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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. Naw not set up just stupid. Hell they don't need scanners the figs will pick it up quickly
  2. Check your pillow. Does the pain lessen as the day goes on. It could be you pinched something in your sleep. Get your other half to massage your shoulder
  3. Thanks for the information everyone
  4. Some do and some don't. Most don't
  5. Simple what am I supposed to do with the helmet carry it around with me all day? How many people do you see on the BTS carrying helmets> How many people do you see carrying a helmet when they take a Motor taxi
  6. The challenge is that bikes are cheap when compared to cars. Most Thais that rides bikes probably have no idea how to drive a car. nor the desire to learn.; this is the way they were brought up and it was alright for them so it is alright for their kids. As I said earlier it is not much different than the west. Let's face it until the cops started doing seatbelt checks and it started to cost people money, points and insurance most Canadians and American s did not wear the seatbelt.
  7. Sam thanks. I agree that with the Dip bag, it should be realitivly easy but then again this is the CDN government Got all my paperwork ready and hoping they can help me. I agree they have always been helpful. Worst case I see if possible border bounce.
  8. This is an Asian thing. They have been doing it so long that they just do it. TYo them helmets are strnge as well as seatbelts. consider that in the west we really did not start wearing helmets until they were made mandatory and people got fined. I agree law enforcement is the way. The simple solution is to start at the schools. During saily routine it is simple. Set up check points that not only stop them and fine them but confiscate the bike until they return with a bill of sale for a helmet and the helmet. That or make a deal with a helmet company to set up at the check point and sell the helmets. If you can not pay then you lose the bike. At the schools start taking the bikes away from the kids if they are not wearing helmets and if there are more than 3 on the bike then stop them for that also.
  9. I can do the paperwork and everything at the embassy. it is the time crunch. My passport expires almost the same day as my extension LOL That is what gave me the BAD idea of doing it all at once.
  10. Yeah that is what Yeah that is what I was thinking but will I be able to extednd retirment visa is my worry as I will not have my old one I can take pictures of it of course and possibly get the Embassy to certify them if they will. I know we have a lot of real experts here so hoping someone has seen this before and can advise
  11. Your survey left one area out. I never wear a helmet when on a motorcycle, BUT the only time I am on a bike is as a passenger for a motorcycle taxi doing short trips.
  12. Hi I need some advice from the experts. My passport expires around the same time as my visa extension so I tried to do the whole thing at once. Now, Canada Post is on strike, and I am not sure I will get my new passport on time. I am hoping someone can give me advice by extension, which is due -7 Jan. Also, remember that in order to get my new passport, I have to give them my current one. Yes I know I am an idiot no need to flame me.
  13. Add the polltutin and garbage that will also come with them. most people do not care about teh place they are visiting it is the theme and to say they saw it. MAYA BAY STILL HAS TO RANK #1 on tourism foul ups.
  14. I know it may sound funny but to me there are 3 ways to handle it. Leave it wild west like they are now where anyone can sell anything (do you really know what is in the package you buy on the street) Ban it completely Say good bye to a lot of tourism money Regulate it and sell it in locations that the government can control. The best place to sell it is probably in the registered Mary Jane shops. Selling it in the MOM and POP locations or selling it in CP stores has minimal control. Selling it in the Marijuana shops is more controllable because you can close them down if they screw up.
  15. The challenge is not to raise the price but to either legalize it and restrict access (ala cigarettes) or to leave it. The amount of stuff (not sure of quality) that ia avail on the street is rediculous. I would hate to think what would happen if RTP actually enforced laws. Hell NANA would be a ghost town. If the government were to legalize vaping and restrict its sales to shops that also sell cigarettes, it would be easier to regulate. This would be a more effective approach than allowing numerous stalls to sell these products to tourists. Regulation is key to managing this issue, and it's time for the government to take a proactive stance. It is because of Tourists that I think you can not make it illegal. There are too many tourists that vape, so they have to have access, or they will not come here. So you either move sales to CP and mom and pop with regulations or you let the legal POT shops sell it. That is probably the best idea.
  16. Come to Kraft bar near cowboy Monday at 630 many experts will give you all sorts of advice. Satoshi group
  17. Have you not run out of cheese yet I hear a lot of whine. Consider that medicaid is being abused to aid illegals and people that snuck into the country. How about this idea I know it's crazy. Let trump get in and actually have power instead of whining about what you think he will do.
  18. If he doesn't resign and call an election there's going to be trouble
  19. How do you think Mom and dad feel bet they look at this with pride. Also have to wonder about the quality of their friends
  20. 15 minutes no appointment in Pathum Thani From what I read here anyone that goes to Pats or CW without an appointment and eh papers ready is asking for trouble lol
  21. She willo remind you at some point that she is losing about 1k not working. Her friend is interesting did she specify if friend was male or female, If she is young then I wuld suggest that she is looking for boyfriend/husband LOL She may think you are it. A ot will depend on what you do and where you party would highly suggest getting a hotel room and not going home.
  22. Instead of touting her marriage she could have touted the miltary and aid that she has sent. OOPS has she sent it? Remember her and daddy made a point of visiting hte north PT strongholds. Once you set the precedence you have to follow up.
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