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Everything posted by Pumpuynarak

  1. BINGO, and i live here to with my Thai wifey and have done for 16 years and contribute up to 1.5M Baht per year living costs into the Thai economy, i think i'm contributing enough to warrant not having to pay this tourist tax. Now to be fair a lot of these attractions will allow you to pay the Thai price if you furnish them with your Thai DL/Pink ID card and your wifey/partner explains the situation to them, those that won't can shove it where the sun does'nt shine, i've basically done all the tourist attractions i wanted to when i was a tourist and paid accordingly, now i'm an expat supporting my Thai wifey and her moma and living here my attitude is very different. Just sayin like lol
  2. I just contacted Cigna Insurance for a quote but low and behold they called me back and explained that as my wifey was Thai she could not hold a Cigna policy insuring her in Thailand.
  3. and here was me thinking as i'm from the UK my Thai wifey could buy a UK/European health insurance but maybe not !!!
  4. Having recently had a procedure carried out at a local private hospital in Korat where i settled the bill as i have no insurance (not possible due to pre-existing conditions) i thought it would be sensible to arrange insurance for my Thai wifey whilst she is still young and healthy. Now i know she is covered by the Thai scheme whereby she would have to attend the local government hospital for treatment but i would like to arrange insurance where she could attend a private hospital. Can anyone recco a good health insurer who provides comprehensive cover at a reasonable cost and above all else actually pays claims out in a timely manner ? I believe Thai insurers are to be avoided if possible. Thanks for any help guys.
  5. You have my deepest sympathy, i don't know if i could cope with that long term but needs must ehh ?
  6. Thanks, big day tomorrow mate, i'm having the catheter removed hopefully, i really don't want to spend another minute with this contraption stuck up my manhood. Then i can get back to normal life with my attractive Thai wifey lol
  7. Nope but i can confirm that constipation is deffo a problem for me. Here we are on Thursday morning and my last defacation was Monday morning and my food intake is normal for me. I have to say i'm getting a little concerned, no pain though.
  8. Many thanks for your post Xylophone, sharing of this info i feel is important for any propective Turp receiver. ''You needed a catheter for 3 weeks'', you have my deepest sympathy.
  9. Well i had the Turp procedure last Saturday 14th Jan, arrived at St Mary's hospital Korat at 7.30am underwent various tests/procedures including a cardiology test as i suffered a stroke back in March 2021 (good to hear the cardiologist state my heart was in good nick). At 2.30pm they wheeled me in to the operating room and prepared me for the procedure which commenced at 3pm, all done by 4.15pm and i never felt a thing, no pain etc. The urologist fitted the catheter which had to remain in place until the 21st Jan when he will remove. Back to my private room with wifey where i had to remain horizontal for 6 hours until 11pm, now this was a real problem for me as i hate lying horizontal, i find it so uncomfortable but needs must. The urologist came to see me at 11pm to check on how i was feeling and i reported that i was feeling no pain whatsoever. In the morning i was feeling fine so i was allowed home after the urologist had seen me again, 12 noon we left the room and headed to the cashiers to pay the bill, 124,028bht, i was a happy man..... Now i have to say since arriving home on the Sunday at 1pm i've started to feel pain when urinating which i am doing very frequently but the urologist did warn me of same hence he prescribed Tylenol 500mg every 6 hours. He also prescribed constipation medication as that is also a problem for many Turp patients. Here i am 4 days later just getting on with life as best i can waiting for saturday to arrive and get rid of this damn catheter. I have to say i am impressed with my Urologist Dr Kathawut Rerdwuttichaikoon and would not hesitate to recommend him, he knows what he is doing and has a wealth of experience. Many many thanks to BM garmat for his recco and help and assistance, its been so comforting being able to call him to check/talk things over, thanks mate. I'll conclude this report after the removal of the catheter on Saturday.
  10. Korat immigration same same, i was recently required to submit a new TM 30 despite me saying according to the new rules it was'nt required TIT lol
  11. Well i confirmed that the Rezum procedure is not available in Korat so i've booked the Turp procedure with the same Urologist that BM garmat used at St Marys hospital in Korat. He carried out the ''camera up my ????'' test and Ultrasound and has scheduled my op for Saturday 14th. Many thanks to BM garmat who i am in contact with, he has been a wealth of information.
  12. Google is your friend..... Duodart is indicated as combination therapy for the treatment of moderate to severe symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Duodart reduces the risk of acute urinary retention and the need for surgery in patients with moderate to severe symptoms of BPH. Duodart Full Prescribing Information, Dosage & Side Effects https://www.mims.com › malaysia › drug › info › duodart
  13. That is what i'm hoping to be able to do. I'm using the 65K monthly income so have to wait approx 5 days for the 12 month bank statement to arrive from Bangkok Bank and i can't apply to the bank for the statement until Wednesday. I can see me needing the op (Turp or Rezum) pretty soon as my urination flow is getting really bad, now everything might be ok but i'm concerned that i'll need a catheter for some time and won't be able to visit the bank or Immigration. Just trying to cover all eventualities, thanks for your post.
  14. As the topic title says i may need an extension to my Non O retirement extension to allow me to undergo a surgical procedure in a local hospital. Is it possible ? TIA
  15. Started off a year ago taking Cardura XL and Finnasteride, my BPH problem continued/did'nt improve and i started suffering side effects, lack of libido and depression so after a discussion with my urologist 6 months ago he suggested changing to Xatral XL and that is my current medication, my condition has not improved and is getting worse so i've now reached the stage of looking at some operative procedure. Turp or Rezum but i don't know if Rezum is available in Korat where i live, BM garmat posts very positively regarding Turp he had carried out at St Marys hospital Korat so that is a definite possibility. I really do need to sort something out otherwise i can see me becoming an emergency hospital admission unable to urinate.
  16. BINGO, here in Korat wifey contacted our hospital network government and private to arrange for us to pay for a booster jab, they don't have any !!! The only place you can get is Central shopping mall where you have to queue up with the masses for a few hours, something i am not prepared to do. How can a city with a very large population only have one venue for jabs, just ridiculous.......and now they're proposing to give free jabs to tourists, just a bunch of incompetent clowns......
  17. Now i'm rapidly approaching the time when i'm gonna need an operation to hopefully cure/help my enlarged prostate/BPH problems as the meds i'm taking are not really doing anything positive. Can anyone share their experiences/knowledge as to what is the most effective operative treatment ? I'm reading via Google that there are many procedures ie, Turp, Rezum, Urolift and a recently announced ''Steam'' treatment but i believe not all of these procedures are available in Thailand. I'm seeing my Urologist in a few weeks time for a discussion on operative procedures but would like to be informed as to which procedure is the most effective and the least invasive. Thanks for any help guys.
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