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Everything posted by MrMuddle

  1. That's what they said about Nixon, Trump, George Dubya Bush, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss...in their countries! Need I go on? lol
  2. You might be asian at heart, but your brain is from a planet somewhere in the 1930s! Absolute unqualified rubbish from start to finish. Did you write this while propped up on a barstool?
  3. It's STILL going on in Leicester. Now they're "protesting against the disorder". They do this by trying to break through the Police barrier! These public disturbances have been going on for three weeks, supposedly over a cricket match that happened in a foreign country. These people have no respect for the country they live in, or the rights of the majority who live there. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-leicestershire-62946146
  4. Britain should bring back hanging. A fiver for a bit of rope from B&Q, and I'd do the job for free!
  5. They should send in armed troops, and gun the lot of them down.
  6. Definitely has been blood on the streets, which would have been much worse, if the Police hadn't intervened. This has been going on since the 28th August, over a cricket match between Pakistan and India. They should check the immigration status of this lot, and send back any that aren't fully documented with the right to be permanently in the UK. Absolutely no respect for the mourning the real citizens of the country are undergoing at this time, disgraceful behaviour, but not unexpected, given the perpetrators. Laughable comments from an MP who was convicted of harassing a woman who had an affair with her boyfriend, and refuses to give up her job! Hardly the example for a peaceful solution. So Enoch Powell was right, the evidence is there for all to see. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-leicestershire-62943952
  7. I've got an extremely large fridge. Size does matter....
  8. I'll be getting my booster next month, as I'm in the at risk group. Still be wearing a mask too, when I leave the house.
  9. Which is why it's sensible to prohibit sales to under 20s and pregnant / breast feeding women. It's always better to be cautious over these matters, however I have yet to see any real hard evidence of the majority of claims made against Cannabis, apart from scaremongering by people who should know better. It would be interesting to see a study of alcohol use in adolescents, to see the effect on their brains. I first used Cannabis at age 14, qnd have found no impairment in any of the functions mentioned, indeed I often remember things from both many years ago, and recently, much better than people I know who have never used Cannabis. I also had no problem learning many new activities, both mental and physical, over the years.
  10. Absolutely ridiculous! They're STILL claiming Marijuana is addictive, that's been disproven for decades. "Approximately 1 in 10 people who use marijuana will become addicted. When they start before age 18, the rate of addiction rises to 1 in 6." The other claims made are just as laughable. "Athletic Performance: Research shows that marijuana affects timing, movement, and coordination, which can harm athletic performance." I'm almost 70 and run 10 kms every morning in under 52 minutes. I have started using cannabis here since it became legal, and my running times have improved! "Daily life: Using marijuana can affect performance and how well people do in life. Research shows that people who use marijuana are more likely to have relationship problems, worse educational outcomes, lower career achievement, and reduced life satisfaction." As I stated elsewhere in this forum, I held down a highly responsible job, brought up a family, and also studied at University, gaining a first class Honours degree, in my forties, all while using Cannabis regularly. I'm also one of the happiest people one could wish to meet, even more so, since June! Love this get out from your so called experts: "Mental health: Studies link marijuana use to depression, anxiety, suicide planning, and psychotic episodes. It is not known, however, if marijuana use is the cause of these conditions." So there is NO evidence at all, then!! It seems to me that people such as yourself simply don't want others to have any prospect of happiness, or fun in their lives. The claims made by this organisation, haven't changed since the 1930s, when the "Reefer madness" BS was introduced. I find it amazing that a drug such as alcohol, which does far more damage both at the personal and societal levels, is ignored by people such as yourself. One has to wonder why that is. Apologies for the font size and bold print etc, I tried to reduce it, after using quotes from the article in Robert's link, but couldn't change it, my apologies.
  11. My team? Rangers? I would have thought that was self evident.
  12. Have you tried the ISIS anti-dandruff shampoo? I believe it's called 'Shoulders".
  13. Totally agree! I left my teeth in a glass of the stuff overnight, and now I'm smiling like a Bee Gee all of the time!
  14. There are plenty of recipes available, if your good lady fancies trying a few Cannabis cakes, or the like!
  15. Anutin's Party will get the vast majority of votes in the village I live in, if the amount of Cannabis plants being grown here is anything to go by. It used to staunchly pro-Thaksin, but he's now become yesterday's man. Can't understand the Democrats position, perhaps their chums didn't get in early enough to maximise profits from the legalisation?
  16. My Thai wife was racially abused twice in the ten years she lived in England. One of the main reasons we moved here. I must say though that in my experience, Muslims do nothing to integrate into British society, and many areas, including where I grew up, are no go areas for white folks.
  17. I'm Scottish, so I'm well impressed by that! lol We spend 25k in a bad month, my (Thai) wife's even tighter than me!
  18. Not everything is US based. Possibly coming from Amsterdam, Portugal, Uruguay and other countries, where it's legal. I have a neighbour growing it by the side of the main road through our village. I don't know anyone in our village who isn't growing Cannabis, including the Mayor and Headman, (his elderly Mum is the village expert). If the Democrat Party are now coming out against legalisation, they are going to lose a heck of a lot of votes!
  19. Praising a convicted heroin dealer, says it all, really.
  20. I actually went just before my Birthday, so that's even more confusing! lol
  21. Who will get the bigger fine from those plonkers at UEFA? Eintracht for their alleged racist behaviour, or Rangers for rightfully showing respect to the Queen? https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/62907429 https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/rangers-national-anthem-uefa-queen-27993259
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