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Everything posted by MrMuddle

  1. Because some parents follow various religions that don't practice or allow such things as birth control, and kids end up getting pregnant, or contract sexual diseases through ignorance. Plus some folks just aren't comfortable talking about these things with their kids.
  2. Thanks for the replies, much appreciated. The local village gossip has been spreading it around that only 2 plants are allowed, she "heard it on the radio". Some folks in our little village seem to be quite worried, I'll pass the good news on.
  3. Some debate in our village as to whether 2 or 6 are allowed, legally.
  4. I'll take your word for it - I was only a boy!
  5. Greed ? Perhaps you should post your political views in another section of the forum, getting way off topic here. ????
  6. Greed? Getting off topic here. Perhaps you should post elsewhere in the forum. ????
  7. They did, in the Cuba missile crisis of 1962. Probably the closest the world came to nuclear war. The Russians backed down, in the end. Don't forget Russia had already annexed Crimea a few years ago.
  8. Marry my wife. I'm Scottish and she makes me look like a spendthrift!
  9. Please stop spying on me, thank you!
  10. Is it legal to import them from abroad?
  11. Link please? Thanks
  12. Because I already have a TOT line. I'm not interested in skype or any other company's offers. I want to make cheaper calls using TOT, how hard is that to understand?
  13. If they taxed whining on this site, they'd make a fortune! lol
  14. Perhaps you missed my first post : " Please note I do not want advice on where calls are cheaper,with other companies/ or special offers etc, thank you"
  15. I couldn't get through to Canada or the UK, using any of the prefix numbers from 001 to 009 (dialled before the Country number). I got the engaed signal on every number from both Countries.
  16. Thanks for all replies. Tried all the 00 numbers from 001 to 009, nothing worked. Have to wait until Monday when the local office opens. Other options not really viable, thanks.
  17. it's also deafening when groups of Muslims in Britain, abuse English children.
  18. Thanks any idea of the cost per minute? I tend to talk a long time with my brother, in Canada!
  19. Been trying 009, which has always worked before, but get engaed tones all the time. tried call centre but it takes forever for them to answer. Thanks for any help. Please note I do not want advice on where calls are cheaper,with other companies/ or special offers etc, thank you
  20. Link please. Has anyone any links for buying from Lazada? It's much easier to use, in my opinion. Thank you.
  21. Plus if you grow your own, you know for a fact it hasn't been polluted with all kinds of nasty chemicals!
  22. Have to agree with you! KhunLA kindly pointed out to me that Shopee & Lazada's search engines, leave a lot to be desired, to put it very politely! Perhaps it would be a good idea for posters in this section, to supply links where possible, in order to help other posters? Hopefully this is not against the main forum rules.
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