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Everything posted by Gweiloman

  1. But surely that’s a small price to pay for the huge savings in fuel consumption? Just imagine how much roof space you can construct for 350k baht ????
  2. Correct. Russia guaranteed the safe humanitarian corridor for the grain shipments. This is no longer in play should military action be taken in the Black Sea.
  3. I’m sure they do. It just depends on whose interests will be served as to whether they release the footage or not.
  4. GWM had a better system in my view. Booking was done on the GWM app/website in the comfort of my own home ???? Incidentally, were there extra benefits for being among the early purchasers? I obtained a 50,000 baht discount for being among the first 300.
  5. Pattaya has arguably the greatest concentration of western tourists in Thailand. If one were to judge westerners based on these tourists behaviour and actions, then I think it would be an extremely flawed view. What do you think?
  6. I’m not an EV zealot obviously, since I don’t even own an EV and am only mainly concerned with saving money. LPG seems rather cheap so why aren’t there more such vehicles in Thailand or other parts of the world? Also no car manufacturer that I know off sells a LPG powered car. Surely they are missing a trick? I see plenty of LPG stations everywhere so range anxiety should not be a problem.
  7. You’re right. It’s not physics or chemistry; just common sense.
  8. End result, more bombing in Kyiv, leaving more parts without power or electricity. Not a winning strategy for Ukraine but maybe for another country.
  9. Nevertheless, the end result is that the grain shipments are disrupted. The countries that have been receiving the grain, be it poor nations in Africa or European nations will now be paying more for the grain. So sad.
  10. Kerch Bridge got bombed, Ukraine got the sh*t bombed out of them. Didn’t they realise that bombing the ships that escorted the grain ships would also have consequences? Either stupidity or intent to escalate.
  11. You made a claim, I made a counter claim. Unfortunately neither of us can back up our claims so both are unsubstantiated.
  12. Apologies, I forgot to add that it would be bad for many suppliers if Chinese tourism doesn’t resume soon.
  13. Pre covid, Chinese tourists were a major source of revenue to many countries, here and abroad. I have lots of European supplier friends who lament the loss of income from Chinese tourism.
  14. Those who still believe in the debunked debt trap diplomacy can’t accept the fact that most of the participants in the BRI feel that it has done wonders for their country and has opened up their countries to amazing economic potential. With very few exceptions, the debt to China is significantly less than the debt to western corporations and institutions like the world bank and the imf. Even in the case of Sri Lanka, they actually owed more to Japan than to China. In the case of Taiwan, it’s the normal western interference and meddling so I won’t even bother to go there.
  15. I have no doubt many locals agree with you. I also have no doubt that many more locals are quite happy with Chinese tourism. In fact, when I was working in the tourism industry in Europe, most of our suppliers counted Chinese tourism as their main source of revenue and keep requesting for more.
  16. Inevitable as in eventually. As for China imploding financially, been watching Jog Blogs? Don’t hold your breath though.
  17. GWM has reopened the order books for the Ora Good Cat. Tesla is very expensive and unless they start to build up a charging network, doesn’t offer much more advantages over their rivals.
  18. You might want to consider your future plans of living in Thailand as mass Chinese tourism will inevitably resume.
  19. The Chinese government doesn’t tell other governments what to do or who to side with.
  20. Externally, I really like the looks of the EP and a station wagon is actually quite a good choice for Thailand nowadays. It would be much improved if they detailed the interior with better materials but that would also increase the price.
  21. Better the Chinese Government than the American Government I say.
  22. Fact remains that YT has cancelled RT. Free speech anyone?
  23. I am hoping to take delivery of the Haval H6 PHEV in the next couple of months. I decided to go for a PHEV as I regularly travel long distances to Isaan and Malaysia for Malaysian style hawker food and South Indian food (from CM).
  24. Not when you are a frequent customer but that’s not the point, as you well know.
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