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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. On 7/4/2020 at 10:25 PM, ChouDoufu said:


    in that case, how 'bout we wait until he's convicted?

    if this is anything like the chauvin/floyd situation, he should do time.

    but what if he's found not guilty of whatever charges are brought?


    and is "haha" a hanging offense?  could be considered in poor taste, but not necessarily actionable.  prosecutor would have to prove intent as well.  perhaps it wasn't a jolly haha, but a sardonic/sarcastic response to three idiots teasing him about his problems at work.  either way, a firing for "haha" unlikely to survive a court test.




    Only politically correct humor is now acceptable. Only politically correct responses to any humor is now acceptable.


    All acceptable humor must be pc and approved by the radical left.


    This photo was in extremely bad taste by the 3 officers in it. The response by the fourth was simply a haha. Possibly he didn't find it funny or in good taste but didn't know what else to respond.


    US getting more like a Marxist state with thought control and all behavior must be pc approved.


    Bad taste, definitely. Stupid certainly. Did it deserve disciplinary action, yes for sure. But firing - wonder what the union will have to say.


    Knee jerk responses by Mayors wishing to be seen to be pc now seems the order of the day.



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  2. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    45 can't really say "what do you have to lose?" anymore like the con man grifter that he is. The American people know the answer to that already. Everything. So his options are now limited. Witness his vile speech at Mt. Rushmore.






    Thanks for posting the link. Clearly, the American pot is, rather sadly, getting close to boiling point as both sides of the political divide turn up the hear rather recklessly.


    But the Washington Post and NYT are both now clearing nothing more than Democrat propaganda rags.

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, Estrada said:

    The far right white supremacists, like Donald Trump's father, the Bush family and other Republicans were supporting Hitler from the 30s and helped Hitler rise to power. Companies such as Standard Oil (Bush family) supplied oil, General Motors and Ford supplied vehicles, IBM supplied machines, others supplied aircraft designs and aeroengines. Without the United States far-right and American Nazi Party support there not have been for so many soldiers to have died and without fuel and badly need financial and armanent support I doubt if there would have been a WWII. The United States only switched sides on December 7th 1941 after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. The States (The most successful, creative and tolerant ethnicity). have been waging war all over the world since the 17th century almost without stop. Many of the wars were against the American Indians, the Mexicans (where they grabbed hold of part of Mexico which is now California) and other territories in the South which were Spanish or French. And Trump's supporters demand that the peoples of the South who speak Spanish should speak English! Trump wants to invade Iran, but is in love with Kim Jong Eun so he is off the list. I was recruited by the U.S. Army as part of the Iraq invasion force and was in Libya when they decided to topple Ghadafi on a made up charge. I got the warning from Haliburton that they intended to take Ghadafi down. Most of the wars have been to attack countries with huge oil reserves such as Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya and currently focused on Venezuela. Osama Bin Laden worked for the United States and was trained by the CIA to form a terrorist fighting group to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. This later became Al Qaeda and led to 9/11 and also gave rise to ISIS/ISIL. Trump and Pompeo have investments in arms manufacturers such as Raytheon (Mother of All Bombs etc) He needs war to line his pockets and those of his supporters. P.S. There is no "Radical Far-left in the United States. The ideals of the Dems are no different to the right of centre, Tory party in the UK and other parts of Europe. Trump must lose "Biggly".



    So you must include Johnson, Kennedy, Obama etc as war mongering fascists too then, in your rather warped and inventive history?

  4. Monkey Lives Matter!


    White Western oppressive so called animal welfare groups want to force these poor Monkeys out of their legitimate occupations. 


    Stand up for Monkeys! Take a knee for Monkeys and their right to work to earn an honest living. 


    I expect Lewis Hamilton  and various football "stars" to produce videos supporting Monkey rights and denouncing how these white groups interfering are incapable of understanding how the Monkey's really feel.




  5. 20 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:


    Terrible - but when some politicians/mayors/governors all encourage protesters to set up illegal barricades, create police free areas, want to defund the police, want the law enforced selectively, what else can be expected.

    • Like 2
  6. 8 minutes ago, sambum said:

    I think the UK government have just "fired a shot across Thailand's bows" by their exclusion from list of countries that are allowed to visit the UK without quarantine requirements i.e. they don't believe Thailand's statistics, and are concerned that a State of Emergency still exists when there is supposed to be ZERO cases of "home grown Covid"!


    Maybe............. or perhaps just another example of the inept clueless illogical thoughtless decision making that seems to characterize all decisions taken by Boris and his cabinet of muppets.

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  7. 14 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    Ha ha - are you the spokesperson for Bogda now? Has he and every other contributor to this thread confirmed to you their intentions when they commented? 


    My point remains, the police are making arrests based upon the evidence available to them. Being present is not a crime. If you have evidence that all those in the picture actively assisted the assault on the police officers or partook in acts of criminal vandalism themselves then you have a civic duty to bring that evidence to the authorities. Otherwise, you are accusing people of criminality without any basis for it. 


    Those filmed earlier and here causing damage or assaulting police or others should be identified and brought to justice.


    Those filming events, are simply filming something. However, what could be interesting is if they are identified and asked to submit those films to the police as evidence. Failure to do so could be interpreted as obstruction. But I doubt the Avon and Somerset police will go down that road. One or two token arrests, police cautions, maybe prosecutions of Boris or Pritti gob off. 


    Filming an accident, could get you in bother though. 

  8. On 7/2/2020 at 8:35 AM, Rookiescot said:

    Yeah absolute pandemonium at my daughters school as well. Everyone has to drop their kid off at a single gate. Traffic jam takes up an entire lane of a busy road with a half K tailback.

    Of course you get the usual hiso who thinks he does not have to queue and drives right to the front and then tries to force his way into the line of traffic. This means both lanes are now closed. 


    Yeah, about the same at my daughter's school. Not opening the gates till 3.09 instead of 3.00 pm (why 9 minutes?). Then everyone parked on the waste ground opposite drives like crazy to get in, forming several queues, crossing the road which now also has tailback queues in both directions, while the security guards blow their whistles and wave their arms about like mad. Once inside, no one respects the two lanes in system, the no parking areas, does as the please, will stop to pick their kids up anywhere, blocking everyone and taking their time as everyone else must wait for them. 


    Utter chaos. Not thought through in the slightest.

  9. 4 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

    The poster was not trying to say that it is a conspiracy. Is it okay if you yourself use a bit of time to understand the issue ?

    Okay, Britain has offered about 3 million Hong Kong Chinese the right to live and work in Britain. But I think we need to get real here, there's no way Britain is going to allow 3 million people to do this. It's just not going to happen.

    So, why make the offer, in front of the media ? It's being done to make the Beijing government look bad. It's being done to antagonise Beijing. It's part of the PR (public relations) war, a PR campaign to make China look bad.


    I was a regular business visitor to HK in the 90's. Most of the business contacts, owners and senior managers, were all looking at establishing second homes, citizenship, outside of HK. Australia and Canada were popular choices. The UK not so much.  


    All these people were putting their escape routes in place with many actually planning to move their families over as soon as they could. 


    None trusted the CCP and all thought it was only a matter of time before they tore up the agreement with the UK.


    Poorer working class people couldn't afford to do this. And I seriously doubt many older, middle aged, working class would contemplate moving their lives to the UK. 


    So the offer is probably based on that thinking. 

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Sydebolle said:

    I am not a friend or associated to any politicians but ironically this article made me smile. 


    Yingluck  abused her power for her illegal removal Thawil Pliensri. So how democratic was the removal of Yingluck as an elected PM then - just wondering ........ 


    She was a party list MP, chosen as PM by her political party MP's (paid salaries by her brother), dissolved parliament and was acting as caretaker PM when removed by a court for transferring someone to make room for a crony.


    Hardly a champion of democracy, was she! She did of course promise not to dissolve parliament, not to flee the courts, and to die on the battlefield for democracy. But she was a serial liar.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:

    Is this complete lack of aspiration solely a British thing? Do people in other supposedly developed countries think that, given the choice between a sh!t sandwich on white bread or brown, they must choose according to their bread preference?


    Why not reject entirely the notion that you need to accept either? Rather than this weak, playground nonsense of shoring up the tories because the losers would have been, in your opinion, worse, how about actually holding your elected representatives to account?


    If your only defence of the Tories is to point at a party that hasn't been in power for a decade, then what hope is there that we will ever get a competent, upright government?


    Unfortunately the current system is rigged to favor the mainstream parties and discourage new independent thinking and increased accountability.


    Politicians rely on the apathy, feelings of not being able to change things, lack of education and knowledge, of the majority of the electorate, which they do their best to fuel.


    Not just in the UK either.

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

    You got some right that it is a semi-auto assault rifle. I am quite certain that it is a M-16. I was trained in the M-16 precursor AR-15 to recognize the features. It was a US military standard service rifle and also used by other armed forces around the world. While the US military has largely replaced the M16 in frontline combat, the rifle is still standard army issue assault rifle aka military grade.  


    Can you name all those armed forces around the world that specifically use the AR-15 as their military assault rifle?

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