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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. On 6/12/2020 at 4:14 PM, BritManToo said:

    I'm English, I don't want to include any Scots or Irish in my nationality.


    Ask someone to read your passport ID page and explain the bit about your nationality to you.


    It ain't PUFS - Please ur fckng self!


    Or ask them to read your avtar!

  2. 20 hours ago, Sujo said:

    To start with there is no law to say you have to respect police and they cannot arrest you for that.


    The police are duty bound to suck it up, its part of the job. If they cannot handle it then leave.


    There is also no law that says you cannot swear at police.


    The police are there to uphold justice, not to dish out justice. The 2nd officer went way overboard. 2 officers there should have handled it with de escalation and a minimum of fuss.


    Is that so in Canada?


    In the UK resisting arrest is an offense in itself. 

  3. On 6/13/2020 at 7:35 AM, bodga said:

    So no licence  plate, assuming a fighting stance, swearing, approaches a Police vehicle ( isnt that a big no-no there?), complains of  harassment.

    Always the same old excuses if what the Police say is correct and the sort of  stuff they have to endure daily often end with one of them stabbed or shot, about time  both sides of this were seen.






    Absolutely zero need for the excessive violence used by the second police officer. He charged straight in like a maniac and punched a man viciously in the face who was being held on the ground.


    No excuses.

    • Like 1
  4. 9 hours ago, rob63 said:

    Churchill was a nasty little inbred racist. His bones should be exhumed and posthumously tried for war crimes, particularly the 4 million indians he murdered. His statue is a disgrace.


    And so should Stalin, Mao, Ghandi, Idi Amin, Ghengiz Khan, Attila the Hun, All the Kings of Spain who rules through the Inquisition years; All the corrupt Popes who encouraged Catholic enslavement etc etc etc 


    Do you want "People's Courts" or will any old Kangaroo Court do yer?

    • Thanks 1
  5. 5 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    I was doing some digging on Black Lives Matter UK and it led me to Gary McFarlane in a paid for article on The Times. "Gary McFarlane, a prominent member of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP), has claimed on television to be a Black Lives Matter organiser while calling for “revolution”.


    I googled him and made my way to the SWP website and a video this week titled Black Lives Matter: From Revolt To Revolution. Gary McFarlane, Yuri Prasad and Michael Brown (BLM USA founder) on this video were discussing fundamental change through uprising, revolt and revolution.


    Maybe this is the enemy that will move in from the movement of BLM, it feels like a revolutionary movement now.




    These sort of lunatics can never win power through democratic elections. Their only hope of grabbing power is through revolutionary coups; hoping the vast majority of the people remain politically apathetic and show the usual low interest in politics.



    • Like 2
  6. 4 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

    BLM is a marxist, anti capitalist, ultra feminist and white hating exremist group, little different from the Panthers but rather more up to date with their methods. At least they have ditched raping whites as a revolutionary act that the pathers indulged in, and so far have not tortured and killed 'traitors' as they did with their own members. Yet we have the cops and whites cowed into feeling guilty for acts hundreds of years ago kneeling to these idiots bleeting black lives matter, gutless.


    I saw one Twitter report of a black State Trooper officer refusing to kneel before the BLM protesters in the US. He told them he only kneels before God!


    Interesting compared to how all those so called celebs and cranky old hypocritical politicians are behaving. Not to mention politicized FBI agents.

    • Like 1
  7. On 6/13/2020 at 5:52 AM, baansgr said:

    Fascism wins...what a sorry arsed country UK has become


    Be even more sorry a country if the loony left ever win. 


    An economy like Venezuela's and all the freedoms the East European Soviet occupied states used to enjoy. Complete with Gulags for those needing re-educating! 


    All controlled by a political and bureaucratic elite who live like lords.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Lee KY is a strong opponent of monuments especially himself. He even made clear that his home at Oxley Road should be demolished upon his passing. Nice try to defame a good man. 


    Not sure the political opponents he imprisoned, persecuted and oppressed would agree with you he was a good man.


    His family and others he enriched probably would.

  9. 6 hours ago, robblok said:

    Trump is right about not wanting to defund the police that would be stupid. He is wrong about most things but defunding the police is just stupid. You hit a lot hof honest good cops and you take away safety from people. Its not as if being a cop is a high paying easy job.


    Very true.


    But from what we see the entire US Justice system, federal, state, city, town and county all requires some massive overhauls.


    Bizarre court rulings, blatant manipulations of the law for political purposes, law breaking by those who should be enforcing the law, highly selective enforcement and application of laws etc etc.


    You are right, defunding isn't the answer and would be a welcomed by all criminals, doing much more harm than good.


    But massive reforms of a broken system are desperately needed. 

    • Sad 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Emdog said:

    You are a sad, sad, person. As pointed out earlier, the people were peacefully assembling, as were news teams (Australia, Germany) who were beaten and shot at with pepper balls and rubber bullets.  You might say "Well, maybe they were rioting night before". Not good enough.

    "Boots on the other foot" sounds like you approve of law enforcement being indistinguishable from law breakers.

    Military, along with officials, take oath to protect and defend US Constitution (which includes right to peaceable assemble to protest grievances. You could look it up). They do not take an oath similar to Nazis who swore allegiance  to Hitler. Cowardice? Please explain


    Are you saying people breaking the law are o k to do that if your agree with their reason for doing so? I hope not.


    Peaceful protest fine. Protest that involves deliberate obstruction, assault, assaulting police, vandalism, looting, thieving and destruction - not o k.


    Laws must never be applied selectively based on political agendas. They are. And that fuels division.

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