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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. They will not look so healthy after 20 years of fish soup and boiled rice......
  2. A politician asking the public to trust him..............That is the biggest oxymoron I have heard this year......
  3. Exactly, you beat me to it. The Governments both here, and abroad, never care what anyone thinks, as long as their pockets are getting filled.
  4. I used them a year ago, just before Darren sadly passed away. Cannot fault their service. I had filled the form in red ink as I am colour blind, and did not see the pen colour. He sent me an e-mail, laughed it off, and refilled the forms. Had an email that hey had the passport, and it was at the house in Surin next day. Cannot fault them.
  5. Disciplinary action?.........kicked off the force?..................I doubt it.............. "My team member was not as conscious as he should have been and was not disciplined." So, a member of the police force, who kicks women in the face, is free to go about upholding the law in Thailand..........
  6. There will always be the flock of sheeple for the government, W.H.O. and W.E.F. to control. t is only now coming to light that lockdowns, forced vaccinations, etc are all against the basic human rights of every individual.
  7. Translated.......We would not want any of those people to see the true squalid, dirty, overcrowded conditions every other inmate has to live in.
  8. PLEASE, PLEASE, STOP.......................................My sides are hurting too much................
  9. Except they have never used a parachute, all they have done is zip lined from a tower.
  10. As others have said, making your own is ok. However, if you do not have the time try REAL Mayo. We buy it in Makro, it is in a 1 litre yellow soft plastic pack. Used it in the bar for years for making dips etc.
  11. What a pity these same people did not push for the parliament of the last 8 years to go as they did all but adhere to the law, and be exemplary figures.
  12. It is a forum, a forum is for discussion. Remember that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.
  13. I do not think it is just here. In Saudi my Son had to have an operation for a broken arm, I had to sign a mountain of papers first, both Arabic & English. Who knows what the Arabic paper said.
  14. Oh, I don't know, three meals a day, all found, no expenses, and a card to spend 40 pounds a week on incidentals......
  15. A few days ago I needed to go to and get some metal primer paint. The shop is about 5 km down the road. As I picked up the helmet, and keys, my Wife asked me what I was doing. When I explained She would not let me. She insisted I took the truck, saying there are too many idiots on these roads around here, you are safer in the truck....
  16. I really do hope this spreads to other professions, such as bus drivers, lorry drivers, train drivers, 7/11 checkout staff,....Seriously though, let us hope it is the start of a trend, I for one do not want that xenophobic, racist in charge.
  17. Correct, I had to sign a disclaimer before they would undertake an emergency operation. they probably have a zillion get-out clauses.
  18. He is in handcuffs, and here it is not allowed to show them. Please do not ask why, I stopped trying to figure it out years ago.
  19. A nut in as prime minister............Add Big Joke into the pot, and it is probably time to look for a house in Cambodia, or Laos, because this Country will not be Farang friendly at all.
  20. If memory serves me correctly, did they not make it illegal, then everyone screamed unfair on the poorer people because for many people in the villages it was the only way to get around. So the Government relented, and said o.k. but only 6 maximum.?
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