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Everything posted by Kinnock

  1. The joke is not too far from the truth. I use AI tools at work, and it needs the input of thousands of humans to review and classify images to 'teach' the AI to do it's job. It's just developing rules then regurgitating the results. I don't see any signs of 'intelligence', just machine learning on a huge scale. The way ChatGPT has consumed enough rules about language to process internet searches into natural sounding speech has created the false impression of intelligence.
  2. I use Chaindrite Stedfast - it's sold as a concentrated insecticide for termite treatment, but it's also good for cockroaches. Available from Thaiwatsadu, Homepro etc. Need a pressure sprayer, mask, goggles .... don't spray near food. Spray around the edges of rooms, under fittings, into extract fan ducts, down service ducts, bin stores etc, do not mop floor for a few days. Spray again after a couple of weeks to kill the newly hatched nymphs. It has a residual effect, so it works for a few weeks after spraying. I also put it down the drains around the house and Spray the entrance steps etc. You'll see the dead roaches the next morning.
  3. I've got permanent residence, it wasn't cheap and had to use several forests of paper and pass a Thai speaking test, and I can confirm I'm not angry about the new visa rules.
  4. TAT's new slogan: "Visit Thailand, your car is already here"
  5. None of the ambitions for 'hubs' will succeed while Thailand has such poor levels of English language.
  6. He'll no. In my totally unbiased opinion, my Missus is the hottest woman I've seen. Thailand has many cute teenagers, but women who are still hot past their teens are less common.
  7. Yes to all ....... except ketchup on pizza ..... noooooo! Had many pizzas totally ruined because I was too late with the 'mai ow sauce', and only remembered when the multi-barrel ketchup gatling gun starts spurting red spunk all over my pizza!
  8. You have a point there. Basically democracy is broken.
  9. You can get a taxi driver to turn on his meter. You argue with Google Maps because you knew a quicker route. You don't hold on when riding a motorcycle taxi. You've finally realised that not every Thai girl is a tattooed prostitute from Isaan.
  10. I think you're right .... but speaking Thai is not the whole answer. Many tend to panic at the sight of a Falang as they think it's going to be a difficult interaction, so even speaking Thai still elicits the knee-jerk 'mai mee' response.
  11. ..... but still claimed God saved him, so presumably the Firefighter was not worth saving. Narcissistic comments by Trump. I see the US as being divided into two opposing camps, each supporting blatantly unsuitable candidates. Nobody could really believe Trump or Biden are suitable to be President.
  12. So God saved him, but not a Firefighter? My point about him being a narcissist still stands.
  13. Never believe anything until you get the official denial.
  14. .... and claiming God saved him .... so does that mean God didn't favor the father who tried to protect his family at Trumps rally. A true narcissist.
  15. My Thai is pretty good, and while I don't get 'no have' I get 'mai mee' instead.
  16. .... but the daily, often conflicting updates and leaks make for a fascinating read. It's like a serialised 'True Crime' comic. Can't wait for tomorrow's exciting reveals.
  17. I've blocked all +697 numbers (option under the block menu to block a prefix) as they're all spam or scam calls. Now I need to find an App that can block slimy, cockney, used car salesman accents to stop the pension/insurance sales call.
  18. Out of 500 million in one country and 69 million in the other ....
  19. Yet another misogynistic post that assumes all 'Thai girls' are gold diggers. Every one of these posts reveals the extremely limited real-world experience the posters have of females in Thailand.
  20. Monthly payments vs the usual one-off is the critical difference, hope you can finally work this out for yourself.
  21. So a monthly payment rather than a one-off lump sum. So it could be stopped if he does not like a policy statement or if a new government does something he's not keen on. Blatant corruption.
  22. The manufacturer/main importer pays for the stand at the show, then dealers pay to have their sales teams working at the stand. There will mainly be Bangkok/Central region dealers, but often the franchises will cover other regions. The sales people are on commission and they will also have tough targets to meet with bonuses. In addition there's a finance company supporting the dealers who's keen to get customers. The 0% deals are often funded by the manufacturer, but they still want more customers as defaults and loan e,tensions create profit opportunities. So the dealers are keen to make enough sales to make their fee worthwhile, the sales people are chasing bonus targets and the finance company is pushing from behind. To help it all along, the dealers give the sales people the authority for discounts and incentives. This creates an opportunity for skilled buyers who are good at bargaining and who can hold out for the best deal. The size of the dealers often depends on the demand for the car. So discounts and freebies will be minimal on the latest Toyota model, but higher on models that are sitting in dealer car parks waiting to be sold. If you visit a dealer during the motorshow time, they will often advise you to go to the show for the best deal.
  23. Listening to the news conference the police said they had all checked out of their individual rooms, and moved to the suite. That's why they their luggage was packed in their cases near the door. They'd checked out of their own rooms and gathered in the one room.
  24. Maybe ... but at the Grand Hyatt you'd think the typical guests would be more likely to call room service than whip out a charcoal BBQ. Police on TV news saying they had all checked out of their rooms, but kept one room for the whole group .... perhaps to rest before a flight.
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