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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. This is more appropriate for here.....
  2. Maybe treading on too many toes again.
  3. Yes, a few km makes all the difference. I can sit on the patio and watch the thunderstorm hit Buri Ram to the West, and we get nothing.
  4. AhFarangJa

    VCR to DVD

    Many thanks. I still have all the cameras as it is the only way to watch the vdo's. Will check out the cables and look for a convertor.
  5. I have a strong aversion to this low life, philandering piece of excrement using any more oxygen. No doubt some bleeding heart doctor of a obscure medical degree will come along and blame it on his childhood, or bad memories of school. I have to agree with Bild766, except I would take longer.
  6. Going darker, and thunder rolling in the distance, just going outside to do a rain dance.......should I carry a glass of wine too......
  7. Looks like another sunny day in Surin. We could do with a bit of H2O...
  8. AhFarangJa

    VCR to DVD

    Interesting question. I have loads of small cassette tapes from an old video camera. they are all of my late Family, Father, Mother, Brothers. It would be nice to get them converted to digital.
  9. I can hear the contractor boss counting it now........1 Baht for the road, 110,000 for me......1 Baht for the road, 110,000 for me......1 Baht for the road, 110,000 for me.....
  10. I agree with you that they need to look at retirees in a different light. Unfortunately, the xenophobic racist dinosaurs in government will not change. I have already mentioned to my Wife about this. We live only 30 km. from Cambodia, my Son is 19 now. If they make it untenable for my visa renewal I will move to Cambodia, and visit as often as the visa conditions allow. My Wife and Son can also drive across to Cambodia.
  11. Because it is. Fact checkers that do not know facts, as proved recently in a court in America when Farcebook admitted fact checking was just an opinion. Too politically correct censoring posts so as not to offend the oh so sensitive bleeding heart do gooders. I could go on, but it is not really that important in the big scheme of things.
  12. LOL......who would have believed that here.
  13. They will not look so healthy after 20 years of fish soup and boiled rice......
  14. The people that managed to get the main haul through......
  15. A politician asking the public to trust him..............That is the biggest oxymoron I have heard this year......
  16. Exactly, you beat me to it. The Governments both here, and abroad, never care what anyone thinks, as long as their pockets are getting filled.
  17. I used them a year ago, just before Darren sadly passed away. Cannot fault their service. I had filled the form in red ink as I am colour blind, and did not see the pen colour. He sent me an e-mail, laughed it off, and refilled the forms. Had an email that hey had the passport, and it was at the house in Surin next day. Cannot fault them.
  18. Disciplinary action?.........kicked off the force?..................I doubt it.............. "My team member was not as conscious as he should have been and was not disciplined." So, a member of the police force, who kicks women in the face, is free to go about upholding the law in Thailand..........
  19. There will always be the flock of sheeple for the government, W.H.O. and W.E.F. to control. t is only now coming to light that lockdowns, forced vaccinations, etc are all against the basic human rights of every individual.
  20. Translated.......We would not want any of those people to see the true squalid, dirty, overcrowded conditions every other inmate has to live in.
  21. PLEASE, PLEASE, STOP.......................................My sides are hurting too much................
  22. Except they have never used a parachute, all they have done is zip lined from a tower.
  23. As others have said, making your own is ok. However, if you do not have the time try REAL Mayo. We buy it in Makro, it is in a 1 litre yellow soft plastic pack. Used it in the bar for years for making dips etc.
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