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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. 1 hour ago, Rookiescot said:

    Seen any of the polls from Scotland lately? No?

    The majority want another referendum and a majority say they will vote to leave.

    Thats the will of the people.

    I thought you would be very supportive of that.


    Actually I support democracy. That would mean any massive decision taken for a country is taken by it's elected government, who are elected and reimbursed to make such decisions.


    If they felt the decision was so fundamental and important in its consequences, they wanted to consult the electorate, then advisory referendum could be held. But that shouldn't excuse the elected politicians from doing their job.


    I don't support a small portion of an electorate, say about 4 or 5% demanding the right to make a decision that has serious impacts and consequences for the 100%. I don't consider that democracy. It's particular politicians manipulating certain parts of the electorate for their own political agendas. 



  2. 49 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    That's wonderful, although given Brexit has cost us near on 200 Billion so far (The Economist) it ain't gonna make much difference is it.


    The Germans realised a while back the Tory party had no intention of reaching a deal, when they sent the thick thug Frost to the table, to do the dictator of Britain -Dominic Cumming's- bidding. 


    Who would have though the electing a cowardly, talentless, utterly idle, narcissistic old Etonian serial liar, in bondage to a heartless, arrogant career psychopath, and backed by millions from Moscow, could end so badly?

    I guess we have to thank Corbyn for being the most unelectable party leader in British political history, as well.


    Can you prove your allegations that Russia are backing the current UK PM or any of his advisors?


    We'll assume it's just another fantasy then.


    The fact die hard traditional Labour areas voted Conservative should tell you all you need to know about Corbyn,

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, puipuitom said:

    Every person, who followed the real PM of teh UK, Dominic Cummins, should know, the only option is a No Deal Brexit. So be it. Donot forget to apply for your Schengen visa in time. And exchange your second house in the EU for a nice cottage in Northumberland or Cornwall ( as Wales or Scotland will not stay long together with England) 


    Yeah sure. You might find several more member states don't stay long in the EU, Euro scam.

    • Like 1
  4. 13 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    Yes the blue passports are very important and they are now here!! A shoddy result is the comment from many who have received them already. That's the problem of having them contracted to a French outfit who subbed it out to another bunch in darkest Poland with cheaper production costs, therefore a cheaper product.


    They are our fish in our waters, not European. So why is it soooo important to the EU? It's even a smaller percentage of the EU economy, so why not walk away from it, saying "Fair play, they were always the UK fish we've been stealing for years."?


    Because the French do not want to ever change their habits and their governments are actually quiet scared of all those strikes.  As for Spain, their fishermen will fish anywhere they can, catch all they can and often fish where they're not supposed to and catch what they're not allowed. Neither the French or Spannish care about fish stocks, the environment or over fishing; or territorial waters etc. They are just interested in doing what they want to do.


    For the French "it's their culture"; for the Spanish would be interesting to know who owns their fishing fleets as it's more an industrial approach.


    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, loong said:

    Maybe they should be congratulating Thailand on its geographical location.

    They could have added "Shame that you couldn't do anywhere near so well as Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam or Laos whose combined population is more than double yours, yet they have less than 1 quarter of Thailand's cases"


    A military dictatorship accused of genocide in Myanmar, a communist government in Loas, and one run by a former terrorist appointed leader turned dictator in Cambodia. 


    Yep, the answer must be totalitarianism. All those silly poor performing Western democracies. 

    • Haha 1
  6. On 6/15/2020 at 5:51 PM, fruitman said:

    Look i just wanted to get 10.000 baht....and if they print me a rate than i accept it..how should i know that this was a scamming rate which differs from the one they have on their website? Can't we even trust large banks like Krungsri in thailand? I will report this to my own bank as a scam...let them deal with Krungsri.


    How many times do you think saying you were scammed is going to convince you it wasn't that you didn't understand how the systems work, the different options open, or think about it?


    You were offered and accepted. End of.


    You should take responsibility, as we all have to, for finding out which ways of transfers are the most economical and where it's best to make the transfer from one currency to another.


    It's not any banks job to maximize your benefits.

    • Like 1
  7. 19 hours ago, keith101 said:

    I doubt a Korean war would last very long these days nor the North Korean leader . Provided Russia and China stayed out of it .


    Why would China and Russia stay out?


    Russia isn't Soviet anymore but the ambitious dictatorial Putin wants to expand Russian influence and importance. 


    China is NK's closest ally. Although dough-boy Kim is somewhat of a loose canon, his little sister may be getting ready to grab power, with Chinese backing. China likes a stable do as their told type running their satelites.


    China is pushing many boundaries at the moment. The West is reeling from Covid 19. The virus shows how vulnerable the West is to such pandemics and how poor their response and coping is. Their economies are reeling and much weaker because of it. Mass lawlessness, rioting, mixed with protests is taking place in many Western countries that would normally counter Chinese aggressive expansionism. BLM might be protesting against racism but it is also a neo-Marxist organization that wants to destroy capitalism and replace it with the so called neo-communist socialism like China, Venezuela etc, where democracy is a sham and the truth is what they government says it is.


    China, like all revolutionary totalitarian regimes wants to take advantage of chaos to further it's own interests. The Chinese government would most certainly not allow the US to simply neutralize NK. And the inept UN has become almost dominated by sham non democratic countries.


    Perhaps after all, we are really heading to the apocalypse.







  8. 15 hours ago, Susco said:


    So quarantine has nothing to do with disease control, but is just a tit-for-tat.


    Government start now showing their real colours what covid and the lock downs were about






    Yep. The French imposed a tit-for-tat quarantine on British citizens. So Spain thinks it's a good idea too.


    Really gonna go down well with their tourism people who are desperate for the British tourists.


    Nothing to do with Covid, public health safety.

    • Sad 1
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