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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. 10 hours ago, terryw said:

    Why do European politicians say it is not in the UK's interest to have a No Deal? The fact is that it is in everyones interest to have a deal. The EU will be just as badly affected if there is no agreement.


    That's very true. Extending deadlines also helps the EU are it secures more British payments into their coffers.


    She right, the EU doesn't want a deal just for the sake of it. Neither does the UK.


    Both want a fair and balanced deal. Only the ideas of what a fair and balanced deal looks like are quiet different.


    This is a negotiation, not the EU laying down everything they want.

    • Like 2
  2. 18 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    A few racist thugs is not a backlash. Most British people are all talk and no action.


    Says who?


    Just ask the Germans, French, or Argentinians cock.


    Most British people are tolerant, reserved, don't like extremists and think before communicating (unlike you it seems). But push to far and see what happens. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, natway09 said:

    The UK may bleat about HK but that is all that Boris will do (& the rest of the world)

    Reluctantly I say that HK is now part of China. If the protests had remained peaceful which now 

    have escalated into commercial protester hiring along with major pre planned property damage 

    it was only a matter of time before Beijing lost patience. 

    On ths one I do not think the virus had anything to do with the subsequent actions by China



    Er, HK was part of China, and HK people are Chinese. All that changed was Britain secured a lease as part of the terms when ending the Opium war it instigated. Very useful naval base at the time Britannia ruled the waves.



  4. 8 hours ago, luk AJ said:

    it is indeed not a monorail as we expected, and the schedule was October, but as I recall, 2 years ago. It was meant to be finished before the opening of Icon Siam. I have the impression that the golden line only serves one purpose and this is bringing customers to the shopping mall. The other 2 stations have in my opinion little purpose. I wonder how these "small" busses will reduce traffic on Charoennakorn road....


    I went to Icon Siam couple of weeks ago for the first time. Very impressive inside. But the outside and surrounding area - OMG!

    • Confused 1
  5. 21 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Does this mean anyone with money in the Bank will end up having

    to pay to have it in there, I cannot see them cutting rates on loans,

    credit cards ,etc, without lowering the interest they give on deposits,

    which at the moment is minimal,it seems everything is been done to

    help people that are in debt.

    regards worgeordie


    Same in the UK and other European countries. So much personal household debt they can't let it all go bad and default.


    My UK super duper special "premier saving account" recently lowered the interest rate to .01%! Offshore rates are better but not exactly exciting. 


    I had better bank interest rates on various accounts in Thailand for several years. Now they're going the same way as the others.


    I believe there are some EU countries that already have negative interest rates i.e. you have to pay the bank to look after, and use, your money!

  6. 3 hours ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

    He says this yet Pheu Thai and their predecessor parties (Thai Rack Thai, etc.) were no shining examples of efficiency (rice buying scam, cancel bid results eventually awarded to someone special's wife, etc).


    Thailand crash their economy in 1997 with a democratic government. The next group (the Democrats) were in the process of rebuilding the economy when Shinawatra was voted in. His first term was very productive, but he and his associates got greedy and more corrupt. I am sad he was removed from office by the coup d'etat, because I seriously think his government was on the decline. Had the attacks occurred on the Yellow shirt protesters that was the basis of the preemptive coup, he most assuredly would have lost. But it happened. Get over it and get with the plan.


    Urge your family members to vote the way you tell them next election. ????  Get out your pocket book like Pheu Thai does upcountry (Isan and the North) and get this group out of there.


    Indeed. Except Thaksin who famously said democracy wasn't his objective, wasn't removed by a coup.


    He had dissolved parliament, and then resigned as care taker PM. A new caretaker was appointed and was legally in office until the election could be organized. Thaksin then decided he wanted the job back so just took it on no authority but his own. He was then dragging his heels on an election because as you say, he and his party were on the decline. He was removed by the military when on the way to represent Thailand in the UN, which he had no legal right to do.


    His actions and comments show he has no interest or regard for democracy or the law. 

    • Sad 1
  7. 5 hours ago, robblok said:

    The guy is wrong has no clue about this practice. I certainly am not racist never saw this as racist. Its just a tradition for kids. When we get older we know its not real. People can get offended about anything but this certainly has no racist meaning. Its a kids holiday for crying out loud. 


    It has no relation to real black people at all, the stuff they wear is based on the clothes worn by nobility in the 16th century. They are spreading candy. So much for discrimination. 


    If you want to fight discrimination go after real stuff, there is enough of it.


    I agree with you Rob.


    But the retort from the politically correct is that we "white oppressors" cannot understand as you must look through the eyes of "people of colour" (the latest and often misunderstood fashionable terminology) to understand and appreciate what offends them.


    In essence, the opinions of white people, who cannot be racially discriminated against, aren't relevant.


    What's worrying is I see this retort on social media from many 20 something university educated young professionals and students. 

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