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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Hi. just a general enquiry. I usually receive at least 2 emails a day with news on the forum. So far I have received nothing for the past 5 days, is there a glitch in the system?
  2. Reminds me of an oldie. There was a bricklayer building a house in the countryside. Every morning a well dressed man would lean against the gate, watching him for hours. Eventually the brickie had enough, and one morning he went over to the well dressed man. He asked "listen mate, why do you stand and watch me work for hours every day?". The man replied that he was interested to see the man using a string line, and spirit level to get the bricks even. He said he was a nuclear scientist, and had to work to a tolerance of one millionth of a millimetre. The brickie replied "well, you'd be no good at this then mate, 'cause we've got to be bloody spot on".
  3. What on Earth is up with some people. if I was witness to such abuse I would immediately contact both the Poo Yai Bahn, and the police. I would then go back, with witnesses, and cell phone footage, and free the poor girl. Yes, I understand that as a Foreigner I would be leaving myself open to retribution, but I would defend myself with a clear conscience.
  4. May I ask a couple of stupid questions please..........How many were wearing seat belts, and how many seat belts were functional.
  5. Have a look at this one, 750,000 US Dollars. Then they charge you 1,000 Dollars for shipping. best of all, it has a RUBBER wrisband!!!!! To me they all look like the type of watch a young child would wear, but, hey, each to their own I guess..............
  6. Maybe he was drinking 485 and got confused with 405....
  7. This is the Thai way of separating their waste from home..................
  8. If you are a regular user it can be more than a month. I remember we used to have a couple from California visit our bar every year, before Covid. They used to get taxis everywhere because they said if they got stopped on a bike at a checkpoint and tested, they would be positive. I did mention if it would be worth stopping using it for a month or so before traveling.............as this is a family forum I will not post the answer......
  9. I too have used them for years, yet recently every time I try to log on I get asked to verify my account with a one time code, sent by either email or sms. It always works, but it is annoying to have to do it, sometimes three times in a day. Just out of interest, are you aware that when the security box comes up you have to click on "send" on the right of the number box. then they send you the code, and you enter it. Sorry in advance if you are aware of this.
  10. I had to look it up didn't I. I wish I had not, I promise to take notice of your warning next time, and curb my curiosity....................
  11. I have news for them, 20 years is no way enough time. I suggest they re-adjust the figure to 200, then they may have a chance...........though still doubtful.
  12. It would not have bothered this guy.................
  13. Disgusting, if the story turns out to be true then the driver should be dismissed forthwith, and never be allowed a job with schoolchildren again.
  14. The Middle Eastern airlines, (Emirates, etihad, Etc) quality of service is far superior to Bloody Awful airlines.
  15. “I am indifferent, I believe that if a person has to, he dies, and if he is not dead, he is not so.” Hmmmm..........How very sagacious..................(sarcasm alert)
  16. I have a better idea, build a 50 metre high wall along the western edge of Pattani and Yala, from Malaysia to the Gulf. Then let them take themselves back to the fourteenth century, and leave the rest of us in peace. Alternatively, they can always s*d off to Saudi Arabia, or Iran depending on which brand of idiocy they believe in.
  17. Yes, The Venus....................I am a Boatbuilder by trade for over 50 years, and I am convinced it was made with Lego bricks and play dough................ http://luxuryachts.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Steve-Jobs-Luxury-Yacht-6.jpg
  18. +1..Could not agree more, it looks like a brick perched on top of foam blocks...................................Now, if it was a top of the range Sunseeker for example..............
  19. Imagine being 21 again with the knowledge, and wisdom you have acquired over the years................
  20. While you are at it why not have a look at certain people in the top jobs, who gained their position through coercion and the gun. Then seize their assets and ill gotten gains, and divide it among the poorer citizens.
  21. Caption competition................What is the guy in the baseball cap at centre thinking about the guy holding the umbrella........................
  22. After so many reports like this I seem to be getting immune to it. My only thought was that I was surprised there were only two of them on the bike. R.I.P. young lady, let down by the society that should be nurturing you.
  23. I too thought that was a low number, until I factored in the B.I.B., then it made sense. They were probably the only four that never contributed to the Christmas tea box.
  24. This gentleman obviously did not read the instruction manual entitled "How to make a claim that a ladyboy stole your jewelry" where it clearly states in the box marked value, that you enter 100,000 Baht.
  25. L.O.L. Crossy, I can empathise with him. Used to get my knuckles rapped with a wooden ruler in school............Didn't work, still left handed !!!
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