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Everything posted by Ohyesuare

  1. As I understood it, you could no longer hold a balance or link a Thai bank account if you are not Thai but could still make payments with a credit card. I just use my Canadian PayPal account in Thailand now so my knowledge on Thai PayPal accounts for non-Thais could be outdated.
  2. I've been living in Thailand since 2019 and have been using my Canadian PayPal the whole time without being geoblocked. Not using any VPN/VPS/Proxy etc.. either.
  3. No need to resort to violence. If Thai girlfriend wants him out and she solely owns the property, try the police. Maybe police can be incentivized somehow to remove him. But again, unless it's in self defense, don't touch him. Even in self defense, it's risky for you for the reasons others have said.
  4. It is a problem as VPNs can be easily detected and most money making sites will ban you for using one.
  5. If you've ever used reddit, try the subreddits /r/beermoney or /r/workonline Plenty of ideas there but most are for people residing in US/UK/CA/AU. Any job that requires you to pay anything upfront is a scam so you're correct in being wary of those. Without any specialized skills and not being able to speak, even $5 an hour will be difficult as you will be competing with people who are willing to work for even less than that.
  6. Doesn't matter which passport you use, they will see your previous entry on the computer even if you change passports and you'll get 30 days visa exempt on either one. As others have said, you can extend visa exempt 30 day entries for another 30 days at your closest immigration office. You said you are staying with a friend, they are required by law to report your stay to immigration via a TM30 within 24 hours and it's common these days to be asked for proof of the TM30 being done when going to do any extensions.
  7. What country's passport will you be entering Thailand with? With visa exempt, you get a new 30-90 days each entry depending on the passport you hold. Visa on arrival is different.
  8. I give what I get. Many Bolt drivers I've had are not what I would consider polite so if it's rude for me to just exit the vehicle at my destination, knowing the fare is paid, I can happily accept that.
  9. Who cares what they know. At the destination, they see the fare is paid, no need to stick around and see if they are angry, hungry, horny, you can just get off the bike and go.
  10. Fare is paid, just get off the bike and walk. Let them be angry if they want.
  11. I work from home and have a Thai GF so I'm home a lot. Anything less than the ~52 SQM 2 bed/2bath I have and I would not be happy at all. Especially seeing the state of the GF's room and bathroom. 3 ACs and 3 TVs are handy as well if one breaks down and came with high quality furnishings too. Have a great Japanese manager and landlord who fixes any issues extremely quickly. Includes weekly cleaning and linen/towel change and replenishment of toiletries as well.
  12. Line Man works best where I am. Could never find a driver anymore with Grab.
  13. Bring whatever the member contact center tells you and confirm with them again everything you need to bring if you want to be 100% sure. The Thai Elite concierge will take you to a desk that specifically handles Thai Elite matters so shouldn't take too long if everything is in order.
  14. No fine for one day but they will still stamp or write that you overstayed.
  15. Guessing you weren't already in the airport and passed immigration when you found out your flight was delayed, in which case, you obviously wouldn't get an overstay stamp. If you really want to avoid the stamp like you said, you can go to immigration and get an emergency extension of a max of 7 days for 1900 baht. They will probably ask to see your cancelled flight details etc..
  16. As long as he isn't forcing himself on them, to each their own. If he is tight with drinks and tipping, he'll probably eventually run out of bars and ladies who will allow him to do it, depending on how long he is in Thailand for. Not someone I would want to hang around with though, that's for sure.
  17. They usually do "crackdowns" when there are allegations of some kind of corruption brought to light so they can save face but there will always be agents who still benefit even during them or shortly after things die down. I'd be surprised if there are many countries in the world where you can't stay endlessly somehow if you have enough money.
  18. It's the only completely legal option for people under 50 to stay here long term without any hassle. Worth every baht I spent on it.
  19. There is a Bangkok Bank at the main terminal. https://suvarnabhumi.airportthai.co.th/service/facility/detail/78/21 I've never heard of any debit cards in Thailand that don't work in any Thai ATM though, especially if it has the Visa/Plus logo on it somewhere.
  20. Lots of bars and restaurants by the beach. Very few foreigners from what I've seen. Plenty of youtube videos that can give you an idea of how things are on the ground there.
  21. An old thread but I doubt that much has changed. Seems like the consensus is that you forfeit your deposit and that you should also check your lease agreement for any clauses regarding early termination.
  22. Definitely will not get back your deposit in that case. In order to sue you for the remaining 10 months, the burden would be on them to prove that they were not able to and didn't rent it out again to someone else after you left.
  23. I don't see any bar in Pattaya letting 3 people share one Heineken. Story so stereotypical, sounds fake. And I say that not being a fan at all of the majority of Indian tourists I've ran into. The same with the majority of Russian and Chinese.
  24. There are no Tuk Tuks in Pattaya.
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