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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Wrong, it is a permit, yes, but it is required if you are staying a short time. It is valid for one year, but only three months at a time, any longer and you need a Thai licence.
  2. Agree 100%, but what is worse is that another member posted a thread called lack of freedom of expression. I replied with about 30 emojis as a bit of sarcasm, now I cannot access that post, I think it has been dropped. No doubt this post will be censored too. I am with you, probably leave AN soon. someone else posted that it was strange how a simple emoji upsets so many grown men. It is not the emoji, it is the censorship, and manipulation, which is happening all around us now, with the covid stupidity, banking rules, and Governments trying to control all we do. Rant over, have a good one.
  3. You do not clarify if it is a foreign bank card, or local. I pay about 200 Baht a year for my card with SCB. I can use that at most machines with no charge. However, a foreign card will incur an immediate charge of, I believe, 250 Baht per transaction, plus a lousy exchange rate on top.
  4. O.K. This morning I notice the laughing emoji from the choices on the right of a post has been removed. Not sure if breaking forum rules by questioning this decision, but why?
  5. The laughing emoji appears to have been censored off the choices........ I have started a thread to ask why.....
  6. Later in the day they had a private meeting to discuss sharing the pie......
  7. They do not need to construct another building. There is a huge one in Bangkok already fitted out where s** all gets done now.
  8. You have to remember that NO Government, anywhere, has any money. It is all gleaned from the populace any way they can.
  9. I do agree with your hypothesis, however, I believe I found the flaw in your reasoning.
  10. Was worth that, hope he has insurance. On the good side, he made it out in one piece.
  11. Why would they want proof of funds for 90 day report. The online system does not ask for it. On the other hand, I forgot where I was for a minute....
  12. Thanks, I was going on personnal experience. A late friend had a condo in Hua Hin, believe it or not called "The Flame Tree", and they did not allow them. Also, my Son's apartment, also in H.H. does not allow them either.
  13. Ignoring the slight spelling error, I thought all condos banned gas cookers and bbq's.
  14. Just went to the office, filled out a form, then they cancelled one visa, and started another. I lost about two weeks on the old visa, but no big deal. My Wife was present also, and, for some strange reason I could not figure out we needed a letter from the local Amphur office to say we were still married......don't ask me why. Oh, and the money in the bank. As Proton mentioned, they prefer it as less work for them. Sorry, I forgot to mention the standard paperwork as listed by MJCM above.
  15. I changed mine over three years ago, mainly because of the mass of paperwork needed each year for a marriage visa.
  16. I had to think for a while as to what a w beam is.........Then realised it is what is known in the rest of the world as Armco....
  17. A quick question, if I may. After your post I looked on Lazada for Enelop Pro rechargeables. Now I probably know the answer, but if you have purchased them can you please clarify. One set is priced at 545 Baht for 4 AA batteries. The other is priced at 135 Baht for 4. It appears obvious the second is fake. The high priced one has made in Japan on top right, on the left is the capacity of 2550 mAh, and on the right is a battery with 85% life after one year facing left. The cheap ones do not say Japan, the battery on the right faces the other way, and High Capacity is on the top of the card. So, am I correct in assuming the more expensive are genuine. I thank you in anticipation for your kind assistance.
  18. That description fits perfectly the group of Women in a house about a hundred metres from me.....
  19. Eating food made with fermented stinking, rotting fish, with uncooked crabs, probably giving consumers worms, also eating fried insects, ant eggs, etc. and she is made sick by the sight of a fish head..I do not think so.....
  20. My Brother in Law does it. Years ago I asked the Wife, and she said it is to cure headaches...........yes, I am baffled too.....
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