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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. 7 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

    These people were not rioting, or looting or burning, it was a peaceful protest.

    If worried wait inside and have your escape/defense ready, not become confrontational out front and risk stirring people up.



    The protesters were trespassing on private property. They were not on public property, a gate had been damaged to gain entrance, and they were illegally remaining on private property.


    Are there any trespass laws in the US?


    No need to confront them and engage in insult slinging though. Should have just stood there with weapons clearly visible.


    People have the right to protest peacefully. There is no right to trespass and cause criminal damage afaik.



    • Like 1
  2. 18 minutes ago, Dionigi said:

    Seeing as there is only 0.7% asian or british asian of chinese extraction in the uk I am not suprised she is the only asian chinese on the set.


    More Asians on uk tv than brits on chinese tv .





    Just another "entertainer" thinking she's important enough to lecture everyone on a currently fashionable topic.


    And of course, it's only Western Democracies with predominantly white indigenous people that this applies to. 


    Has she comments about white people not being represented in Bollywood? Or Chinese TV? 


    The BBC if anything is vastly over represented with minorities totally out of proportion to the British populations percentage ethnicity.


    But as we are learning, white people/governments are now perceived as soft touches.

    • Like 2
  3. 5 hours ago, billd766 said:

    And Trump in turn will instantly blame Obama and Biden.


    What Trump won't do, is to crack down on gun possession in the USA.


    Did Obama and Biden? 


    Or any previous POTUS and parliament?


    That's because a very large amount of people don't think banning the vast majority because of the lunacy of a tiny minority is acceptable. Ask the people of London how Mayor Khan's crack down on knife possession is working.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Saint Nick said:

    Here we go again, with the "all lives matter" BS!



    Yes, what BS. Anyone knows that only lives of colors approved by the Party matter. Same as only political ideologies approved by the Party matter.


    Once the Party establishes its totalitarian one party dictatorship, no lives will matter; only the state. Apart from those that are "more equal" of course. They'll always matter.


    George Orwell must be spinning.

    • Confused 2
    • Sad 3
    • Thanks 2
  5. 19 hours ago, elliss said:

               A worldwide franchise  brothel .

               Thai pussy travels well , unlike Guiness..


    I saw 2 Thai ladies of the night get deported from Bahrain once. All very civilized. Police escorted them to departure gate. Passports were handed to the gate staff who had to take charge of them. Police even said bye bye nicely! Girls started eyeing up the queue and started talking to some male passengers who were traveling alone. One guy was giving his hotel in Bangkok details; another already had a Thai mobile number which he was giving. One man was trying to find who was sitting near the girls and swap seats!


    Lucrative it seems!

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  6. On 6/27/2020 at 12:08 AM, RichardColeman said:

    I have a farang friend whose wife goes there to work 'massage and spa'. I'm sure he knows what she does for real, but he's at the stage in the relationship where she uses him as a home base and he uses her for marriage visa


    To be fair, there are some genuine Spas offering massage etc in Abu Dhabi. These only allow female clientele. Genuine male massage is offered by qualified male masseurs for men. 


    There is a massive escort market, especially in Dubai which ain't far up the road! 


    And of course some of the more relaxation orientated massage places.


    His missus could be involved in any one or any combo. 

  7. 18 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

    Ok. So will adults need  be replaced  by children  for cartoon  children's voice overs? Gender  specific? Ops!  No ! Would  discriminate in  consideration of unassigned  gender children?

    The concept  of "positive  discrimination" does  not remove discrimination !

    I support the elimination of discrimination but the polarization of  attitudes and response so far is not going  anywhere  to  end it and unlikely ever will while humanity chooses  to perpetuate a strange rejection of it's  own diversity.

    History of race as we have been told about  provides repetitive examples  of the insignificance of it in moments of  domination. Rise and fall.




    In the politically correct world all must be seen to be correct.


    Only people of the same race can voice over characters of a specific race. All cartoons must be represented by all races, genders, trans genders, sexual orientations, religious beliefs, political persuasions, and everyone must be shown as equal in all aspects.


    Of course all this bllcks could be scrapped. And children could be prevented from learning about prejudice and forming them from the moronic politically correct self righteous prcks who think they know best.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 2 hours ago, stouricks said:

    And we'd have Agadoo by *LACE, The *Eyed Peas, * is * by Los Bravos, *BIRD by Paul McCartney.

    But then, why just ban the B word, why not White as well. Nights in *Satin by Moody, can we say Blues? * and * by Michael Jackson and others, 

    When will it all end.


    The late singer Black was actually white European. 


    Sensitive black Afro-Caribbeans, Afro-Americans and those BLM protesters could well find that making them feel as if their whole live was demeaning and throw them into personal crisis. Understandably their crisis might lead them to riot, assault police and thieve expensive branded goods produced by slave labor.


    Any recordings, films, YouTube posts etc should all carry explanations that Black, the late singer, was actually white and was not pretending to be black or cash in on the fantastic talents of black singers. His royalty beneficiaries should be forced to make a sizable donation to black charities that only benefit black people which isn't racism as only blacks can be victims  not white oppressors.



    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Peter Denis said:

    Hi Simonrbkk,

    Your best option would probably be to simply re-apply (at the end of the Amnesty period) for the 60-day extension of stay for reason of visiting your wife

    The reason for the initial 60-day extension refusal when you asked for it after your 1-year extension application was denied, being that the immigration officer you were dealing with knew that you were not applying from a 'valid' permission to stay because of the 800K slip.

    However, the officer did not void your present permission to stay.  And so you can stay in Thailand till the end of the Amnesty extension (31 July).

    And so you can re-apply for the 60-day extension of stay for reason of visiting your wife, a couple of days before the Amnesty expires.  Normally IO when handling such a 60-day extension application will only check your current permission to stay (prolonged by the Amnesty) and the evidence of you being still married with your thai wife.  IO will not check your financials like they do when you apply for the 1-year extension, so they will not know that you slipped the 800K and that your permission to stay is technically not 'valid'.

    The only possible (but unlikely) stumbling-block could be that the officer that refused your initial 1-year permission to stay application, made a note in the IO database of you not being on a valid permission to stay.  And that this IO database would be checked by the officer handling your application for the 60-day permission to stay for reason of visiting your wife.  But I reckon chances are slim that would happen.

    With your 60-days extension application approved you will have 'bought' time till end of September.  And if the borders are open again by then, you can then do a simple border-run and apply for a new Non Imm O Visa and subsequent extension.


    Note: Forget about the new passport IO mentioned.  That's total nonsense, because it is NOT required.  Even if your present passport would have less than 12 months when applying for a 1-year extension of stay, your permission to stay would be granted but in that case limited to the expiry date of your passport.


    There is no "technically" about it. You need to keep the 800k in the bank for 3 months after permission grants or the permission is cancelled. 


    We've just been waiting to see what happens to anyone who doesn't keep the money there. Now we know.

    • Thanks 1
  10. On 6/23/2020 at 4:23 PM, timendres said:

    If your retirement extension does not have a re-entry permit, then once you leave the country the extension will be canceled. If your current passport meets the requirements for a marriage visa, and then extension, I am not sure why you would need a new one. It is interesting to see that the 800k rules were checked, which confirms that they will be using this method for enforcement of that rule.


    I'm guessing the advice to get a new passport is so that he will have one without any previous stamps. That way, having the old retirement extensions cancelled off the system, and no stamps, he can effectively start off again. 


    They appear to be trying to help rather than enforcing the rules strictly. This also answers some posters who have previously insisted it's not really necessary to worry about keeping the 800k in the bank if your office doesn't do a call back to check.


    My office checks and I'm glad they do. Wouldn't want this sort of surprise.

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