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Everything posted by MrMuddle

  1. My licences have all been with a Non-Imm "O" visa, the first one lasted for one year, my second one lasted for 10 years, and my latest one is for 6 years!
  2. Thanks also to Bday Prang, for all of his advice and useful tips, who I should have included in the above post! Ran off my feet today!
  3. Here's the ones my wife has grown, two are from her Niece, and the others are from the local market. These photos are a few weeks old, plant 4 is now 9 feet high and starting to flower. The others are 6 to 8 feet high, and we're watching them carefully, to see what sex they are. We've used the fertiliser as recommended by BritManToo, and we use a pH meter everyday when feeding or watering them. We've had more rain this year, than I can remember in over 20 years, so that may have helped, too
  4. Thanks for the helpful advice, much appreciated.
  5. Thank you Government of Thailand, for the dignified respect shown for the passing of our Monarch. Shame that some of the other posters in this topic can't reciprocate in kind.
  6. This is the PrikPot idea, 24 bags for 2995 Baht. First link product, second link how to use https://prikpot.com/product/dip-trip-cannabis-pouches/?omnisendContactID=62cfe4fcc027de001b9b4a2d&utm_campaign=campaign%3A+Dip+Trip+Launch+Email+(6318149a97ca19001ce33390)&utm_medium=email&utm_source=omnisend https://drive.google.com/file/d/17SDIvG7gGxMHFXNX5I9IlPNZFaKsNSuB/view?omnisendContactID=62cfe4fcc027de001b9b4a2d
  7. There's always someone wants to drag the conversation over to bar girls....
  8. I'm new to growing, is it normal to pinch the top of the plants more than once?
  9. Never had a problem enforcing seat belt wearing in my car here. If passengers won't wear a belt, then I don't take them anywhere. Really simple.
  10. Another pathetic keyboard warrior who tries his best to wind others up. You must have a very small deleted....
  11. Powell was wrong in that he used "the black man" as an example, in fact it is muslims who have become the problem in Britain. They groom young vulnerable white girls, then give them drink and drugs before many muslim men abuse them. This is documented fact, though the BBC, and the politicians, particularly the Labour Party, seem to want to keep it quiet. Perhaps Labour are afraid that if they confront the problem, then they will lose the muslim vote. There has been several documentaries made about this problem, put "the rochdale grooming scandal" into the search bar on Youtube, there are plenty of examples there. This abuse has been going on in towns in England for decades, yet very little is done to stop it, indeed when a Labour MP tried to raise this, she was accused of racism, which is of course ridiculous, as muslims come in all colours. What is noticable is that the majority of these grooming gangs are of pakistani or bangla deshi origin, with very few white participants, (see the attached photo of convicted child grooming gangs).
  12. If all you're going to do is offer deflections, you can join the ignore list.
  13. We've renewed two ATM cards recently, Kasikorn Bank cost 200 baht, and TMB was free!
  14. Got to agree with you 100% on this. Modern day snowflake journalism, particularly in the UK is cringeworthy, in the extreme. Clickbait culture rules, OK.
  15. I honestly hoped this section of the forum would be much better than it has turned out to be.
  16. Actually I'm not, and why would I care what you think, you're nothing to me.
  17. I saw that written on a road sign, on one of the roads leading to the town, many years ago.
  18. So you can't prove your wild claims and now resort to deflection? I don't think so. Can't be bothered with trolls, life's too short.
  19. When you're asked for evidence to support a frankly ridiculous claim, it is normal to provide links to qualified people or organisations who can give your claim providence. Your self-diagnosis does NOT count as evidence. Next...
  20. As I said in another topic, I'm really sorry for his Thai wife. The poor woman is expecting to be able to live comfortably in Thailand with this bozo, while he seems intent on getting himself blacklisted.
  21. Apologies for the premature congratulations! ????
  22. Thankfully Mark 1066 (is that the year he's living in?), is on my ignore list so I only have to read his ridiculous assertions second-hand, as it were. I smoked Cannabis from age 14, and I'm now in my late 60s. I still use it, but stopped smoking many years ago. I run 10 miles on my treadmill every morning, can do push ups on my knuckles, have played semi professional football, and been an regional Kung <deleted> champion. In my 40s, I studied for "A" levels while working and keeping a family, and then went part time to University, (again while holding down a job) and achieved a first class honours degree. I did all of this while using Cannabis. So much for the adverse mental and physical health problems associated with Cannabis! I should point out I stopped using Cannabis when I moved here a couple of decades ago, as it was illegal here. I started again when it was legalised through choice, as I enjoy using it to listen to music. I had absolutely no withdrawal symptoms or dependency reaction when I stopped.
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