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Everything posted by MrMuddle

  1. I saw that written on a road sign, on one of the roads leading to the town, many years ago.
  2. So you can't prove your wild claims and now resort to deflection? I don't think so. Can't be bothered with trolls, life's too short.
  3. When you're asked for evidence to support a frankly ridiculous claim, it is normal to provide links to qualified people or organisations who can give your claim providence. Your self-diagnosis does NOT count as evidence. Next...
  4. As I said in another topic, I'm really sorry for his Thai wife. The poor woman is expecting to be able to live comfortably in Thailand with this bozo, while he seems intent on getting himself blacklisted.
  5. Apologies for the premature congratulations! ????
  6. Thankfully Mark 1066 (is that the year he's living in?), is on my ignore list so I only have to read his ridiculous assertions second-hand, as it were. I smoked Cannabis from age 14, and I'm now in my late 60s. I still use it, but stopped smoking many years ago. I run 10 miles on my treadmill every morning, can do push ups on my knuckles, have played semi professional football, and been an regional Kung <deleted> champion. In my 40s, I studied for "A" levels while working and keeping a family, and then went part time to University, (again while holding down a job) and achieved a first class honours degree. I did all of this while using Cannabis. So much for the adverse mental and physical health problems associated with Cannabis! I should point out I stopped using Cannabis when I moved here a couple of decades ago, as it was illegal here. I started again when it was legalised through choice, as I enjoy using it to listen to music. I had absolutely no withdrawal symptoms or dependency reaction when I stopped.
  7. The doom mongers in this forum don't help either, spreading falsehoods and innaccurate rumours.
  8. No cuts. Is this the two brick method?
  9. So the problem is more likely the alcohol, then. No surprises there!
  10. Evidence to support your ridiculous claim?
  11. I was about to write much the same. I feel sorry for her too. This fella must be crazy!
  12. Can't believe three of us beat the all time weekly points record, in the same week!
  13. The fall is not in a single day, as your headlines suggests, but over the month of August. Don't panic, Captain Mainwaring!
  14. There's a women only section in this forum run by Sheryl. Scroll down the list of topics on the Asean Now forum page until you get to "private". Send a personal message to Sheryl to join. Hopefully you'll find some nice ladies that are near to where you live, in there.
  15. I used compost from the local garden centre, and this fertiliser recommended by Brit man too, for the leaf growing stage. The plants are 9 feet high, after just over 2 months growing.
  16. It's the same sort of "fact" that Cannabis is highly addictive, and causes all kinds of problems in society. Don't know why but hardened drinkers hate the fact that others can have more pleasure in life, using something that does far less damage, to both the person and society in general, than their drug of choice, alcohol. Another one for the "ignore" list. Life is too short, and way too much fun, to be wasting time on this sort of person.
  17. Before you go ensure what the requirements are for when you return to Thailand. The admins in the AN visa section will keep you right. You don't want any unpleasant surprises when you come back here, such as medical insurance requirements, or Covid forms, and ensure you have an up to date Re-Entry stamp in your Passport. If it's just a flight, so your wife can say she's been in a plane, then you can always fly within Thailand, and yes I did see the not in Thailand part of the OP. Good luck!
  18. Sniff before you buy. Can't see that going down too well with the bar girls...
  19. Yeah, we've all been to Pattaya, mate....
  20. First post in this section? Couldn't think of anything positive? Perhaps this part of the forum isn't for you.
  21. I used to do 3 skin cones, wiht a card roach, when I used to smoke. But I used to hang out with Jamaicans.
  22. Link to her site please, or pm if not allowed, thank you.
  23. I believe that if you are in the UK, you can pay extra to speed up the process of getting a new passport. Problem is, you'd have to go back first. Good luck!
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