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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. 12 hours ago, impulse said:


    I don't disagree...  But when the lights and siren are blaring away, it's an emergency vehicle.  Stand your ground at your own legal peril.



    No, that's not correct. In the UK an emergency vehicle must have a reason to put lights and sirens on. Not the whim of the officers. There are acceptable reasons but outside of those reasons the officer has no right to use them or to exceed the speed limit or ignore any road rules, laws and restrictions.


    The question would be, what, does Thai law say. I have no idea, do you?


    The entitled behavior of self important people isn't necessarily what the law says.

  2. On 6/13/2020 at 11:12 AM, JensenZ said:

    The British didn't go to New Zealand to make the Maoris "civilized", but to grab land for settlers, at a huge cost to both sides:


    The New Zealand wars:




    At the peak of hostilities in the 1860s, 18,000 British troops, supported by artillery, cavalry and local militia, battled about 4,000 Māori warriors[8] in what became a gross imbalance of manpower and weaponry.[9] Although outnumbered, the Māori were able to withstand their enemy with techniques that included anti-artillery bunkers and the use of carefully placed , or fortified villages, that allowed them to block their enemy's advance and often inflict heavy losses, yet quickly abandon their positions without significant loss. Guerrilla-style tactics were used by both sides in later campaigns, often fought in dense bush. Over the course of the Taranaki and Waikato campaigns, the lives of about 1,800 Māori and 800 Europeans were lost,[5] and total Māori losses over the course of all the wars may have exceeded 2,100.


    It is not the job of colonial powers to interfere with the way of life of indigenous populations or force their moralities upon them. If they chose to eat their enemies after they were conquered in battle, it's their way of life and their business.


    But at the end of the day, the British didn't go to New Zealand to help Maoris. They were there to grab land and do whatever it took to achieve that purpose. The Maoris were collateral damage. There was absolutely nothing altruistic about colonization.


    The introduction of the British musket was responsible for the slaughter of many tribes that didn't have them.








    Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, France, Britain, Belgium, Germany (Jonnie-come-latey's as they weren't a country till 1870) and Italy (lesser extent) all carved out colonial empires to exploit other countries. Grab land, minerals, cheap produce, and force expensive exports on them. 


    It was always about economy, power and money. The religious fanatics added conversion of beliefs to the agenda too. 


    Some countries, NZ, Australia, Canada, US, were changed beyond recognition and remained changed after gaining "independence" for the new settlers, not the original inhabitants. Others returned to "native" ownership.

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  3. 15 hours ago, Slip said:

    If they could be persuaded not to use choke holds against people who are already subdued and in handcuffs, that would be a start I guess.


    A choke works by cutting breathing, stopping oxygen intake. 


    Kneeling on someone's neck for nearly 9 minutes isn't a "choke hold". It's assault, unnecessary and unreasonable force likely to choke, strangle and to damage the neck through crushing. To not cause damage, it would have to be very lightly applied and carefully controlled; even then being very risky.


    Restricting breathing (choking) or strangling (blood flow) to bring somebody under control are used by military, police, security personnel, bouncers etc. But are very risky techniques that must be relaxed as soon as possible and applied carefully. Unless of course, you want to cause serious injury or death. 

  4. On 6/13/2020 at 9:54 AM, Bender Rodriguez said:

    ah so many farmer boys lied into dying for "their country"...


    UK, France, Netherlands all had many colonies (aka SLAVES) all over the world


    Germany wanted to expand, but was denied by all of the big slave owners above...


    maybe people should go protest over that


    the OWNED countries that helped above states, got a promise of independence after the war, but did Africa really get better after the slave owners were kicked out, or were they just replaced by even more corrupt local people that stole the riches from their country to put in Swiss banks in case they got ousted...


    USA made them give up the colonies in exchange for war machines, so that USA could invade them with crappy things to sell them 


    Germany wanted one big strong Europe


    and look what happens 50 years later .... fake EUROPE with every country with their own rules, labor laws, different tax systems... people at the top get golden jobs, golden parachutes, travel benefits when they don't even attend meetings, etc...


    Where did you study history - MM University?


    O K Pluto!

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  5. 16 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

    London protests: More than 100 arrests after violent clashes with police https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-53037767

    Turned up <deleted>, pissing on memorials, attacking journalists and policeman


    Strong words from Johnson and Patel. 


    Interesting report.


    See Starmer comments this week. Selective as always.


    Also not the man giving the clenched fist salute. As he's white, is that an extreme left salute or black power?



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