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Everything posted by Pumpuynarak

  1. Now that is great news and i would dearly like to inform HSBC of my residency in Thailand but i just fear that they would close my account. Its a PITA when my cards are up for renewal and my son has to send out to me and then because of the postal delay they are harassing me to validate them. I am aware of the fact if you don't use the CC a couple of times a year they will eventually cancel because of lack of use so i oblige by buying stuff online. I've a good mind to call them and ask what their policy is with long standing account holders living in Thailand not complying with their UK residents only policy but of course not disclosing my name lol
  2. They don't give a FF about being fair to us but they're quite happy to take my 10K a year income tax !!!!
  3. I cannot believe that there is no tie up between the HMRC and the DWP over what state pensioners are receiving. I too get notice of codings every year by accessing the government gateway and sure enough they ALWAYS show i'm receiving a higher state pension than i am. I'm not receiving the annual increases as i'm resident in Thailand and they both know this as my address is on their records. Beggars belief the ineptitude of these two ???????
  4. Different issue, what happened with Farage was downright wrong and they have paid the price for it. Banks stipulating that you have to be a UK resident is surely there perogative, i can understand why they have that rule, think credit cards/overdrafts.
  5. Agreed there is no law but can banks not make there own T&C as they see fit ?
  6. Well i have to say i've been taking the tabs for approx 1 week in different time scales and the reality is i've not noticed ANY difference in my sleep duration. In fact one night i forgot to take the tabs and slept for 5 hours, my best night ever for over 3 years lol
  7. I'd like to agree with you but the issues are entirely different imo.
  8. Tell ya what guys i've had a HSBC account in the UK whilst living in Thailand for 17 years. I've never told them about my residency in Thailand for fear of them closing the account but i've also got a credit card with a 5K limit and an overdraft facility of 15K. Now if they knew of my Thai residency would they not cancel both these arrangements for obvious reasons ?
  9. OP, i had exactly the same problem. Nowhere does it say they only want the last three digits. I had to visit my BB local branch. Why oh why we are not made aware of this requirement is beyond me but hey TIT lol
  10. Having watched the vid now i would imagine that he would be charged with a much less serious charge as the damage done is quite insignificant.
  11. Thanks for your confirmatory post, and i am a retired UK magistrate. Yes indeed it might get diluted at the courts but certainly not ime to ''common assault or battery''
  12. Now would that be a 12 volt or 6 volt ? A punch to the face would typically be charge as single-blow GBH. See the graphic above to find out where this sits on the scale of severity across all types of assault offences.Jun 4, 2562 BE
  13. I believe it was that little rat George Osborne who initiated the change of the state pension from an entitlement to a benefit.
  14. I believe thats GBH in the UK, a very serious offence. 1000bht fine is a massive joke but TIT lol
  15. Good post which i agree with in its entirety. I do just as you advise i say NO, having done ALL the the attractions i've ever been interested in when i was visiting as a tourist and was'nt aware of their racist practices (i now live here with my Thai wifey and have done for nearly 17 years) I found these attractions to be pretty crap tbh so a revisit is never on the cards, they can stick them where the sun does'nt shine. I think the next time i'm back in the UK i'll suggest to the authorities that they charge ALL THAI NATIONALS (not wifey of course as she's married to a British national) for enjoying the beauty of the New Forest which was on my doorstep when i lived there.
  16. Yep i had to show them proof of my income by way of my private pension payslips.
  17. Bingo, i had exactly the same scenario last night. Wifey accused me and ALL farangs of having expectations that were unreasonable when having work completed by Isaan tradesmen (joke), we just have to accept poor quality work. My reply ''if you accept s*** work don't be surprised if thats ALL you ever get'' Thai workman have a belief that in the case of painting and decorating just because they can hold a paint brush they're fit for purpose lol I've got no problem paying guys good money for good work but i'm just not interested in any guys who clearly are not up to the mark. I had a new shower water heater fitted not long ago and the pratt could'nt even attach the shower head holder vertical, it was out of line, all he needed was a spirit level if his eyesight was'nt up to it. Probaly did'nt have one but i have one so he could of borrowed mine, i find on numerous occasions they don't even have the correct tools to do the job, beggars belief. I won't tell you my remaining comments to wifey lol In conclusion i have to say i have had very good work carried out by very competent tradesmen but they are few and far between and when you get their contact details for future work, hey presto they've disappeared or relocated. I could go on and on and on lol
  18. Now i would tend to totally agree with you but what happens when you take a loan out on a property that is in your wifey's name but obviously its your home too. The reason i was keen for wifey to have the loan (i did'nt need it, i could have paid for the property in full 4Mill) was if the relationship went tits up which no doubt if it was going to it would tend to be in the early years i could walk away and save the 1.5Mill or what was left of the mortgage. I also made sure we never bought any property until we were legally married then at least i had a chance albeit small of getting 50% of any sale value. Just trying to cover my a** as much as i could but i'm really pleased to say we've been together 17 years this October and what a great time we've had, long may it continue. PS - Your pension is guaranteed, well at least mine is and wifey gets 50% of it when i pop me clogs.
  19. I have'nt experienced any of that yet as i've only recently signed up, one great mate i've made contact with after 25 years of no contact and i have to say it was brill to speak with him again but as you say lets see what the future brings, he's still working with two teenage daughters, he's 18 years younger than me.
  20. and i WAS one of them until i realised it gave me the potential to look up great mates from way way back who i'd lost contact with.
  21. Thats why i changed to Wise from the UK HSBC Swift procedure, the charges were considerably higher.
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