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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. What a pity these same people did not push for the parliament of the last 8 years to go as they did all but adhere to the law, and be exemplary figures.
  2. Rather that Hypersomniac than the Zenophobe A-***-IN....
  3. It is a forum, a forum is for discussion. Remember that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.
  4. I do not think it is just here. In Saudi my Son had to have an operation for a broken arm, I had to sign a mountain of papers first, both Arabic & English. Who knows what the Arabic paper said.
  5. Oh, I don't know, three meals a day, all found, no expenses, and a card to spend 40 pounds a week on incidentals......
  6. A few days ago I needed to go to and get some metal primer paint. The shop is about 5 km down the road. As I picked up the helmet, and keys, my Wife asked me what I was doing. When I explained She would not let me. She insisted I took the truck, saying there are too many idiots on these roads around here, you are safer in the truck....
  7. I really do hope this spreads to other professions, such as bus drivers, lorry drivers, train drivers, 7/11 checkout staff,....Seriously though, let us hope it is the start of a trend, I for one do not want that xenophobic, racist in charge.
  8. Correct, I had to sign a disclaimer before they would undertake an emergency operation. they probably have a zillion get-out clauses.
  9. He is in handcuffs, and here it is not allowed to show them. Please do not ask why, I stopped trying to figure it out years ago.
  10. A nut in as prime minister............Add Big Joke into the pot, and it is probably time to look for a house in Cambodia, or Laos, because this Country will not be Farang friendly at all.
  11. ........because he was taking business away from them. There, fixed that.
  12. If memory serves me correctly, did they not make it illegal, then everyone screamed unfair on the poorer people because for many people in the villages it was the only way to get around. So the Government relented, and said o.k. but only 6 maximum.?
  13. I agree in part, however, It appears to me that the government want these masses in to keep wages and costs down in order to increase profits. I know the whole subject is a powder keg, and we can all bat figures from one side to the other. The fact remains that they are housing these people in 4 star hotels, while we have British nationals living on the streets. Also, why does a migrant get 45 pounds a week to spend on incidentals, when my late father was given 20, the rest of his pension stolen by the government to pay for health care that he had paid into for all his life. one reason I do not live there anymore, as it makes me sick, and sad to see the Country go down the toilet like it is.
  14. What a crock of do-do. Most of the ILLEGAL immigrants are coming from Algeria, a country that is not at war with anyone, they are economic migrants. Look at the boats....ALL MALE, young, fit, able. NO Women, Children. With respect you need to open your eyes. It is costing 7 million a day to house these leeches, while our own ex army men go homeless. Try looking at what is happening in Ireland, you will be surprised.
  15. I was just going to post that in the video the people in front of the camera are not wearing life jackets. Dumber than a bucket of frogs, both the helmsman, and the passengers.
  16. Why will the tourists not come........Oh, wait a second.......Dumb as a bucket of frogs,
  17. Pots & Kettle, Pots, and Kettles. Not condoning what the Kuwaitis are doing, this is a ridiculous statement given the standard of observing the Law by locals regarding helmets, licence, and insurance, tax, etc.
  18. A bit like McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Etc,Etc.......
  19. Strange, I thought it was illegal to consume alcohol within about 100 metres from a school?
  20. Except for drivers in Mercedes, BMW's, and other Hi-So drivers.
  21. Yes, they use it to pay for all the free loading illegal immigrants, and also to give themselves huge pay rises, bonuses, non contributary pensions etc.
  22. Ban him from keeping any pets, except maybe a dung beetle in a matchbox.
  23. Fine, you are lucky, maybe where you are going is not on the mainstream so to speak. I only commented from my own experiences in Chiang Mai, and other large parks. That is why I do not bother any more. I would be happy to pay a small increase, but 500% is just plain daylight robbery. Before anyone says 'it is only 2 beers'. it is not the money, but the principle. However, I wish you continued luck in getting in using your licence.......
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