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Everything posted by bokningar

  1. Will they do anything about slavery on the fishing boats as well?
  2. Think they forgot to count all new Russians and Chines
  3. Is this the way they will try to get the "Airport HUB" idea to happen?
  4. If get what he ask for he would go to jail.
  5. There is a lot more Russians this time, and they have invested more here as well. So don't hold your breath waiting for them to leave.
  6. I'm really so tired of all the apps for everything these days. No more apps at all for me thanks.
  7. Everyone know the answer to that question. Thailand is more corrupt then ever.
  8. Thailand feels safer now....................
  9. Good initiative. But will they survive next time the guys with grass trimmers come?
  10. A lot of Thai boxers would love to have that kind of salary
  11. Isn't it the opposite? 1 square wa is 4 m2. And that would make the price 1 million per square meter.
  12. Really? Never heard that, but interesting. Do you have a link?
  13. And in another tread here "The Ministry of Industry has revealed that Russia expressed interest in introducing steel products to Thailand" That will help
  14. OK just me being a bit slow then. Just easier to follow with the quote.
  15. It was easier before. It was red and yellow. How many colors is it now? But I guess it is the same as with number of sexes now. To may to even care about
  16. Not to be rude or anything, but I would like to have an answer to my question. And I guess I can always start a new tread but why not try to get the answer here without starting a new one? A lot of knowable people her, so why not?
  17. What is? Pleas quote what post you answer to.
  18. So even a 2 years license can be renewed up to 1 year after the expiration date? Some one told me only 5 year license can do that and 2 year have to be renewed before the expiration date. Good news.
  19. And if you don't have a moral compass you will make any deal that will help Russia with money so they can continue killing civilians in Ukraine. In a few year there will only be Russians and Chinese here.
  20. I would say a brilliant move forward. This would probably make me stay longer here again. Since they destroyed the O-A visa I don't spend half as much time here as I did before.
  21. You are right this must be a lot worse the all the MENA immigrants coming to western countries living on benefits. Selling drugs and killing people. Yes, asking for a free meal is much worse!
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