

  1. Not sure Kasikorn has them now. There has been a message for some time (see below) But I have never seen any news saying you can apply. Maybe I have missed some thing. "K Web Shopping Card service has been renamed to K Online Debit Card. You can continue using the service as usual. To Apply New Card will be available soon!"
  2. If it isn't just corruption money you will get a receipt right?
  3. Thanks for info. Some people say PB is very strict about staying at least 1 night out of Thailand.
  4. Have you had problems in PB? I have heard about 1 days stay needed but 3 days was news to me. Has it happened to you? This was posted in an other tread.
  5. So is it now OK to just cross a land border and come back directly again? Remember people used to have trouble at the Malaysian border if not staying at least one night outside Thailand some years ago. Great if this has changed.
  6. The closest used to be the Ranong to Burma. It is by boat and I'm not sure if it ha opened again yet. Used to be organised tours with a van. Good luck
  7. Maybe it is time for US and EU to put a ban on flights to Thailand. Then they can live on quality tourists.
  8. Higher taxes and tougher laws in Europe will as usual be the solution
  9. Suggest you walk from the airport north the whole Mai Khao beach and report back how many life guards per 100 meter you find. There is not life guards everywhere on Phuket.
  10. On my last trip I did upload a copy of blank page an wrote no travel last 12 months. Worked for me. Good luck and have a nice trip
  11. Monty Phyton Life of Bryan moment here
  12. As you say, that change didn't make much sense only hitting the O-A visa. In the end they must have lost a lot of nights spent in Thailand on that move. For my self I just spend a fraction of the time I used to spend in Thailand since they made that change. Hope they change it back, I still like Thailand. But I wont spend money on insurance for months I don't stay in Thailand, And that is what you end up doing if you want to get an O-A visa right now.
  13. The O-A visa is more or less dead. New rules killed it. I used it for a long time but now I just do some short visit or stay away from Thailand all together. The problem is you never know when they will change the rules.
  14. Just change the O-A visa back to what it was prior to the demand for (useless) insurance came in to play. And I will come back spending money in Thailand 5-8 month of the year like I use to do. Or a 90-day visa exempt like Malaysia. If you could extend that 1 time.
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