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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. The challenge is the lifestyle. When I came here in 97 the wife could not find any clothes as she was a size 12. Now shops are all over. The challenge is a mixture of fast food, coffee, and a sedentary lifestyle. also there is a huge amount of sitting on their assets. Villages outside the cities are immune because they don't have the shops, and people have to work. I agree that young people seem to be trying to get into the gyms, but many of the gyms have expats using the equipment. It is a shame but if you think the beautiful Thai ladies are going to disappear you are wrong there are just too many.
  2. Sorry to argue but they are brown-skinned LOLI understand that black woman is the colloquial but to ,e they are brown skinned While both are considered dark colors, "black" is completely devoid of color and reflects no light, while "dark brown" still contains a hint of warmth and a slightly reddish hue, making it less saturated and appearing less intensely dark compared to true black; essentially, black is the darkest possible color, and dark brown is a shade of brown that is very close to black but not quite as dark. However the 3 you showed would definitely be fun and enjoyable too bad they aren't on the street lOL
  3. John Wayne Clint eastwood any of their movies
  4. I lived in Pakistan, where everything is fresh without preservatives. Imagine butcher selling meet on sid or road. It was explained to me by my driver that that is why there is so much spice in Pakistani meatsd when cooked.
  5. Last time I checked STARBUCKS was a coffee shop that served coffee and had cakes and treats for people toeat withtheir coffee. No one I know goes there just to eat the food. YOu can not compare STARBUCKS to a restaurant as they are 2 different service routes. Micorwaving a mass produced item is the not same as cooking it.
  6. Aw but is she black most I see around are dark brown Never really seen a black woman
  7. Some one who has engaged little head and told big head t go to sleep.
  8. Naw a true coyote monring is ehn you wake up with her head on your arm and think about gnawing your arm off so you can get away before she wakes up. But for that you have to either be in a hotel room not yours or her room lol and yes I know this from experience YOung soldier losts of hormones lots f beer lack of true vision at closing time
  9. Was this anfan page for a person performing or was it a rent pornography. I am confused. Most of the only fan stuff is just ladies posting for private views not any worse than being a coconut girl
  10. https://web.facebook.com/FlamencoBKK/?_rdc=1&_rdr
  11. Did you not know that being a coconut girl is a protected skill.
  12. I tend to stay with the same restaurants unless the service decreases. Mostly in NANA I go to VIVA for dinner. Food is good. For a fancy meal I go to RR&rib at the landmark. It is good and the ambience is great. I stay away from hotel restaurants because they usually are not that great. My idea is to stay away from 5 star hotels as they tend to be smaller and more expensive would rather stay at 3 star and get a good meal.
  13. But some people reach a stage where they need medical assistance in the form of meds. You also need to have the 3 month blood AIAC test. Yes itis possible but it is so much simpler and not that expensive to pop in see a doctor and get advice.
  14. I will state for the record that I have never gone to bed with a coyote but have in my time woken up with a few. Simply because
  15. Naw, the foreign Hookas will still be on the streets looking for you,handsum man. https://www.thaiexaminer.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/thailand-east-african-prostitutes-scots-man-human-trafficking-big-daddy-thai-australian-police-pattaya.jpg oops sorry wrong hooka
  16. Because it is an easy way to up the value and amount that the horny lady will have to pay. A 200 baht table does nothing to the repair bill but raising the value gets more money with the WAI
  17. Perpare for sharp price increase in supplies in NANA
  18. The only issue is that most seniors can not afford a fancy smart phone nor how to operate it. In order for them to get the 10 K they have to spend 7 k on a phone \ I am I missing something here.
  19. When is Mr Panaprai Sukcharoen a farang name? LOL scoopy thinks they are qualified to ride a big bike. Just like a lot of guys in the west that buy the big crotch rockets strap themselves in and think they are pro racers.
  20. Seemingly low wages is based on cost of living. All you need to do is look at LALA land, where a Big Mac combo is 18 dollars with a wage of 20 an hour. Also, Thailand has lost much of its factory work to other countries, just as nothing is made in the U.S. anymore due to pricing. Made in Thailand has been replaced in many cases with made in China, simply because of wages.
  21. Hey for a fun time I would not kick her out of bed Not sure she would be long term appropriate LOL But with all that energy she might be a good ride.
  22. That may be the issue they have to be salaried or it will not work.
  23. The meters serve a purpose; they tell you whether your sugar is high or low. BUT you still have to have the knowledge and facts as well in the beginning the guidance to understand what is causing it and how to remedy the situation. The thermometer may tell me it is 45 degrees in the room but if I don't know how to get it cooler there thermometer means nothing.
  24. Most 5-star restaurants are like that. If it is different from most then I will admit I am wrong but people will have to tel me.
  25. They weren't shagging until the detectives here on AN see the video LOL Wearing a dress like that, I am sure that shagging was in the plan for her. I have seen worse looking, and if she dresses like that and is as adventurous, it might be fun. You can bet that 2000 baht table just went up to 200,000 baht lol
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