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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. The funny thing is that if you look at the election they just held in Pakistan the same thing is happening. Change is coming, but it is going to be so slow. None of us will live to see it. Movie theaters to me are an interesting view into the country. 6 years ago, if you did not stand when the clip came on, everyone looked at you. Now if you stand, everyone looks at you.
  2. Personally, I would never buy a computer online. there are just too many issues. The first one is what happens if there is a problem. Is it what is adveertised. I agree with other posters. Go look at them, and If you go to a shop, you might get a lower price or price that is just as good, and you also have a place to take it if there is an issue.
  3. It is going to make for a very interesting time in the future. If any of the Shin's get involved in the government or next election. You can be guaranteed that the military parties voters and the PTP supporters will be reminded of this. But then again TIT
  4. Perhaps the Republicans got fed up with the Dem government and the way the city is and went to Texas or Florida like a lot of other people. NY is a Dem state, pure and simple. Rudy got in and made a lot of difference as Mayor.
  5. Sure they can ask. Then I would either go and look or have a team that is trained look and evaluate. Then I might change the offer. The other thing that I am sure banks look at is how much of his business they can get.
  6. I make the assumption that it is more than a few baht. As to the cost of a lawyer, you are right, but my point is that the OP and the MGMT are not going to be able to hold a conversation. It sounds like there is a war brewing. Having a lawyer or someone of authority talk might resolve it quickly.
  7. If he is in the high range then seeing a specialist and getting retested will reolve if there is an issue. It does not hurt to find out things about your diet or lifestyle that may be a cause. That way, the OP knows what may be a problem in the future. Preventative medicine is always better.
  8. It is interesting that he has to be in the hospital because he is so sick, BUT once he gets parole and can go home, he will be fit enough to get out of the hospital.
  9. The only difference between buying houses and large land developers are the size of the loan, and the amount of checking that banks go through. The banks do due diligence and are supposed to check the information. Although it is not the same, look at the RE mortgage crash 2008. That was caused by banks not doing their true diligence and making sure that people that got the mortgages could actually afford them. It was also due to the banks not confirming the value of properties that 1 day were worth 100K and then 2 weeks later were valued at 200K. The banking world has been doing this crap for as long as they have given loans. Should they not be also responsible if they misvalue a loan? How many Bank managers or people went to jail because they did not do their due diligence? TRUMP overvalued property, so what? If you walk into the bank and tell them that your house is valued at 5 mills, is it going to believe you? No, they are going to check it out. [
  10. You really need to look at things and history. There is a huge difference between someone who got money from their dad and blew it and someone who got a little money from his dad and then built a huge property network and holding throughout the world. TRUMP did everything IAW to the practices at the time. No one held a gun to the bank's head to lend him the money. The banks looked at the name ont he paper and the fact that they wanted to be a part of what he was doing. Could they have argued and lowered the appraisals yes. The fallout is going to be huge in the U.S. Everyone now will be libel for some government person to look at what they did Legally 10 years ago and say nope. We are going to sue you because you made money. Do you really think that Amazon and Microsoft did everything completely by the book? There is no chance they took legal shortcuts. But now Bezos AND ALL THE PROPERTY DEVELOPERS IN NY state will be looking at who is next. Just imagine if California realizes that they can do this and make back the money that will help with their budget. Although it is TRUMP that they did this to there really is nothing to stop them from hitting any large developer.
  11. Many people play pool with money on the line. Gio into a bar, and usually it is loser buys LOL. Yes, it can be played for fun. No itr should not be on the list. The funny thing has anyone been to a Muay Thai fight lately. Lots of money won and lost there. Look at the big TICKET ITEMS the government is working on. Getting Taylor Swift to perform in Thailand. Eradicating PM2.5 with a study Lowering BTS fairs on new lines. making Marijuana illegal again. Making Songkran a 21 day festival. The issue is that they can do nothing of any consequence because they do not have the power so they are doing things to look good.
  12. Have you ever owned property. I can tellyou from experience that when you buy propetrty and are using a different property as collateral there is almost always a difference between what you think and the bank does. Also, no one holds a gun to the bank's head. The bank looks at what is provided and balances that with whether they want to agree and or do business with a person. As others have stated this is going to cause almost all commercial property owners to get the hell out of NY state. They all do it. THe banks all do it. I am willing to guarantee that a lot of business is going to leave NY state and that this is gong to go to the supreme court. This is a Dem gtovernor and DEM AG that wanted to make a name for themselves with a DEM judge. Hell the judge under valued the properties that he owns
  13. You really did not read what I said. I did not say to take legal action or to sue or anything. What I said was to get a lawyer to represent him and give him advice. From what op says, he has probably burnt all the goodwill he had. Having a different person talking to the management will be able to get a reasonable resolution that might actually be a reasonable settlement. Op is not going to talk to nagement and get an agreement. They both have their backs up.
  14. Did you get the test done at a big hospital or at a government hospital? The reason I ask is that if it was me, I would be asking the doctor to see a dietician or specialist who can recommend treatment and diet choices. The last place I would be looking for medical assistance is here. Some people may have ideas, but last time I checked, there were not a whole lot of registered doctors here.
  15. Talk to a lawyer. Make sure legal right also a lawyer might be able to resolve this easier. Let's face it you and management have too much history
  16. Making friends in Thailand is no different than making friends anywhere else. You use the same rules that you would use at home. Would you lend a friend any large sums of money . If your friend got obnoxious would you still hang around with him. If he was a drunk would you stick with him> The same standards apply here.
  17. This does not work as he has already paid for the phone and would lose the money he paid. depending on how much you llike running around option 1 is probably the cheapest BUT If you are planning to leave for awhile I would do the broker before you leave so that they do not lose your phone.
  18. The problem is that a lot of kids think that V Day means losing your V card, and no one has taught kids about Birth control, condoms, safe sex, or birth control pills. BUT the big problem is STD's because Thai boys like to play with lots of Thai gilrs and no one needs condomns because the thai boy really loves her. translation V day Valentines V card virginity Ventibes is the Thai version of The end of time is about one week in length here
  19. Why do people think they can will a war of words let alone a physical war with Bar staff. Bottom line they did not want him parking there OK either find another spot or another bar.
  20. But would voting for a senile old man that can not remember who he is or who he talks to let alone being able to walk up stairs. I think that if it is between the 2 TRUMP will have more that he can talk about doing that was a success over Joe I talk to ghosts) Biden. This could be the same as TRUMP HILLARY, which one is going to do the least damage. Also, which one has the most competent Vice? Let's face it not many people are looking forward to President Kamala. As to life here I really do not see any change to life for expats.
  21. Also, the dollar is not the be-all anymore. It would not surprise me to see Thailand formally join the BRIC. The American debt situation, I think, has a lot of people worried. Then there is the election; people in the rest of the world are not sure who would be worse. Grandpa that can't remember who he is or where he is or TRUMP. For China, Russia and the ME it is TRUMP with his drill baby drill attitude that will hurt imports of oil. The U.S. used to be the land of opportunity, and for many, it still is if you get in illegally.
  22. The funny thing is that the government has mandated that you can not use it for debt. only things you buy at TOPS or 711
  23. LOL you have to be kidding RIGHT. Cancelling loans is the worst thing. All Thais will do is turn around and get deeper in debt and hope that the next government will bail them out. THAIS, like most people, needs to be educated about money, Good Debt, and bad Debt. They need to learn to live within their means. Even raising the minimum wage will not solve it. They will just blow the extra money. It's the same thing if they buy out the loan sharks. The people will still go to them for funds. Nothing the government does or will do is going to help except maybe changing the rules on student debt, but even that is a crap shoot. Car and house leases and sales should be regulated and if a person does not have the money t hen don't sellt hem the Benz
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