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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. 1 hour ago, Masterton said:


    Incorrect. Whilst you are entitled to believe whatever nonsense you wish, the facts do not match your reality. According to the constitution, a president can be impeached for bribery, treason, or other high crimes or misdemeanors. The Democrats in the House impeached him for something which was denied by everyone involved, including the person on the call with him. They had zero evidence to back up their accusations either, just 3rd hand information based on opinion and hearsay. Sad that you still don't understand these facts, although not surprising based on your past posts.


    As a non American observer. It seemed fairly obvious to any reasonably intelligent person that the desire by the Democrats was to impeach Trump for anything. They were clutching at any straws. Presumably in the hope that if the evidence didn't prove their accusations, something else could be unearthed or identified in the process.


    Which is what they did. They couldn't prove Russian collusion but tried to get him for something in the process instead.


    And all the while previously protecting Hilary over her emails and Libya fiasco. 


    They never murmured when Bill Clinton had a private chat with the then AG on an airport runway in the midst of it. Nor when, and highly unusually, the FBI and not prosecutors decided there was no criminality. 


    Double standards and hypocrisy. Now they support anarchist, neo Marxists and criminals pretending to care about black lives.


    God help America if these clowns get power.

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  2. On 6/22/2020 at 8:49 AM, pixelaoffy said:

    Freedom of expression?  Freedom for gov stop opposition leader returning

    to the country , lock up opponents , freedom to allow foreign state, or even assist it  to kidnap someone with a statement that it's ' nothing to do with us' . All this cover about allowing websites to be critical ! Is that the best example you have Mr Sokkhouern of ' human rights' . A fascist state and fake democracy!


    Yes, but the Hun Sen family are vastly increasing their wealth and turning their country into a fiefdom totally controlled by their dynasty. 


    And who put this former Khmer Rouge terrorist in charge? And what on earth made them expect a different result?

    • Like 1
  3. 12 hours ago, kotsak said:

    Next will be stop calling stuffed bear toys as Teddy Bears..



    Well, they banned Gollywogs. Andy Pandy was a misogynist, and cruel to Teddy. Zerbee highly controversial, Nogin the Nog a pagan, and Captain Pugwash was a potential slaver with his all white pirate crew.


    Of course, please remember racism cannot apply to anything anti white. That's understandably caused by white oppression and white privilege. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, sweatalot said:

    Well about time.


    Prostitution is there anyway. 

    It helps fulfilling a natural need.

    It helps people make honest money

    Why can't sex be a comodity among others?

    Making it legal gives rights to the prostitutes and can make them independant from pims.

    Pims are not necessary anyway. 


    Don't disagree with you. Some sensible countries have legalized it.


    But some have tightened their laws against it. This is a direct result of the feminist lobby. 


    With your views above, stay away from the feminists. They aren't the most tolerant of people, especially to men!

    • Like 2
  5. 17 hours ago, Morch said:


    Many regional countries regard them as the bully on the block.


    Many? Do tell. Certainly not on par with China's issues with it's own neighbors.


    Agree with the rest of your post.


    Pakistan, Sri Lanka, have long standing issues. ASEAN has not sort out close alliances with India, preferring China, despite some members having differences. 

    Some African countries are very friendly with China, none particularly with India. There is a more friendly approach to China in the Middle East and South America than there is to India. So it's not just close neighbours.


    Trump and Trudeau prefer India though! 

  6. 9 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    Line 1: That's what BLM are doing.


    Line 2: I can see that .


    Line 3: People protesting racism are not terrorists, I'm sure once we have complete equality they will stop asking for equal treatment.


    People protesting racism, within the allowed criteria for protesting most certainly are not terrorist. I include myself as someone who has actively stood against racism.


    However, as I said, those using this to drive other political agendas, and using or advocating illegal actions are. 

  7. 50 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    Where did I do that?


    I said that calling peaceful posters terrorists was wrong.


    I referred to the right wing because of the posting history of the poster i quoted.


    That's right. Protesters are fully entitled to protest peacefully and in accordance with the law.


    Those that loot are simply criminals and should be dealt with as such.


    Those that demand, threaten, and/or act illegally to further their political agenda are terrorists and should be dealt with as such. They normally "demand something or threaten or else"

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