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Everything posted by Pumpuynarak

  1. Gotta be America surely but i could be wrong lol
  2. SCB offered wifey the house mortgage with me as guarantor and she had no income. I imagine as the loan to value was very small at 1.5Mill the property value in the event of default would cover easily providing they could sell it. With pensioners acting as guarantor the problem is the pensioner dying before the loan is repaid. I had to take out life assurance to cover the loan.
  3. Don't ever guarantor anyone unless they or you are on a guaranteed affordable income (pension springs to mind) but i know thats easily said the reality is very different. I was asked by our bank to guarantor wifey's house purchase, no problem my pension easily covered the monthly repayments. Wifey had no income to meet the repayments, go figure lol
  4. Well i received the tabs and have been taking for the last 2 nights approx 20 mins prior to getting me head down. Now prior to taking the tabs my sleeping routine was get me head down between 10.30pm and 11pm and then i would sleep no probs but only for between 3-4 hours. I have to say that taking these tabs does'nt do anything to extend my sleeping time so i'm thinking should i just take 1 tab when i wake up after the usual 3-4 hours or should i take one 5mg tab before sleeping AND another 1 tab when i wake up or just take 10mg when i wake up. What do you think @sheryl111080 ? Your advice would be appreciated along with any BM's, TIA
  5. Just found the process, i did'nt realise it was that easy lol
  6. The total bill was made up of 800B for the clean, 500B for the x ray and 100B for sterilisation but she was a real pretty young gal when i got her to take her mask off lol, the 800B for the clean is pretty standard where i live in Korat.
  7. Now i'm very new to FB and as a confirmed com dino i'm struggling with it. Is there anyway i can get in touch with friends like you from many many years ago if indeed they are also using FB ? I'm not aware of any process and i have tried to find one. Thanks for any help.
  8. I went to my dentist yesterday here in Thailand at a local clinic, what a pleasant experience it was. She was totally professional and x rayed my teeth and then discussed with me any problems with them, then proceeded to clean them and did an excellent job, cost 1400bht.
  9. Bingo, thats exactly what i had done on the effected area, no more leaking for the first time in 15 years. I've lost count of the number of workmen that have attempted to solve the problem including the developer who built the house.
  10. I had that carried out by a company in Bangkok that used to advertise in the Bangkok post, cost 13K IIRC. It never solved the problem, the leak continued.
  11. I live in Thailand and could'nt GAF whats happening in any other country. To be fair i did in fact mention dear ole blighty which is the only other country i have experience of its medical services lol Have a nice day.
  12. Guys, I have a story to tell of an unfortunate experience i was subjected to in a private hospital that was in mine and my Thai wifey's opinion (she was in attendance with me) utterly appalling and totally unprofessional and demonstrated what a piece of s... this so called doc was. Never in a million years would i have received the same treatment from a doc or anyone in the medical profession in the UK. But i will refrain from doing so as i've already said enough imo, if anyone's interested i will PM you in the next few days, i've got a busy time ahead of me.
  13. I do exactly the same thing due to the ''white coat syndrome'' ????
  14. Guys i'll restrict my posting to replies, its not very nice if i don't reply. Good point but i've never experienced this practice in any doctors surgery or any of the private hospitals i've attended in the UK(the doc would take if he deemed it necessary) . I would also add i don't see that could possibly be the case due to the ''white coat syndrome'', it would never stack up in a court imo
  15. Right, i'm going to excuse myself from this topic, i've said enough. Long live the rip off private hospitals.........
  16. Before you even get to see the doc you are required to have your blood pressure, height and weight checked, i wonder why ? I know, its good practice, its got nothing to do with money lmao. Its a shame our UK doctors surgeries don't do the same thing lmao again.........
  17. Your post is so very true in every respect, i too flit from one of my local government hospitals and one of the private hospitals according to my needs. I have to self insure as my pre-existing conditions prevent me from having insurance so i'm conscious when it comes to the treatment/bills i'm going to be presented with. I imagine because most of the customers that present themselves to private hospitals are probaly carrying insurance and could'nt care a less how much the bill is as they are not paying it tends to fuel the rip off practices. All those that are carrying insurance imo should take more interest in the makeup of their eventual bill and how its arrived at then perhaps their premium increases would not be so upsetting and eye watering.
  18. I think i should say that after living here for getting on 17 years with my lovely Thai wifey i've learned not to become a regular Thai basher, its not fair on them BUT every now and again an issue arises that i must deliver some bashing cos its bloody well deserved and this is one such issue imo ????
  19. IME the doc will not know the cost of any meds he's prescribing but for sure he'll know that they will be charging you a rip off price compared to a local pharmacy, the docs must be receiving some payment from the meds they prescribe imo
  20. I've learned from experience that they will prescribe meds without actually telling you that they have and you only find out when you go to the cashiers/hospital pharmacy which is always ime next door to each other and you present the docs you're given and they liase and present you the bill and the meds with instructions of how to take. I now ASK the doc if he's prescribing meds if he does'nt indicate to me when face to face. Beggars belief but its true !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. You only have to look at the costs for prescribed meds which they will prescribe in abundance and compare them against the costs from your local pharmacy. Once i realised their ''game'' i now buy ALL my meds from Siam pharmacy and i inform the docs accordingly and surprise surprise the honest docs agree with me.
  22. Bingo, i am very distrustful of the private hospital network here in Thailand, we are customers not patients. I will question the docs respectfully on every issue that they recommend treatment for after all said and done TIT where imo ''its all about the money''
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