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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. 1 hour ago, George Aylesham said:

    Tragically because Stephen Lawrence's Black Life didn't Matter.


    But it elevated his sadly deluded mother to the House of Lords where she often spits spiteful anti white racist views.


    How many black lives in the UK have been lost at the hands of other black people? By far the bigger number is gang related black on black.


    The amount of money spent bringing Lawrence's killers to justice and the amount of media coverage it has and still attracts suggests your statement is utterly wrong.

  2. 17 hours ago, Crossy said:


    Why not just call it "music"?


    This whole BLM/PC business is just totally barmy.



    Because they actually want to differentiate, create clear differentiation, so they can demand "positive/affirmative discrimination".


    There may be reasons for those age/job demographics that have nothing to do with racism or discrimination.


    But now many see an opportunity to advantage people based on race and color and pretend that it's not discrimination.



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  3. 5 hours ago, colinneil said:

    So Anutin has appointed his pal Somchai to head donation probe.:cheesy:

    Well you wont find any fairer probe than that, will you.????


    Yep and the probe "commission" will report directly to their boss, who appointed them. 


    Don't want the report leaking and being "misunderstood".


    Notice the little threat to whistleblowers. Open your gobs about the wrong people and they'll be consequences, whatever the reality.

    • Like 2
  4. Some good advice on hear Sheryl. 


    Dealerships are your best option. Many rival dealerships about. Buyers market so do use your paying cash power for a good discount, plenty of freebies that they will throw in if asked. Make sure you also get a good on-going discount for servicing, replacement parts etc. You might twist their arm to get a years free full cover insurance etc too.


    IME they normally charge a deposit for the red plates which you get back when the registration is completed. The dealers will help sort that. But people here have a propensity for buying their number plates based on numbers considered auspicious or prestigious. Some can be very expensive! Depends how bothered you are.


    Finally, if it was me, I'd narrow down the makes and models and then concentrate on a few options. 


    The next Motor Show in BKK is scheduled for Mid July. I know your're located in the North. Any motor shows there? Reason I ask is you get very very good deals at motor shows. And they'll be even keener this year.

  5. 8 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I think it's somehow funny that Trump brought himself into the position that he can't make any compromises anymore - even any reasonable compromises.

    The people who still support him must be radical right, radical evangelical, stupid, greedy and selfish, or all of that. So if Trump would even consider doing something to unite the people these radicals won't like it. He can't afford to lose any voters so he won't do anything to unite the country. But by doing that he disqualifies himself for anybody who was still somewhere in the middle ground. Soon Trump will only have the radicals to support him. And there are many of them in the USA, too many, but probably not enough to guarantee another Trump victory. There is hope...


    You are assuming, and quite a big assumption, that the majority of people would support renaming military bases, removing statues etc. in response to the fervor being created by political and racial pressure groups.


    That's not a given. Rather like you assume that anyone who doesn't share your opinions and views must be stupid, greedy, selfish and radical. 


    Don't worry, with that sort of arrogant intolerance you'll fit right in with the radical extreme left.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 10 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Perhaps let the military decide.


    Celebrating the names of defeated traitors seems a bit of an odd history for the ‘victors’ to write.


    Perhaps it was considered part of the reconciliation process at the time. 


    Civil wars a somewhat different.


    Washington was a slave owner. So perhaps the US capital should be renamed - to Floydville??

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, samsensam said:


    to be honest you'd be an idiot to park in front of someone's drive. coming from the uk i can say i've never seen, or even heard of, anyone parking and blocking someone's drive. so bit of a nonsense article.


    some people, without drives,  think they have the right to the parking space on the street directly outside their house - they don't. but this happens and would have been a better topic/example for the article.


    We used to live near a pub. Constantly a problem with customers blocking our driveway. Some abusive when requested not to park there and some refused to move off. Never occurred to them the police might be interested from a drink'drive perspective. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, Scott Tracy said:

    Rule 234 of the Highway Code includes not parking in front of an entrance to a property.


    The rest of them are just jealousy, for sex noises and stupidity for the rest. Overflowing bins is an issue for collection services which seem to be getting worse year on year.


    Loud music is an environmental health issue and lays with the local council.


    Too much barbecuing is a facile comment.

     Leaving the lights on, whilst environmental unfriendly is <deleted> all to do with you....and if I want to sunbathe naked in my own back garden, stop looking in my garden, perve.


    Highway Code rules are not laws. 


    There is no right of way to an entrance onto a public road. Police will not fine or take action if someone blocks your driveway. Unless there happens to be parking restrictions already in place.

  9. 3 hours ago, robblok said:

    Yes that is stereotyping.. but is it always wrong. I mean most single guys that go to Pattaya are punters for instance. Does not mean everyone but a large portion. 


    Stereotyping might be wrong but often its based on facts. I would guess more Dutch people do drugs then people from Singapore. Its stereotyping in a way (as i know Dutch that would not touch any drugs) but overall its still valid. 




    Your example of drugs is more related to the legal differences in the two countries and attitudes. It doesn't necessarily reflect the attitudes, wishes and aspirations of the people.

  10. 14 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    So we put people in jobs they are not qualified for, but have the right skin pigmentation? Where will this end ... every Board in America must have a Ginger and a one-legged non-binary Asian?


    Watch out the forthcoming release of Snow Black and the Seven Pimps.

     Social engineering to ensure society reflects the diverse make up is one of the dreams of the left liberals. All organizations should conform to social norms dictated by the elite politicians and their appointed bureaucrats.


    The fact all attempts at states controlling people's lives, choices and thoughts doesn't deter them.


    Some countries already have laws that enforce diversity.


    All discrimination, be it racial, sexual, religious, political, etc is wrong. Their is no such thing as "positive discrimination". It's an invention of the left to facilitate their own agenda.



    • Thanks 2
  11. Well, I hope they'll be removing all the old Cowboy films in which John Wayne and his pals slaughtered all those wild savage red'skins. And put them back when they've added an appropriate message explaining it was the intolerant thieving lying cheating white capitalist politicians and wealthy people who tried to exterminate the Native Americans to thieve their land; and started the practice of scalping.


    And remove all those "blacksploitation" films of the 70's and 80's which depicted blacks as suave, sexy, super fit champions of justice. That would ruin the image of oppression and poverty.


    And the Tarzan films. How can a white man lead African animals and champion black rights?


    Schindler's List - far too sympathetic to Jews. Haven't they heard of Palestine (sarcasm alert).


    etc etc etc.


    Of course they won't. Because only Black lives matter and the focus is on black enslaved by whites over a 2-300 period. 

    A very narrow view of slavery - but that's how it is.

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